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Please let us leave the hivemind
Yeah, I don't mind the hivemind at all, I'm surprised sk many people hate it. But if it is that unpopular, then I think people should be given the ability to leave on their own.

I think Locust's suggestion earlier in this thread was a good compromise. "Maybe have it be a timer based system? After 10 minutes you're free to leave or something."
(11-17-2018, 03:41 PM)Noah Buttes Wrote: I personally don't understand the hate for hiveminds.

You're dead. Being in a hivemind is more agency than you'd get otherwise unless someone decides to revive you.

It's less agency. You cannot enter VR, become a ghost drone, or respawn as a ghost critter or random event antag in the hivemind. You are left entirely to the mercy of the player that killed you. Being in the hivemind gives you less options than if you had died normally.
(11-18-2018, 01:57 AM)locusts Wrote:
(11-17-2018, 03:41 PM)Noah Buttes Wrote: I personally don't understand the hate for hiveminds.

You're dead. Being in a hivemind is more agency than you'd get otherwise unless someone decides to revive you.

It's less agency. You cannot enter VR, become a ghost drone, or respawn as a ghost critter or random event antag in the hivemind. You are left entirely to the mercy of the player that killed you. Being in the hivemind gives you less options than if you had died normally.

Somehow I keep forgetting about the existence of ghost VR and ghost antagonists.
Fair enough.
(11-18-2018, 07:21 AM)Noah Buttes Wrote: Somehow I keep forgetting about the existence of ghost VR and ghost antagonists.
Fair enough.

It's less this and more that I prefer to fart around in deadchat! v
Right so the entire point of hivemind was to include those players who would've originally been left in deadchat and unable to come back into the round. Now this would make most hiveminded players leave their hiveminds almost immediately if the ling was waiting to make limbs or the said players "just didn't feel like being in the hivemind." This has also been mentioned but there is also the case of it making lings ultimately weaker and have less of a feel of uniqueness around it. IMO either keep it and get over it or remove hivemind entirely, because if you add this it's just gonna ruin the way lings play in general.
Make limbspiders more useful and FUN, being an eye that cries is boring as all hell and handspiders can barely do anything cool. Let the eye and hand hold things when standing still (guns and melee weapons get dropped on attempts to use) and add some more abilities (maybe eye spider could shoot ink that darkens the targets screen)
Allow people to stick around in the hivemind or leave if they want. Allow a ling to have up to as many limb critters as people he's juiced/other lings he's eaten have. If there is a lack of souls do a popup for dead people to opt in and fill the spot.
Leaving the hivemind should be an option as to not limit the freedom of players after being killed by an antagonist who specializes in silently and quickly killing with little-to-no chance of revival. However, hivemind members are useful to the changeling, and arguably vital. As such, losing hivemind members should be balanced. As Erev said, allowing ghosts to occupy limbs, and allowing an endless number of limb critters. Also, giving changelings 'compensation' for when someone leaves the hivemind. Mainly just a bit of extra DNA, really.

This wouldn't nerf the changeling (the necessity of a nerf is a different discussion), but also wouldn't trap players who got fucked over in a changeling's hivemind and prevent not only Ghost-Droning and VR Ghosting, but just spectating as a ghost and playing as ghost roles (antags pulled from ghosts for example) in general.
(11-26-2018, 06:39 AM)Erev Wrote: Allow people to stick around in the hivemind or leave if they want. Allow a ling to have up to as many limb critters as people he's juiced/other lings he's eaten have. If there is a lack of souls do a popup for dead people to opt in and fill the spot.

I really, really like this idea. Just to put it out there lore-ish wise, it makes sense the the ling may have had victims before the round started, but perhaps they are degraded hence the lack of transform options or something. If we even care about the lore aspect. If we keep the DNA cost the same, it means that a willing ghost can be substituted for a victim anyway.
How about just saying that lings are soulless and as suck are easily passed through by ghosts

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