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[Feature] Space HVAC, change to space heater, now it cools too!
In response to this thread. I made a change to /obj/machinery/space_heater that allows it to cool the air in addition to heating. Previously it wouldn't do anything if the temperature the heater was set to was below the current air temperature. Now it will cool the air(at a slightly lower rate than heating) and use a blue recolor of the space heater's normal firey red color.

[Image: OaHIktm.png]
I didn't refactor any class names or the image names to make it reflect the new name HVAC. Mostly because I wasn't sure of the etiquette on if I should be refactoring things for pull requests, but also since I think "Space HVAC" is a bad name. But I couldn't think of a name for a device that is a heater and cooler.

There is only one "bug" that I've found, which is that when the HVAC's set temperature is finally the same temp as the environment, it will switch between heating/cooling every other cycle. It's kind of annoying, but I choose to view it as a sort of feature, since technically it is an indication that the environment is at the right temperature, and it lets you know you can probably turn it off or move it to a new area. Plus, I'm pretty sure that the closer environment temperature is to the HVAC's set temperature, the less efficiently it uses it's power(That is how it's always been with the heater, it is not from a change I made.
Edit: The best way I can think of to "fix" it would be to make a new sprite to indicate if the environment temp is +-3 degrees of the set temp. Or just shut it off. But I wasn't really loving either of them
Dang, this is a cool patch.
Space Heater. It's hooked up to space, which is cool, you see.

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