I'm a huge armchair marine biology nerd, and while Oshan Laboratory's surroundings are already home to a plethora of species of fish, I'm convinced there's still a ton of untapped potential for critters (both hostile and docile) to populate the seafloor around the station and, in particular, the abyssal trench beneath it, be it with relatively real-world life, or strange and horrible alien organisms (Abzu is an alien planet, after all). Here's a few ideas:
I'd also be down to try spriting critters. For starters, I've already sprited up a nautilus (which is in my spriting thread).
- Jellyfish, and other gelatinous things that look more or less like jellyfish (like the portuguese man-o'-war, and comb jellies) could be a atmospheric and somewhat hazardous addition.
- "Conventional" jellyfish could hang out either alone or in small groups, "drifting with the current" (i.e. each jellyfish sorta moving in formation in the same semi-random directions). People in the same space as them would brush up against their stinging tentacles and take some damage.
- Bioluminescent comb jellies could be a cool addition to the abyss, being colorful, but faint, illumination amidst the gloom. Just look at this fella:
- Irukandji Box Jellyfish would also be fairly easy to add, since the sprites would be tiny and transparent, and their venom could just be a chem that decays into way too much epinephrine, which is how Irukandji Syndrome kills you. It's just that I can't imagine any of that being a fun and worthwhile feature.
- One or more deep-sea fangly fish (viperfish, anglerfish the size of large pods, etc.)!
- Spider crabs!
- Rainbow jellyfish with hallucinogenic stings!
- Bobbit worms in the abyss that try to grab you and pull you into the rocks:
- Hydrothermal vents, surrounded by (possibly aggressive) tube worms.
I'd also be down to try spriting critters. For starters, I've already sprited up a nautilus (which is in my spriting thread).