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Ideas of questionable quality
I also like that idea

Prank Champion
I support it too, instead of an actual C Saber you get a Toy one that doesn't say toy when looked at
(01-31-2018, 12:46 PM)John Warcrimes Wrote: Idea: to make the status of miscreant actually mean something mechanically, give them a PDA Uplink with Homeopathic Telecrystals, which are just like normal TC except all you can get is useless gimmick shit.

I'm intrigued by this. It would be nice to have to deal with more non-life threaten situations as sec for a change. Plus it might stir up an otherwise stale shift or two.
+1, maybe this should be it's own thread?
alright since this is rolling im gonna make a thread, and open it up to HTC suggestions! Whoo!
So there's been a random discussion on Discord about Secret Chems, and thought I'd throw it here to see other peoples opinions.

As even with the hints given on the wiki Secret Chems can still be almost impossible to figure out without just randomly throwing chems in a beaker and hoping, two other ideas to aid this have been suggested.

The first is to have a device which will scan a beaker full of contents and tell you how many ingredients you got correct, though will not tell you which ones specifically were correct. Naturally, this wouldnt work for secret secret chems, if they do indeed exist.
The second idea is to have hints to the secret chems within the adventure zones and restricted areas, hidden away.

So what are peoples thoughts?
(01-31-2018, 04:37 PM)CrimsonMasques Wrote: So there's been a random discussion on Discord about Secret Chems, and thought I'd throw it here to see other peoples opinions.

As even with the hints given on the wiki Secret Chems can still be almost impossible to figure out without just randomly throwing chems in a beaker and hoping, two other ideas to aid this have been suggested.

The first is to have a device which will scan a beaker full of contents and tell you how many ingredients you got correct, though will not tell you which ones specifically were correct. Naturally, this wouldnt work for secret secret chems, if they do indeed exist.
The second idea is to have hints to the secret chems within the adventure zones and restricted areas, hidden away.

So what are peoples thoughts?

I never bothered with secret chems (Not very good hints rn) and rarely adventure because if I die I have a half hour wait till I can take another go (Unless someone's willing to sit around awaiting my death report at the cloner). This would definitely make me boost my usage of both instead of just playing a stoned sec officer every 3 rounds
When I was into all that (pre-leak) I found most of the chems by dumping everything into an artbeaker and heating/cooling it. That or stealing them via watching chem reactions from other people making it. Never would'a found QGP without that.

Is that how things should be? Probably not. Still, it's probably how things'll stay. Upper level chem is one giant circle-jerk that defines the line between nerd and turbonerd. It's all about the internet points, anyways. The actual chems aren't really that powerful outside of the practically-common-knowledge secret chems. The real danger from chem comes from synergies and combos.
Another bad idea for you!: Putting heated chems into canisters for storage and certain death!
Pre-leak I had gotten most of the chems through trial & error (a whole lot of error) then I realised I was wasting dozen of rounds throwing stuff together to no avail - eventually and found hints online - not fun in retrospect. I did that once and I refuse to do it again, hence I've not touched chemistry since 2016. I whole-heartedly endorse and encourage a re-work of secret chems. Even back when I did chemistry, knowing how to make secret chems rarely played into a round - essentially making them novelty gimmick chems.

(01-31-2018, 04:37 PM)CrimsonMasques Wrote: The second idea is to have hints to the secret chems within the adventure zones and restricted areas, hidden away.

I had a similar idea recently, except it was hint coins you use to purchase hints, found randomly around maps. At least exploration would provide a nice change of pace to sitting by a chem dispenser for a whole round.
(02-01-2018, 02:03 PM)Tombi Wrote: I had a similar idea recently, except it was hint coins you use to purchase hints, found randomly around maps. At least exploration would provide a nice change of pace to sitting by a chem dispenser for a whole round.

I just spent a solid 15 minutes looking through articles for chems, got off track and went to the forums, only remembering that I was playing the game when I heard a loud bang from ingame
Snakes. A combination of biting critter and fluid.
A blank implant, when programmed properly, it will pump your system with whatever chemical concoction you programmed.
For example, "hydrogen=10;chlorine=10;water=10;ethanol=10;oxygen=10;"
Though i dont think it should allow for chemicals you have to harvest (welding fuel, mint, omnizine, etc.)

Or you could just use it as a beaker thing, put your mix in it and tell it to keep Xu of your mix in it over time until its out.

I thought of this while brainstorming healing methods with Dani but, honestly it has too much potential for evil not to be a traitor only item.
(02-02-2018, 09:26 AM)Eibel Wrote: A blank implant, when programmed properly, it will pump your system with whatever chemical concoction you programmed.
For example, "hydrogen=10;chlorine=10;water=10;ethanol=10;oxygen=10;"
Though i dont think it should allow for chemicals you have to harvest (welding fuel, mint, omnizine, etc.)

Or you could just use it as a beaker thing, put your mix in it and tell it to keep Xu of your mix in it over time until its out.

I thought of this while brainstorming healing methods with Dani but, honestly it has too much potential for evil not to be a traitor only item.

Functionality is kind of there in a couple of other items (injector belt, RobustTec implant). I like the idea of a less specific RobustTec implant (i.e. one that you load with chems), on the proviso that it only triggers if you're in crit. Makes it less viable as a weapon (though you could always implant someone and just wait for them to get into crit for it to gib them) and more viable as something for chemnerds to give themselves a wonderful healing chem cocktail. Balance offset by difficulty to find, limited use based on having to reload the chems between uses, etc.
Canned Oxygen

A thing you can hack out of vending machines to avoid some suffication damage, and also because of Spaceballs.

edit: probably better idea

Improvised gas mask, Stuff fabric into a breath mask for a slightly less worse then nothing way to filter out chem smoke.
(02-02-2018, 03:26 PM)atomic1fire Wrote: Canned Oxygen

A thing you can hack out of vending machines to avoid some suffication damage, and also because of Spaceballs.

edit: probably better idea

Improvised gas mask, Stuff fabric into a breath mask for a slightly less worse then nothing way to filter out chem smoke.

The fabric must contain pee in it, the more it has the longer it lasts but overtime may get you sick

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