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a handful of arm suggestions.
BlackPhoenix Wrote:Have you ever genuinely tried to fire a pistol with one hand?
these are laser pistols which shoot lasers in space
Dauntasa Wrote:
BlackPhoenix Wrote:Have you ever genuinely tried to fire a pistol with one hand?
these are laser pistols which shoot lasers in space
Not the revolver. Or the AK. Or the Spacker.
I made the suggestion earlier, so I suppose I should hack it out, somewhat.

A Robot Arm gives you the ability to crowbar open doors without, to wrench down girders and tables, and immunity to electrical shocks. In addition, you can fire the arm with a (HOMING SPELL) command that takes down a person like a magic missile.
Arms replacable with tools borg module style. A permanent crowbar wedged right in instead of your right hand! Higher tiers include an entire toolbox worth of tools built into one mechanical arm. Cybernetics like this should totally be in the game.
Marquesas Wrote:Arms replacable with tools borg module style. A permanent crowbar wedged right in instead of your right hand! Higher tiers include an entire toolbox worth of tools built into one mechanical arm. Cybernetics like this should totally be in the game.


Plus the whole magic missile "Shoot your arm!" at a guy.
IMO, robotic arms should be standard module. Clicking your hand will give you the selection of standard module things.
I was super disappointed when I gave a traitor two robotic arms and he could still pick up things.
Conor12 Wrote:You gun geeks. This is a game where people fire RPGs and all manner of guns one-handed without difficulty anyway. Not real life!

Trying to pick up anything with chainsaw arms: Stare at it and cry.

I'm a gun geek too, but for a game, I'm not that mad about the physics. Also trying to pick up anything with chainsaw arms: Stare at it and destroy it in a terrible way.
Rip Antear tries to pet Jones the Cat!
Rip Antear carves some meat off of Jones the Cat's corpse! What a freak!
An arm suggestion:

As funny as it is, evil arms choking out the user is, the last I checked, buggy as fuck and very likely to choke you from full health to death without stopping, or fails to register stopping properly, or fails to register arms being TAKEN OFF mid choke and chokes forever after that, etc. etc.. I'd get rid of that function and replace it with arms spazzing out and dropping whatever they're holding. In addition, if this doesn't happen already, arms punching you while holding an item should attack you with that item.

This is because I want to dismember traitors I catch on dumb shotgun/c-saber rampages and send them back out into the wild with my own arms and their traitor items. IF they can rampage with my limbs slapping them, shooting them in the chest with their own shotgun, throwing or dropping their c-sabers, and generally being incredibly annoying, then power to them.

That or take off their arms, weld the stumps, and send them out armless with their backpack still full of traitor items just to infuriate and taunt them. If you can manage to kill people with no arms, then God be with you because you obviously have your heart in your murdering.
Daeren Wrote:If you can manage to kill people with no arms, then God be with you because you obviously have your heart in your murdering.

This calls for someone to post the quote of when they murdered half the crew as an AI deployed to his mobile frame.
If arm modules could be emagged, getting a botany module and emagging it should give someone the dream of wielding a chainsaw arm.

I don't care about any of these other things, but if I can run around as a homage to evil dead and hit dudes with chainsaw arm while screaming "Zombie" I'll be happy.

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