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Job Title Modifiers for newbies/experienced players
Reposted from the Security thread

Give new players (for their first few rounds) "Trainee" suffixes to their jobs and allow everyone else to optionally pick them when (late?)joining as a way of saying "I'm new at this". That way it's not a badge for elitism, but more of a "this person is new and might need some coaching" tool. Want to learn a new job? Mark yourself as a trainee!

It'd also be nice to have (optional) titles like "Experienced" or "Tutor" as well, maybe if the Job XP system ever gets finished, as a way of saying "I know a lot of shit about this job and you can ask me for help" -- strictly cosmetic, though.

Edit: Was thinking more and you could add it to the Occupation Preferences menu, allowing you to select your experience level in that job (if you want), from "Trainee" to "Tutor" or "Master" or whatever for joining at round start.
doesnt seem like this would have any downsides, and i assume itd be relatively easy to code.

this seems like itd encourage people to actually play jobs they dont know, so they can be a trainee and see if they can learn about it. also hopefully i can become Master KRAKEN
good idea, integrate with XP or spacebux or somethin
Let admins add the Shitty prefix to people who suck as well
(03-25-2019, 02:32 PM)Berrik Wrote: Let admins add the Shitty prefix to people who suck as well

we can already rename people and do a lot more if someone is shitting - but importantly, anyone worth labelling shit is either getting shamecubed or getted-outed. labeling someone "shit" and expecting them to improve or somehow be a positive force on the game is backwards.
Yeah this a great idea.
One of the admin levels is "Shit Person" so it's not all bad. v
(03-25-2019, 03:02 PM)John Warcrimes Wrote:
(03-25-2019, 02:32 PM)Berrik Wrote: Let admins add the Shitty prefix to people who suck as well

we can already rename people and do a lot more if someone is shitting - but importantly, anyone worth labelling shit is either getting shamecubed or getted-outed. labeling someone "shit" and expecting them to improve or somehow be a positive force on the game is backwards.

I think it would mean for people who are EXTRAORDINARILY bad at their job and have played long enough that they should know better by now (ex. Me in the engine room)
I really like this idea! Allow the experienced people willing to teach others to have the "senior" prefix, and new players wanting to learn the "trainee" one. Senior Engineer, trainee Medical Doctor, etc. I'm firmly against the ousting "shitty" prefix though. Even if the person is awful at the job and should know better, it's a bit unnecessary to punish them for it.

It would probably be pretty important to clarify wherever this is implemented that it's not just a cosmetic rp thing and actually indicates experience level.
Maybe have the shitty thing as a reward unlock admins can give out as a joke, not forced and meant as a funny. Probably a bad idea but I really like it.
You can already label yourself as an incompetent idiot by choosing Clown, no need to have an official title
(03-25-2019, 12:38 PM)Zamujasa Wrote: Give new players (for their first few rounds) "Trainee" suffixes to their jobs and allow everyone else to optionally pick them when (late?)joining as a way of saying "I'm new at this". Turn it from an elitism thing to a "this person is new and might need some coaching" tool. Want to learn a new job? Mark yourself as a trainee!

It'd be nice to have (optional) titles like "Experienced" or "Tutor" as well, maybe if the Job XP system ever gets finished, as a way of saying "I know a lot of shit about this job and you can ask me for help" -- strictly cosmetic, though.

As someone suggested, this should be its own thread. Personally I fully support this idea.

The one concern, albeit very small, is that this COULDĀ lead to some discrimination of newbies since they'd be clearly marked as such. However, I doubt this, but if it concerns anyone else, then plans to remove this feature if this occurs should be in place.

Regardless of whether or not this may happen, I certainly think that this would be a beneficial addition to the server, both for newbies and experienced players alike.
I love this idea but it might be construed as scarlet lettery to some folks. Maybe let this classification only be viewed to mentors/admins?

Could be done like the old identification of traitors with a big N top right of their spaceman.
I don't see any need for titles. If someone is new we have always allowed them to speak up on the department radios to introduce themselves and let everyone know they are new to the job. We also encourage long time players to take some time to help these players get used to new jobs.

And of course we already have mentors instead of tutors. Hit mentorhelp, get connected with someone who knows things. Its a good system.
[Image: images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcSB4H7lfNtzTayGPlKo3...9NfYfchY4D]

Edit: Just give the HoP and other heads a box of these to pass out upon request

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