How YOU can fight against communism-A HoS Application
Iam is shit but the good kind of shit. yes
yes, its always good to fight shit with shit
I am in agreement with everyone else. Every time I've played, Iam has been a pretty cool player, and I think he'd make a solid Head of Security.
We had such good times together on donut Iam, yes from me forever~
Genuinely already thought he was a HoS. Been around for long enough! We've had too many cool times together so he'll always have support from me!
Iam A. Crooke is a dirty thief, knave, and general Ne'er-do-well.

Promote him at once.
I just played a traitor round with him where he was so robust that he got the C saber out of my hand, (the round had just started) beat me up a bit with it, farted on me and then gave the sword back while saying "honk"
I have had many other funny moments with him too.
You would have to be a crooke not to say yes to this man.
I literally shit my pants IRL every time I see Crooke coming after me with the intent to grief because there's nothing I can do to save myself. He's an absolutely terrifying antagonist, a hilarious and effective security officer, and quite possibly the person I least want to see following me around in a gray jumpsuit. The only bad mark I can give him is that he sometimes goes a bit overboard in messing with people, especially sec, but most of the time he knows when to stop.

I've been constantly surprised he's not a mentor/HOS when I note his plebian blue text and wholeheartedly endorse the son of a bitch. Hopefully his attitude towards how security should be played will catch on.
wabash1 Wrote:I am the most robust player out there

I supported this application right up until that point. I have to say no because approving would mean I am contested for (#1)

just kidding ugh of course it's a yes
I'm not ashamed to say; on more than one occasion, I have used his name on my agent card as an antagonist, just to help scare my victims.

Yes to Head of Security Crooke.
Looks good enough to me. I'll bring it to the admins attention.
iam crooke for security emperor
Iam deserves the thermals and the beret... nothing more to say because i just know him and played with him on goon for so long that i cant say no to this.
YES Summary Execution

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