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BYOND Username: warc
01-19-2018, 05:03 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-19-2018, 07:02 AM by warcrimes. Edited 1 time in total.)
Jh6n W6rcl66ns, J6nit6r:
*pray"now would be a good time for some elevator music"
I'm just a J6nit6r, so lord knows I don't have the training for this.
I collect my nerves, think real hard to remember where I placed all those mousetraps, arm a Spid6r-N6de in my hands, and go for a diving tackle over JerkOp's cover.
edit, for clarity:
> C C C C C C C C C
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BYOND Username: Luigi Thirty
01-19-2018, 06:44 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-19-2018, 06:45 AM by LuigiThirty. Edited 1 time in total.)
Irene Mincine, QM
I grin, seeing all my awesome grenades... do I chuck in itching powder or thermite?
Then I watch the Janitor run in. Rather than blow him up or inflict horrible pain upon him, I press 2 and go into Overwatch mode with my phaser on stun. If the nuke op pops his head out, I blast him.
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BYOND Username: Superlagg
Jerkop-4, almost as done with all this asshattery as anyone could be, hucks a sarin grenade at the janitor and ducks back into the toxins storage room. Once the janitor is twitching in a heap like a big dumb spasmic idiot, he drags the canister into Medbay and opens the valve.
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BYOND Username: NateTheSquid
Character Name: Nathan Dunkleman
(01-19-2018, 03:16 PM)Superlagg Wrote: Jerkop-4, almost as done with all this asshattery as anyone could be, hucks a sarin grenade at the janitor and ducks back into the toxins storage room. Once the janitor is twitching in a heap like a big dumb spasmic idiot, he drags the canister into Medbay and opens the valve.
the good ol' huck and duck
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BYOND Username: Technature
01-20-2018, 01:20 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-20-2018, 01:24 AM by Technature. Edited 1 time in total.)
The chief engineer comes in and tells you to stop killing the syndicate.
You really want to go after the other syndicate, but your law does prioritize killing syndicates dead.........
Ah. If you go under the assumption that the syndicate will die without your assistance as long as you attempt to murder another one. You leave your observation bot and attempt to search for the other one...
You seem to be having issues locating it. It could be anywhere on the station all things considered. With this in mind, you attempt to call the shuttle.
Attempting to call shuttle. Checking requirements:
Security level Orange +: Affirmative
Threat of possibly unpreventable human harm present: Affirmative
Armed nuclear device with potential of shuttle destruction: Negative
Reason for shuttle call: Rude dudes are blowing people up and being mean in general.
The shuttle has been called. It will arrive in roughly five minutes assuming the nuclear bomb is not armed within that time.
Jack Jackson (4) vs. Jerk-Op #5 (SPIDERS! IN MY BLOOD! (3), Arachnaphobia (2, Automatic 1)
Uh hey
Letting a syndicate die tends to do bad things, doesn't it?
You get the AI to stop murdering the operative. It seems to consider something before turning off.
The operative still seems to be freaking out about the spiders in his blood.
Any poor bastard probably would.
You quickly tie him up and heal him enough so that he doesn't end up dead. You try to take him out to security before remembering that the doors are bolted shut.
There is probably no way to open the door without letting the Nuclear Operative go...
Beelzebub (6)
Guess you're missing hands now You head towards the mini-medbay and, with the AI's assistance, allow yourself in. You find the nearest tub of styptic powder and stick your stubs in.
This is fun!
Didn't medbay have some people laying around?
You head back to medbay into the surgery room and look at the two medical personnel laying down.
They appear to be dead.
More importantly, it appears they already lost their shoes.
*sad robot noise
Jhon Warcleans, 6 roller extraordinaire (4,not a 6) and Irene Minicine (6) vs. Jerk-Op #4 (Mousetraps (2) -1, (4)
Jhon and the Nuclear Op attempt to throw their grenades at each other, but in an amazing blunder possible only in text based games, the grenades hit each other and go off. Once the dust clears, the Nuke Op attempts to take advantage of the confusion and quickly moves forward in attempt to clear the room.
The QM immediately reacts and shoots the Nuke Op with a stun shot.
Well that was anti-climactic.
Syndicates:Update. Activate the Nuclear Bomb before the Escape Shuttle arrives to send it back. Inability to do so will result in mission failure.
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BYOND Username: NateTheSquid
Character Name: Nathan Dunkleman
KRAKEN, AI: I continue my search for the syndicate scum. Thrilling action here, but nothing else I can think of doing right now
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I scream for MACHO to save me from this SPIDER HELL and attempt to wrassle Jack Jackson!
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BYOND Username: warc
Jhon Warcleans sheds a single tear for all the spiders so brutally gassed. :'^(
Time to go strangle Mr Stunned Jerkop until he deads.
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BYOND Username: Luigi Thirty
01-20-2018, 10:32 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-20-2018, 10:33 AM by LuigiThirty. Edited 1 time in total.)
Irene Mincine, QM and 6-shooter extraordinaire!
I spin the phaser like Robocop and holster it.
“No, hogtie the syndie. Let’s take him home on the shuttle.”
I call out on the radio that one syndie is down. All the spiders, sadly, are gassed to death. I shed a single tear and start working on tying up the syndie while the janitor squeezes the life out of him.
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BYOND Username: Mordent
BEEP-BOOP (Cyborg)
If someone's shoes fall off they're definitely dead, that's how movies work and makes sense in this case. We'll have to get shoes off of alive people, but they tend not to like that. Better idea, then...
- Move to Chemistry.
- Spend some time (this minute and the next, probably), arranging my beakers as follows:
- Beaker #1: Heated fluorosulfuric acid (100u)
- Beaker #2: Smoke powder (100u), heated to just below ignition point
- Beaker #3: (stabilized) Phlogiston (25u) + Perfluorodecalin (25u), heated to just above smoke powder ignition point
- Drinking glass: Delicious heated neurotoxin (50u)
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Beelzebub: Clown
Using my strong, capable forearms, I wheel the banana cart across the disposals/smelter catwalk and make my way to QM to see about ordering myself some new grabbers. I'm sure they know some shady arms dealers
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BYOND Username: Lady Birb
Character Name: Allie Allison
Jack Jackson, Chief Engineer.
No escape for a syndie. I discharge my stun gloves into them, throw them into the ground, hit them with a few taser shots for good measure, take their fancy belt as a trophy, and tie them up more thoroughly. Once all this is done, I hack through the bolted door and carry the incapacitated syndie to the security team so they can get some more permanent restraints.
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BYOND Username: Technature
You keep looking through the cameras to locate the other Op......
Oh look, he's in chemistry.
Neato. Seems like the humans inside have it under control.
Jerk-Op #5 (3) vs. Jack Jackson (6)
The Nuke Op doesn't seem to want to just take being dragged around without resisting.
This is dumb. He should realize who's in charge here.
You punch him square in the jaw with your stun gloves and, in his babbling, rip off his wrestling belt. You shoot stun shots into Op #5 and unbolt the door leading to the security force.
Now that you think about it, has security actually done anything other than be a living barrier this round?
Jhon Warcleans (4) and Irene Minicine (1) vs. Nuke Op #4 (Stunned)
Whelp, time to do this the only way that is deemed correct by anyone. Jhon proceeds to take advantage of Op #4's helplessness and gets him in a stranglehold. Irene interjects however and suggests taking him in alive. Jhon begrudgingly agrees, as long as he is restrained before he dies.
Irene finds some wire and...stares at his hands...?
", how do you tie hands together?"
Shoes. Shoes must be acquired. But from where? You know that if chemicals have helped you in previous situations, they must help you now.
You head back to chemistry to see those two weird human people trying up the nuclear operative on the floor.
You quickly take off the Operatives shoes.
You get to work on chemistry afterwards.
Beelzebub (4)
You take your wheelbarrel of bananas over to QM...somehow? You ask for some new hands.
".........hold on......"
The QM goes to one of the fabricators and turns it on.
"Here ya go. Take them to a doctor who knows surgery."
Nuclear Operatives (Captured or incapacitated)
Due to the capture of all Nuclear Operatives, the team can vote to end the game early along with their action. The entirety of the station can also vote on this (though the station's vote counts as a single vote with whatever the majority agrees to).
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Eh, we still have 4 more turns until the shuttle gets here and the Nuke isn't active yet. I say let it roll and see what happens.
Action: I have the QM toss the hands into the wheelbarrow and head over to Dr. Acula. They're a surgeon right? I gesture towards the hands in the barrow of bananas and hold up my stumps. A single tear rolls down my face
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BYOND Username: warc
01-21-2018, 11:01 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-21-2018, 05:39 PM by warcrimes. Edited 1 time in total.)
Ghon Warcleans:
I strip OP#4 naked and toss him into the combustion chamber.
then I hook up whatever tank he was dragging to the injector.
"So uh, Irene - how alive do you want him?"
((( I vote keep going, and I'm always in favor of the DM faking a few rolls to Deus Ex some more antagonatry )))