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Sam Eagle
I queue up a 5 machine language translators in the fabricators and an implanter and then start to head to the bar to see if the bleeding person has turned into a bleeding corpse.
Wiggles Wigglesby (Test Subject)

Don my squishy prize.

Glare at the lying janitor - there are no monkeys over here - and then return to my quest to find a clipboard and doodling writing implements.

  • Worn: medical jumpsuit
  • Head: gross detective's hat
  • Back: backpack
    • anesthetic tank
    • gross saxophone
While I wouldn't want to go against the handbook, I do suppose it would be fine if Jack were willing to make a generous donation to the Oshan Security Officer Support Foundation and get some fancy glasses in return. I do have tasers and batons after all. I tell Jack that the handbook says no, but for a generous 250 credit "donation" I could probably look the other way

Kickflip Brozinski [3]
You finally leave your foul-smelling corridor and enter the light of a sterile hallway. Magnificent.
You tap on the window to the Hydroponics block to grab Selladore's attention, and then you activate your radio anyway. [145.9] "Selly, my man! Think you can score me some DANK KUSH?"
Without waiting for his answer you turn to the bar and stop dead in your tracks.
Glass. Blood. Lots of it.

Jack Jackson [1] vs Adrian Clarke [2] vs ?????? [3]
Before Jack can turn away to go pick up some do-nothing-look-cool glasses, the secoff you're speaking to makes you an offer you can't refuse. You're less than pleased to part with the cash, but at this point you're implicated in a transaction that could get you both yelled at....
Which is why you should have been doing this somewhere other than the front desk.
The Head of Security is displeased. You each receive a ticket for bribery, and then he fucks off and leaves you in peace. Ineffectual slap on the wrist justice at its finest! Traded 250c <--> Sechud

Sam Eagle [4]
You set the queue on the fabricator and leave your back-office to make a housecall to the bar.
You thoughtfully grab a medkit on your way out, just in case.
When you arrive on the scene, you find Granadillo Graves happily smoking a menthol and dripping blood across his bar floor, while Kickflip Brozinski follows behind with a mop.

Wiggles Wigglesby [1, i swear im not doing this on purpose]
Smelly sticky hat gracefully perched atop your noggin, you leave the maintenance nook, go back through the bloody bar (was all this blood here before?) and continue your search to the south. You really think there were more paper bins around here, usually.
Then you see it: the clown [6], arms full of paper, running away.
He dips into maintenance when he sees you, and honks mercilessly. He has not yet tripped.

Superlagg [6]
You flip to some AM talk radio channel. The Rush Limb-esque fellow behind the microphone fills you with a flurry of classist energy. You slam the accelerator and proceed to plow through a small marketplace. At your current pace, you will reach the library in only 2 minutes.
With my money gone but with sick sunglasses acquired, I make my way to tool storage to get a toolbelt and a mechanical toolbox, transfer the contents of the mechanical toolbelt, and discard the toolbox. Then I go into tech storage to see if the flash is still there.
I reply to my PDA message,

"They're coming along big and great! But what's updog?"

I quickly look over when Kickflip taps the window.

"Sure thing, I'm on it!"

Jeez! So many requests so quickly - ooh, my triple citrus!

"Thanks for the triple citrus, chemistry lady!"

I drink it up. Ah. And then, gotta go get canibes from the seed fabricato!
Wiggles Wigglesby (Test Subject)

Oh, that motherchimper...

Race after the painted human into maintenance, trying to get there before the door closes, and proceed to shove him repeatedly to get him to drop the paper.

That, or get distracted by him offering me a banana. Either counts as a win.

  • Worn: medical jumpsuit
  • Head: disgusting detective's hat
  • Back: backpack
    • anesthetic tank
    • gross saxophone
Sam Eagle

All seems more or less ok in the Bar. I head back to robotics, implant myself with a machine translator if at least one is done and then pick up the implanter and any other completed implants and head off to find other at least partially willing implantees.
Adrian Clarke:

I grumble about the ticket, stashing it in my pack for now. Maybe botany has something I can smoke with it. I hop on a Space Segway and start puttering over to botany, Paul Blart style.
Roco Berry
Staff Assistant
Relevant Traits: Green Fingers, Happyfeet

If I get a turn upon latejoining, I'll grab one of the salb pills and a crowbar from arrivals and pocket both.
well, time to mop up all this blood... once I've backtracked to the office for some wet floor signs
Turn SE7EN (the movie)

Jack Jackson [6]
You scurry back to tech storage like an absolute LEDGE.
Toolbelt: Check.
Toolbox: Check.
Transfer: Check.
CooLook: Checkeroo.
Oh hey look a Flash. You stuff that in the toolbelt too.

Selladore Kaine [5]
You're a busy dude with a big name-
You PDA message Rubber Johnson [3] "They're coming along big and great! But what's updog?"
Your PDA lights up- "is- uh, That's what she said?" He doesn't seem sure how to respond anymore.
You acknowledge Kickflip's request, grab your triple citrus from the docking bay, and focus on your seed vendor.
This is going to take a screwdriver and a wirecutter, if you're to nab some seeds for the ol' Woodstock Coleslaw.

Wiggles Wigglesby [3] vs "the clown" [1]
You follow the clown through maintenance and wait for the inevitable.
About 15 paces in, the clown catches a facefull of floor plating. You slap him around for good measure.
"the clown" stammers, [145.9] "hhhhooonnkkkk!"
say "; fuck" states, [145.9] "that was a test please ignore"
You've acquired PAPER! The clown might have crayons or markers hidden on their person.

Sam Eagle [6]
Satisfied with the state of affairs in the bar, you return to robotics to find your translators are all done, somehow. Good enough!
You implant yourself and the Medical Director, and begin wandering around looking for other potential trans-humanist teammates. (implanting a willing player is an effortless action now)
Robotic Talk: say "; fuck" states, "hey sam, im bored, let me know if you need something

Kickflip Brozinski [3]
Oooh baby that's a mess.
You grab the necessary wet floor signs and start mopping the heck out of this trail of blood-
but of course nobody ever looks at the signs.
You've just caught up with Granadillo Graves when you see a Staff Assistant land on her ass, followed closely by some secoff on a fancy segway. What a circus.

Adrian Clarke [2]
You stuff the ticket into your bag and worry about your mid-year evaluation.
You hop onto a space segway and start off toward Hydro. There's no way that won't come up. They're going to want an explanation, why was selling equipment, wasn't i briefed on armory protocol, ugh, i can already hear the HoS chiding-
You're startled from your thoughts as you fly head-first over your handlebars in the middle of the cafeteria. A hapless staff-assistant [4] is lying on the floor next to you, mildly injured. Great. She steals your segway, and you walk the short distance to Hydroponics.

Alert: Rocco Berry has signed up as Staff Assistant.
Rocco Berry [6]
You hop out of your sub wreckage and miraculously avoid all the oil around you.
You line your pockets with standard issue crowbar & salbutamol, like you own the place.
This is going to be a good day.
While I am in tech storage, I slide under the flaps into buddy storage and grab the multitool, the go to medbay to "assist"(standing around trying to look like I am doing something important while I am actually just stealing shit) like the grubby staff assistant I am.
Adrian Clarke:

Caught taking bribes and then losing an expensive Segway one minute later? I'm totally fired. Oh well. May as well go for broke now. I hammer on the botany door and ask if they have anything smokeable sitting around. Maybe one of those plants that's growing? Sure I'll ask for some of that to smoke.

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