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Major Crashing a degenerate loaf into a wall at supersonic speeds causes bugs.
Alright so when you crash a degenerate loaf into a wall at extreme speeds (more then 14 gravitrons) It causes the wall to for some reason break, then create 20-30 girders in it's place, basically creating a unpassable wall of girders.
somehow fitting that degenerate quark matter fucking breaks everything
feature please
It says right in the description: "you should probably call a physicist"
I guess BYOND doesnt like superimposed states. You're supposed to collapse to *ONE* of the possible girders, not all of em.
Quote:Crashing a degenerate loaf into a wall at supersonic speeds causes bugs.
The solution to this is probably going to be prevent overlapping gravitons from applying multiple concurrent throws to one item. Will take a look at it later.
(06-19-2018, 02:49 PM)Grayshift Wrote: The solution to this is probably going to be prevent overlapping gravitons from applying multiple concurrent throws to one item. Will take a look at it later.

When you make a bug report thread and accidentally get your favorite part of the game NERFED INTO THE GROUND
(06-19-2018, 08:13 PM)fosstar Wrote: When you make a bug report thread and accidentally get your favorite part of the game NERFED INTO THE GROUND

I'm sure there'll be a benefit to having multiple gravitons firing a thing, just not a buggy as heck one (or maybe it will be? Who knows?)
(06-20-2018, 07:44 AM)Mordent Wrote:
(06-19-2018, 08:13 PM)fosstar Wrote: When you make a bug report thread and accidentally get your favorite part of the game NERFED INTO THE GROUND

I'm sure there'll be a benefit to having multiple gravitons firing a thing, just not a buggy as heck one (or maybe it will be? Who knows?)

I actually had a idea last night, add a check here and make it so if you have more then 5 gravitrons on a tile only one gravitron acts and it's throw force becomes additive to a limit of let's say 20, IE if you have 10 gravitrons it becomes spawn(0) AM.throw_at(target, ((50)*gravitroncount), (1*gravitroncount)) Or something like that.
I understand the concern, being able to accelerate things to ludicrous speeds is cool. The problem is being able to stack all the gravitons on a single tile.

I would prefer to use something like requiring you to build a linear accelerator - a long chain of gravitons, with a limit of one graviton per tile. So you could still hit superluminal, bug-inducing speeds, you would just need a runway (and some timing logic) to make it happen.

A stack limit is not a bad solution, it's definitely a fallback idea if the linear accelerator idea doesn't work. The problem is going to be race conditions, we can't just count the number of gravitons on a tile and use that as the gravs might not have the same triggering signals, so... yeah. Annoying.

But this isn't an urgently needed fix so for now until I get some time it can stay broken.
Bring back gib throwforce! In all seriousness though, the stacked gravitons can turn anything into a station-shredding coilgun pellet, so enforcing a limit is fine by me - I have gotten brought down to red health by an eyeball blasted from one of those - I'm pretty sure we don't need to make loaves even deadlier.

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