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A little Question and Answer Thread.
(08-06-2018, 08:13 AM)DarkStar Wrote: Is there a field-expedient way to "stimulate" an alien artifact with COLD or RADIATION for when you're a long way from the lab or there aren't even any scientists in the round to run the artlab?
(08-06-2018, 11:01 AM)The Grim Sleeper Wrote:
(08-06-2018, 06:06 AM)DarkStar Wrote: Yeah certain kinds of bullet can stimulate RADIATION but I haven't found a ghetto-equivalent of COLD. Ideas welcome.
The code says that cryostylane can do it.
Radium and porktonium can be splashed on for Radiation stimulus.
Not exactly full-ghetto, but better then lugging it all the way to the Lab.

(08-04-2018, 11:04 AM)Frank_Stein Wrote: I was thinking about this and was curious if anyone's ever tried putting out a large room fire by opening a can of C02 in there. Obviously there's the problem of dealing with those gases afterwards, but would that extinguish it quickly?

Hmmm. My guess would be not really, but I don't really know.
Ice cubes and cerk?
(08-06-2018, 11:04 AM)The Grim Sleeper Wrote:
(08-04-2018, 11:04 AM)Frank_Stein Wrote: I was thinking about this and was curious if anyone's ever tried putting out a large room fire by opening a can of C02 in there. Obviously there's the problem of dealing with those gases afterwards, but would that extinguish it quickly?

Hmmm. My guess would be not really, but I don't really know.

i've used co2 to choke out combustion chamber burns before, but my only problem with it would be that you just need a lot of it to smother a combustiom chamber burn, let alone a full corridor plasmafire. (co2  works pretty well for killing combustion burns though)
My experience? Put fire out > Crisis Averted > Open Door > WOOF.

My solution to a plasma fire is a hole in the floor. It's the only way to get rid of the gas and heat at a useful speed.
How do I go about being a good sec guy when I'm on my own/when the cooperation of the crew isn't terribly high? 

It seems like the more I try to push against the more dangerous/brazen traitors of a round, the more likely I am to be shown up as completely out of my depth, skill wise, and thoroughly robusted.

Is the secret to not really care?
(08-18-2018, 07:05 AM)Space_Cola Wrote: How do I go about being a good sec
Ah, my hopeful comrade-in-arms, whole threads have been written.
Like this one.
Or this one.
Made this one myself

And the one thing I can say for sure is that you will never be a 'good' officer. Either you let the baddy get away and people will complain that you not doing your job, or you (try to) catch them and the people think of you a 'spoilsport' and interfere/subvert/kill you, and then other people will complain you are too dead to do your job.
So yeah, being a good officer starts with being a 'good enough for me'-officer. You can get better with time, but not if you just hate the job you are doing and stop.

That said, my personal shortlist of tips:
  • Start every round with a role-call on the ':g'-radio channel.
    Getting people conversing is the first step in getting people co-ordinating.
  • Keep a PDA/say-window/chat open to call for back-up, and do so at the drop of a hat.
  • When you are unsure, let people come to you, in Sec-HQ.
    People will look out for their own security, and when that fails they will look to you. The Security Headquarters is strong, your gear is right there, and so is the brig and the armory. These are also prime targets for a break-in. So your innocents will be at the desk asking questions, and your targets is anybody walking around in there who is not an officer.
  • Stay calm.
    I can't help you here, this is my daemon too.
Finally, familiarize yourself with the tools of the trade. And that is not something for a quick thread.
Security tip: if someone suicides in the brig, don't clone them, bring their body to the chef and make idiot burgers.
My tip for security: You gotta play it with the players in mind, not the game.

Your goal should be making sure everyone is having a good time, without stifiling their fun.

You and Medbay are one of the Moms of the station. You give people time outs when they can't play nice with the other kids, and if they're really bad you ground them and take away their toys.

So don't worry about catching crooks as much as you make sure everyone is having clean fun
The important thing is that you need to make sure everyone has fun. It's easy to see sec as the Good guys vs. the Bad guys, but it's a bit more complicated. People that aren't antags will sometimes do things that are shit and people that ARE antags will sometimes do silly gimmicks that don't really harm anyone. I personally see antags on three levels, which I think is found on the wiki somewhere.

1.The antag is doing silly things that don't harm people, or if they are harming people it's not too big a deal. This can be something like stunning people to steal their shoes. If no one is complaining, it's safe to ignore it. If people are complaining, pull them to the side, tell them that they're doing unhappy things, maybe issue a ticket, and warn that there will be brig time if they do it again. Antags that kill people and try to clone them should generally be considered this.

2.The antag is killing every so often. They may be trying to silent kill, or maybe they have to kill specific people and only aim for those people. Best course of action is generally to arrest them, take away their nasty things, and brig them for a few minutes. This keeps the antag, the main source of fun, into the round while not being much more than a hurdle for them to overcome. If they keep doing the bad thing, you can issue other punishments, like limb removal, increased brig time or other less than nice stuff.

3.Murder boners. The person is looking for people to kill, destroying the station at large, and going out of their way to gib people. These include things like people ordering c-sabers and just killing as many as possible. These guys should still try to be taken alive when possible for reasons, but few people will consider you shit for using lethal force. These guys will generally expect perma-brigging or being outright killed in action. Fun can still be had from these people. Public executions generate fun and provide catharsis to the people that suffered from them, alive and dead.

Some antags will generally be unable to fit in some categories due to how they work (Wizards and changelings are either a 1 or a 3, a 2 is damn near impossible. Nuke Ops and Blobs will almost always be 3), and of course they can change mid round (How many friendly wizards decided to wreck shit because people wouldn't stop attacking them?).

Ultimately, the only way to be a good security is to be security. It's not something that you really get a feel for over night. It's frustrating, often thankless, and can just plain suck, but it also tends to guarantee your round won't be boring, since you're expected to run to trouble when it's reported.

Also I can't stress this enough always take traitors and nuke ops alive when you can. Or at least don't beat them to death. Every Nuke Op explodes upon death and traitors that go murderboning tend to explode too. Their equipment usually goes with it, which can be useful against nukies.
I was thinking about this and wondered what others opinions would be

Let's say, someone was a traitor and had a mindslave implant. If a Sec officer was apprehend them, take the implant, and inject the traitor.

Obviously, they would be mindslaved at that point to follow that officers directions, but would they still retain their anatg status? 

As in, as long as they weren't given directions not to, they could still perform hostile actions, correct? And if they did, would the player that mindslaved them be culpable for allowing them to?

An example to illustrate: Traitor gets mindslaved and gets told "You're now a pizzaman. Get everyone to eat your pizza" and they start force feeding people poisoned pizza.
It says on the wiki that, as a mindslave, you have to follow the spirit of the law, not the wording. So if someone mindslaved you and told you to kill everyone, killing the mindslaver first would get you into shit.

I'd imagine making pizza for the sole express of harming people after a sec officer ordered you to make pizza would be the same problem.
It's grey territory and really depends on intent. If the command-giver's intent is murder by proxy then they're culpable, otherwise it's 'antags will be antags.' The problem is ascertaining motive, but that's a problem for admins.

As long as the command was given in good conscience, the command-giver shouldn't be held OOC responsible.

IC responsibility, OTOH...

Oh, and on security:
Make sure to play a couple of rounds doing nothing but getting absolutely smashed in the bar. It's not your job to make sure the crew has fun. It's not your job to make sure the antag has fun. You're only responsible for you.

Don't abuse your tools. Don't abuse your 'authority'. If you make arrests, make sure to set appropriate (ask around) timers/punishment. Do that and you're a-ok in my book.
on security:
My assumption is that the mindslave sets your effective antag status to that of the implanter, which is to say that a crewbie being implanted by a traitor gives them the (enslaved) freedoms of a traitor, and a traitor being implanted by sec strips them of their antag status while the implant is active.

Rationale is that because non-antags aren't allowed to go around killing whomever they want, the hyper-obedient implement of that person cannot either, as that mindslaved person is compelled to follow not only your orders, but also your intent. If you tell your mindslave to kill someone, and they kill someone, you killed someone, in the same way that pointing a gun at someone and pulling the trigger means you, and not the gun, shot them.

To make things easier, since these mindslaves are all people, you should make it clear to your mindslave whether youre an antag or not, so they can safely assume the general spirit of the orders.
Maybe this is beyond the scope of this thread, but I'm curious as who collaborated on Oshan Lab. I know Gannets did a few sprites, mbc did made the fluid codes, and the energy-shield gens are kyle's, but what else? Who made all those lovely fish? Who decided new arrivals were going to pod drop into arrivals? And, most importantly, who gave Moby such as nice hat?

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