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Machine parts
I was thinking, there's a lot of machines around the station. Vending machines, chem and soda dispensers, gachapon, zoldof, etc

A lot of them can be broken, but not fixed.

What if, similar to when you open pods, you could open up the machines and see a list of removable parts? When a machine broke, it would be because one of the internal parts broke. Repairing a machine would just mean popping out the bad parts and putting in new ones

Mechanics could be the main source for new parts, as they could fabricate everything needed from their lab. Additionally, QM could be a place where you could order replacements, or even upgraded parts that had special effects. For instance, you could have a vending machine gain a bonus to all the items it dispenses with better parts

Lastly, since we can't always rely on QM or mechanics to be populated, some spare parts boxes could be found around the station. You'd also have the option to cannibalize other machines for parts to fix another
Implementing this would also open the door to future patches that allow the frankensteining of various machines together in some way. Like a Zoldorf Nanomed.
I actually very much like the idea of a standardized set of parts that go into things, so that they can be tweaked. Different lenses in guns, different gears in machines, et cetera. I kinda want it to -not- be materials-based (because of tiny granularities in stats) and be more about discrete differing items.
I was kind of hoping back when they had the circuit boards that you had to load parts onto for mechanics, it would lead to this kind of thing. Sadly it never did and was just some kind of weird time sink/ requirement to construct more part vendors.
(05-11-2018, 02:50 AM)BlackPhoenix Wrote: I was kind of hoping back when they had the circuit boards that you had to load parts onto for mechanics, it would lead to this kind of thing. Sadly it never did and was just some kind of weird time sink/ requirement to construct more part vendors.

That's kinda what I had in mind, the old mechanics components.

I figured with this system it'll be less about building and more about creative swapping and recombining of pieces, like the aforementioned Zoldof medic.

Zoldof and the medical machine both have messages they play, so that's a common part stores a replays text you put it

Zoldof and the medical machine both dispense stuff, but one is paperslips while the other is medicine. Swapping those parts could change that aspect
(05-11-2018, 03:50 AM)Frank_Stein Wrote: Zoldof and the medical machine both dispense stuff, but one is paperslips while the other is medicine. Swapping those parts could change that aspect

Order a styptic patch.

Obtain paper.  Examine.

I.O.U. 1 styptic patch.

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