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Living Objects and You
So there is a Problem with the way Anima works.  Because it is so rare, any time a living object is seen people instantly know that it's probably a Wraith round.  That sucks!  It'd be like if flashes were only around during Rev, and encourages metagaming.

Proposal:  A new random event that (temporarily?) makes a bunch of objects come to life!  I'd imagine the actual centcomm announcement should be on a delay so as to create confusion as to whether it's a wraith or not. 

the other suggestion i have is an easier to make but weaker version of Anima that only brings stuff to life for a little bit

Oh and one more thing: living objects don't apply their normal attack conditions (Bleed/burn damage etc) and I wonder if they should
I think that anima-animated objects should totally use their special attack action if any. Make knives stabby, staplers staple you, etc.
Oh, I have an idea. How about an event that smokes chems randomly around the station? One of those chems could be Anima
(02-20-2019, 07:09 PM)Frank_Stein Wrote: Oh, I have an idea. How about an event that smokes chems randomly around the station? One of those chems could be Anima

I like this idea. Suddenly have weird chem smokes like green cheese, vomit or meth appear in the hallways.
Wonder if this could come out of the air injectors, although I believe they might be placed to sparse for that.
Really, is the original issue really a problem? Just about anything the wraith does is a dead giveaway that there's a wraith because it's so unique, and that's not actually much of an issue for the wraith because it's still nearly impossible to take down even if you know for sure it's in the same room. If the wraith doesn't want to give itself away, it has the option of just...not animating objects until it munches a few corpses/haunts a bunch of monkeys.
wraith is rare and the changes will make more fun happen
Give ghosts (or observers) the ability to possess a variety of harmless items for 30 seconds or so randomly. Small time spooks. v
I agree with Roomba in that wraiths don't need hiding. That said, a living things event sounds kinda neat regardless.
Samuja's idea is amazing and should be a thing, imagine ghosts using their spooky powers to move a patch 3 tiles closer to a dying man or making it slightly harder for a villian to get back their anime sword
(02-22-2019, 10:19 AM)Wisecrack34 Wrote: Samuja's idea is amazing and should be a thing, imagine ghosts using their spooky powers to move a patch 3 tiles closer to a dying man or making it slightly harder for a villian to get back their anime sword

When you put it that way it sounds like the perfect way to troll, or get revenge after death. People already use ghost critters for that.
A wraith made my .38 as detective come to life and I was disappointed it did not shoot at me.
(02-22-2019, 01:19 AM)Zamujasa Wrote: Give ghosts (or observers) the ability to possess a variety of harmless items for 30 seconds or so randomly. Small time spooks. v

I saw on a different server that ghosts can spoop with lights by making them blink once in a while.

Would be neat.

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