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Spacker-12 to become 2-handed
2 shot burst is probably a bad idea with spacker because the first shot will just make the dude fly across the room and avoid the 2nd shot
I don't really like having the spacker in traitor rotation. I really only put it back in there to showcase the knockback effect. It should be two handed and limited to Nuke.
For treason I'm strongly considering replacing it with a sawn-off, two shots per load, with a toggle for firing one or both barrels. Could even make it allow separate shell types for both barrels.
Yes, hell yes
So does this mean we will get a syndie nuke class that uses the spacker with different types of ammo?(no rubber bullets though because why would syndies use rubber bullets)
An assortment of ammo would probably be fun for nukes. A couple reloads of buckshot and a handful of assorted speciality ammo for style and strategy. Though that probably fits the grenade launcher better. Or both, idk. I like heavy weapons and squad tactics in Nuke, traitor weapons shouldn't feel like that. Especially not with low pop. I had tried to balance the lethality of the spacker by making it loud as hell and very attention getting, but that hasn't really worked. Especially not on low pop.
Add more guns to the game so traitors actually have a wide selection.
I bought the spacker once as a traitor janitor on Atlas. I also bought a trashcompactor. I killed/meatcubed so many that the shuttle was called due to everyone being dead.
First person I've heard of who got any real use out of the compactor
Ultimately besides the fun possibility of just outright replacing the spacker with twin-barrels of frontier justice, ill disagree with making it 2 handed for a few reasons.

1 - The riot shotgun is publicly available. There's always a minimum of three riot shotguns, four if you count the bartender, and five or more if you also count the fact that they can be rolled in secure safes as loot.

2 - the fact that it would be an utter joke of a weapon compared to the .357 revolver, or even the detectives .38 AP ammo boxes pound for pound, the revolver inflicts roughly the same amount of damage that buckshot does has a similar ammo count, and unlike the Spacker, I can pick up two of them, or have the freedom for another 6TC worth of items, rather than four. The revolver is also far far more reliable at killing targets, since it doesnt knock down, negating its miss chance entirely. A 2 handed spacker can also always be disarmed, while a revolver, I can just swap hands with.

3 - The tranquilizer rifle, hunting rifle and AK-744 are awful examples to use for a reason, those weapons are exceedingly more powerful than the spacker or revolver is, and are exclusively treasure items, or supply crate locked. Only rivaled by the derringer in raw point blank power, but with far less damage dropoff.
The tranq rifle *was* actually one handed until I brought up that you could load .304 winchester rounds in it aswell.
(04-02-2019, 06:34 PM)Daniella Wrote: Ultimately besides the fun possibility of just outright replacing the spacker with twin-barrels of frontier justice, ill disagree with making it 2 handed for a few reasons.

1 - The riot shotgun is publicly available. There's always a minimum of three riot shotguns, four if you count the bartender, and five or more if you also count the fact that they can be rolled in secure safes as loot.

2 - the fact that it would be an utter joke of a weapon compared to the .357 revolver, or even the detectives .38 AP ammo boxes pound for pound, the revolver inflicts roughly the same amount of damage that buckshot does has a similar ammo count, and unlike the Spacker, I can pick up two of them, or have the freedom for another 6TC worth of items, rather than four. The revolver is also far far more reliable at killing targets, since it doesnt knock down, negating its miss chance entirely. A 2 handed spacker can also always be disarmed, while a revolver, I can just swap hands with.

3 - The tranquilizer rifle, hunting rifle and AK-744 are awful examples to use for a reason, those weapons are exceedingly more powerful than the spacker or revolver is, and are exclusively treasure items, or supply crate locked. Only rivaled by the derringer in raw point blank power, but with far less damage dropoff.
The tranq rifle *was* actually one handed until I brought up that you could load .304 winchester rounds in it aswell.
I never thought about any of that. You are 100% right that the revolver is straight up a better choice than the spacker AND YOU CAN BUY TWO OF THEM.
Also you can dual wield revolvers i'm a cowboy baby
(04-03-2019, 02:45 PM)Berrik Wrote: Also you can dual wield revolvers i'm a cowboy baby

Presumably, we could duel wield these sawn offs though, right?
I dual wielded spackers on that atlas round because I killed a traitor that had their PDA unlocked and bought another spacker. It was buggy funny enough. I guess no one has really dual wielded spackers much
(04-03-2019, 03:20 PM)Frank_Stein Wrote:
(04-03-2019, 02:45 PM)Berrik Wrote: Also you can dual wield revolvers i'm a cowboy baby

Presumably, we could duel wield these sawn offs though, right?

I would be 100% down with either the ability to fire both barrels simultaneously, or dual wielding sawn offs for sure in exchange for the spacker being a nuke-ops only item.
Flare guns already simulate it to the same effect so, I cant see it being more imbalanced than options already in the game.

Honestly it could also spawn a rather fun CQC specialist nuke ops class that spawns with a spacker with special ammo types as well, so hell why not.
(04-03-2019, 07:01 PM)Daniella Wrote:
(04-03-2019, 03:20 PM)Frank_Stein Wrote:
(04-03-2019, 02:45 PM)Berrik Wrote: Also you can dual wield revolvers i'm a cowboy baby

Presumably, we could duel wield these sawn offs though, right?

I would be 100% down with either the ability to fire both barrels simultaneously, or dual wielding sawn offs for sure in exchange for the spacker being a nuke-ops only item.
Flare guns already simulate it to the same effect so, I cant see it being more imbalanced than options already in the game.

Honestly it could also spawn a rather fun CQC specialist nuke ops class that spawns with a spacker with special ammo types as well, so hell why not.
I like this idea of CQC nuke op class. Give em the spacker with a bunch of buckshot and a syndie combat knife.

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