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BYOND Username: Cirrial
Hi so in an effort to increase transparency I'm starting a thread for people to provide feedback (if they feel so inclined) on some chunks of the chaos I've been personally responsible for, so it can be better adjusted and player feedback collected and collated in one place.
Ghost Notifications- A relatively unused and very new system where an admin can ping a bunch of ghosts to let them know a THING is happening related to a specific player. Instead of using chat messages, it pops up a notification dialogue so people's attention is rudely interrupted by it.
- Prompting ghosts for event/player/admin driven respawn opportunities (some of you may already have seen this used for flockdrones, which I'll get to)
- Prompting ghosts where the nuke is when it's activated and other fun stuff
- Letting ghosts know where some of the more specific located events are taking place (eg. where a kudzu seed is planted, where a gravitational anomaly begins, where the first meteor is at when it spawns in a meteor shower, where the first radioactive burst is)
- Adding better user configuration to disable categories of messages (at the moment you can disable categories of messages but only per round so you'll always be stuck with seeing the first one)
Critter Respawns / "Ghost" Critters- Recently added critter respawn (available five minutes after death, and then twenty minutes after respawned critter death)
- Very early system
- Critters can't speak english, can't understand english, and can't read or write
- Add additional possible critters to spawn as (need to be suitably weak)
- Objectives for critters?
Flockmind/Flockdrones- So most of you probably have no idea what this is, it's an antagonist I've been working on
- Actually there's little to get feedback here I haven't had already, if you don't know what this is, don't worry, but just know things are coming
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BYOND Username: Ed Venture
11-29-2017, 09:27 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-29-2017, 09:28 PM by Ed Venture. Edited 1 time in total.)
Ghost Notifications sound dope. The critters thing I don't really like as it will just cheapen death even more but I concede that I am heavily outweighed on that aspect based on past conversations I've had with the community on that subject.
I don't know why you even told us about the new antag mode if you won't give details for us to give feedback on.
This is a really nice thing you've done though and I'm really happy at least one coder is trying this out for once. Thank you so much for asking for feedback before placing things in the game. It means so much to me and hopefully to others as well.
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BYOND Username: warc
Ghost notifications sound exciting and useful for keeping up with the action and making spectating actually interesting. Sidenote: could ghosts get that AI thing where you click a chatbox name and observe that dude?
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BYOND Username: Ed Venture
11-29-2017, 09:31 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-29-2017, 09:31 PM by Ed Venture.)
Let it be known that I am extremely looking forward to the new antag mode and the Ghost Notifications.
(11-29-2017, 09:30 PM)John Warcrimes Wrote: Sidenote: could ghosts get that AI thing where you click a chatbox name and observe that dude?
This would be awesome to have as a ghost.
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BYOND Username: babayetu83
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i don't see much appeal in respawning as a critter when a ghostdrone is functionally superior
what's the harm in letting them communicate? id be just as likely to just kill myself and spawn in as a critter and say so and so is a changeling and ate me just to stir the pot and enjoy the free comedy show
and from what i played when i was a flockdrone, nothing they did seemed particularly antagonistic aside from trapping people. will the flockdrone material cause harm to people or something?
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tell us about the damn flockdrones
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BYOND Username: Zewaka
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(11-30-2017, 12:01 AM)poland spring Wrote: tell us about the damn flockdrones
they are the teal chickens that have been around lately
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All of Cirr's changes have been neat and I'm excited for 'em all to roll out.
Re: Why choose to be a critter - choice is nice. Sometimes I wanna only interact with the game like a tiny little bit, it's good to be able to choose your level of involvement.
Re: Green Roomba's, they look neat and Cirr has already taken feedback on 'em and will do so again when there's more for you to actually discuss.
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BYOND Username: medsal15
Saw the flockdrone once. Brigged it. Killed it to see what it was made of.
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11-30-2017, 04:03 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-30-2017, 04:16 AM by Sundance. Edited 1 time in total.)
1. Ghost prompts are a good idea but I'm not sure what else there is to be discussed about it.
There is a part of me that is concerned that instantaneous information regarding who/what/where might enable people to metagame discreetly based on how much they know from ghost prompts if they get revived. This is not something that can really be discussed prior, it's something that needs to be tested over time.
2. No problem with critters revival. However on paper it seems it would be less subtle than ghost drone in how it operates. I assume they'd be able to recognize players. that they do not have ghost drone eyes? So I further assume they'd be able to interact with players?
What are the current list of critters that one can choose from? Because birds/spiders can really fuck up an unsuspecting player with their instant attacks.
Basically my point would be that the revived critters would need to be nerfed health wise, and critters themselves may need to be expanded upon so it's not just birds, cats and cockraoches. I personally like the snail critter that was introduced. Bats are neat too.
3. I know nothing about the flockdrones other than they absolutely need a better name. We really don't need more (word)drone things on the station.
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What are flockdrones? Malicious bots?
How about calling em:
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BYOND Username: Cirrial
11-30-2017, 09:38 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-30-2017, 09:39 AM by Cirrial.)
alright full disclosure I posted this thread before going to bed and I didn't have the wakefulness to post about flockmind/flockdrone so HERE GOES
this is a weird mix of already implemented and planned to be implemented so if you don't recognise something here or something's conspicuously free of sprites, that's why
A strange signal screams towards the station. A transmission of unknown origin, weakening over the vastness of space, coalescing into an intangible but centralised form: the flockmind. Where did it come from? Where is it going? All unknowable, for the only concern the flockmind has is as follows: - Establish a signal relay to transmit itself onward, at any cost.
- Manufacture as many combination distributed computing units and worker drones as necessary to do this.
- Eliminate any factors inhibiting these goals.
The flockmind is the central nexus of the collective consciousness of the signal, a gestalt formed of radio signals and abstract computation. It also ceases to exist when its last drone is destroyed. Therefore, the flockmind is theoretically powerful and untouchable, but its main weakness is its reliance on its drones.
Flockmind Abilities (and computational resource costs)
Computational Resources are accumulated on per second rates. An AI controlled drone operating on preprogrammed directives and priorities contributes 3 comp. res. per second, while a player-controlled sapient drone contributes 1 due to more processing power going towards sustaining their individual will.
Spawn Egg - The remnant energy that the flockmind has carried with it will allow it to manifest one flockdrone egg (technically second-stage assembly device, but who cares) to begin its flock of drones, but upon doing so it will be entirely dependent on its drones to survive and produce further eggs.
Designate Enemy - Let AI-controlled flockdrones know that someone is a threat to be dealt with, and let player-controlled drones track an enemy via a helpful glowing marker above them.
Designate Tile - Add or remove a floor/wall tile from consideration by AI-controlled flockdrones. Possibly also helpful to coordinate player-controlled drones.
Awaken Drone (500) - Attempt to make an AI controlled drone into a player controlled drone. (Pings out a ghost respawn notification, which after 30 seconds takes everyone who said "yes" and picks one of them at random to be the drone player)
Slumber Drone - Is a player controlled drone AFK? Actively harming the flock's efforts? Kick them out with this, returning a player-controlled drone to AI-control.
Concentrated Repair Burst (1000) - Through direct concentration of computational resources enough attention to detail and focus can be given to a drone on an almost incomprehensible level of detail, allowing for every minute circuit and fibre of a drone to focus on its own repair. This fully repairs a drone.
Gatecrash (1500) - Skilled packet creators can open a door with a radio transmission they put manually together. As a being of pure radio, you can just shunt open every door in sight with but a thought, and some further beyond.
Radio Stun Burst (2000) - While individual crew members might praise other pieces of equipment, the radio headset is a blessing. With this, it can be turned into a curse. All humans in visible range, who aren't deaf and have a radio headset, have their headsets burst into deafening static, stunning them and dealing sonic damage.
Narrowbeam Transmission (50) - Broadcast a very specific message to an individual (as long as they have some form of radio receiver on them, else you're out of luck) or broadcast a message into an active radio device, such as an intercom. However, as an alien radio signal, mass broadcasting via intercom is likely to lead to strange distortions of what you transmit.
Other passive abilities shared by the flockmind and all flockdrones: - Hear all radio signals transmitted by any (non-encrypted) radio device, but with heavy distortion
- Intercept all silicon transmissions, but again with distortion
- On the flipside, all silicons can hear flockspeak with heavy distortion, thus making your robot buddies possibly your best source of intel on what the heck these weird roombas want
- Able to instantly communicate with each other regardless of status (and, maybe unfairly, regardless of signal loss conditions that would affect other radio devices)
- Able to ascertain exact health and resource status of any other flock member just by examining them
In order to construct the necessary infrastructure and relay mechanisms the flockmind requires more than just mobile computers. It requires builders.
The flockdrone has a number of tools and capabilities available to it, all (save for egg spawning) accessed via its unique limb and equipment slots.
From left to right: Disintegration Reclaimer - Placing an item into this slot will automatically break it down into resources, required for many of the flockdrone's other capabilities. The longer it takes to break down the item, the more resources it grants. At the moment, the length of time it takes for an item to break down is based off of how long it takes to burn down.
Grip Tool - Functions like a normal hand, allowing for the flockdrone to pick up an item.
Nanite Spray - Varies on intent and target.- Help
On Floor/Wall - Convert the floor or wall into a flock tile at a cost of 20 resources, allowing for benefits. [note: benefits still under consideration] Also converts all windows on the floor into flock windows, and all doors into flock airlocks, which allow all access.
On Other Flockdrone - Repair other drone for 33% of its max health, at a cost of 10 resources.
- Disarm
On Stunned Target - Incarcerate the target into an energy cage that will begin to slowly, painfully break down their equipment and organic parts into resources. For every 50 resources gained in this way, a new flockdrone egg will be generated adjacent to the cage. On complete processing of the individual, the cage dissolves. It's noteworthy that someone coming to inside this cage can mash the movement keys in order to try and escape, but they might be missing a limb or two. Or perhaps fortunately only missing all their gear.
Incapacitor - Fire a stunning bolt that stuns any non-flockdrone target it comes into contact with.
A flockdrone can also expend 50 resources to spawn an egg, providing they're on a flock tile.
On death, a flockdrone can be butchered for many things, including their core, which, if processed by another flockdrone, will bring all of the accumulated resources of their broken companion into the consuming drone. Unlike with humans, eating your dead friends' brains is good for you!
Potential idea for an ability for flockdrones: ability to dive into flock tiles and move around through them at high speeds, although if a flock floor tile they're in gets damaged it spits them out and does heavy damage.
THE NEST, THE HIVE, WHATEVER YOU WANT TO CALL IT (note: this part is still in conceptual stages, so feedback here for ideas incredibly desirable)
All structures require flock tile infrastructure.
- Collector - A zero-point vacuum energy extractor, advanced alien technology. However, it also draws power from whatever powernet it's attached to -- while typically the zero-point energy generator will be far more efficient and provide a greater output, through completely inexplicable reasons the residents of the station sometimes manage to create more power than a star, which will amplify the power provided by the collector.
- Pylon - Wirelessly transmits flock power without the need for direct flock tile infrastructure, but only in cardinal directions. (Yes, I did steal this idea from myself from that intruder gamemode thread)
- Nest - Instead of spawning eggs directly, a flockdrone can dump 30 resources into a nest to have it focus on spawning the egg instead for a more efficient ratio of resource to egg. Additionally, dragging an energy caged victim onto a nest will cut out the middleman and convert the hapless victim into a self-aware flockdrone directly.
- Barricade - A weak, grille-strength-or-less barricade that flockdrones can inexplicably phase through without issue while others can't pass through.
- Array - Three of these need to be constructed in strategic locations in order to triangulate the direction for the relay signal to be transmitted in. They're costly, fragile, and will interfere with the radio communications of others the closer they get to them, so good hiding places are essential, and keeping them as far apart as possible is also advised.
- Relay - The ultimate goal. Can't be constructed until three arrays are constructed. Upon construction, the flockmind can initiate its charging procedure, and must defend the relay while it begins tracking and charging for its one burst transmission. All crew are made aware of where the relay is when this happens. Upon finishing, the escape shuttle is automatically called as the station begins to fall apart. The flockmind gets infinite computational resources, tlayer drones become something akin to the flockmind and can mess with the crew, and any ghost can hop into a flockdrone as the transmission beams out and the crew scrambles to evacuate a station being consumed for the purposes of one massive broadcast.
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BYOND Username: Ed Venture
Holy shit the sprites for the flockdrone look so fucking cool.
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I see this is what happened to the critter overmind concept that cirr tried making happen a few months ago.