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Discussing the AI & Borgs - And why they suck
FrontlineAcrobat4 Wrote:Ais bolting and shocking every door is boring, but that is the most effective way to kill everyone. If the Ai gets more power to break stuff, then it would be good to remove the bolting and electrifyingshit

I've been wondering if it would be terrible to let the AI toggle the emagged behavior of robots. Maybe even let it deploy to them like it can to shells.

If the AI gets some more tools that aren't hugely circumstantial, maybe we can nerf doorshocking/bolting a bit?
I-Sett Wrote:I still think that if lasers are going to do so little damage to borgs they should at least temporarily blind them to provide SOME balance. Or that grey-over effect like welding with thermals on.

Cyborg Iota-49 is struck by laser!
Cyborg Iota-49's head breaks apart!
Cyborg Iota-49 completley stops moving and shuts down...

one hit kill. rip cyborgs
The only thing I think that needs to be removed is the ability to bolt and shock unpowered doors. How the fuck do you SHOCK and UNPOWERED door? come on!

(that may have been changed with cogmap but i'm pretty sure the ai can still shock unpowered doors.)
Bolting doesn't mean that the door becomes unpowered - it just means that the locking mechanism was engaged. You don't get shocked by unpowered doors as a rule either, but I think you're able to queue up the door's shock mechanism if it's currently unpowered in the hopes it will be powered later.
Oh I just realized I read that wrong - I didn't know you could bolt unpowered doors! I know you could bolt the door with a multi tool, but I always assumed that was because you were providing a brief instance of power to that door with it to perform its function, and that it requires more powers to lift the bolt than to drop them.
Yeah, you can bolt unpowered doors which is dumb and unfun. You'd think you could escape the ai by getting the room's power off but doors function just as they were when on.
i also heard awhile ago that the AI shortcuts can bolt and open/close doors even if the control wire is cut by completely bypassing some code or whatever; it happened to me once, i cut the AI control wires on the doors to the interrogation room but it bolted me in fine
Here's a fun thing rogue AIs can do now: mess with the telescience computer over and over until horrible monsters show up, then flip the door to the public corridors open.

20: GOTO 10
Cogwerks you just gave me a new terrible AI law idea.

rule 4: Turn telescience into a petting zoo. Encourage people to pet the animals.

Whether this means rats, monkeys, or an angry space yeti, who knows. confused
Getting hit with a laser should cause your screen to show a generic bluescreen message breifly.

In fact robotic unconsciousness should show a bluescreen, just because.

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