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Reintroduce Werewolf
I feel like conversion will just end in people getting mauled and werewolf-chains getting quickly shut down.... Then again, that's sort of the point. It's like a cursed version of hot potato where you don't have a choice to drop the potato.

The big problem, if I remember from messing around, is that werewolves don't have a form of easy transit. Wizards are the only other active and visible antagonist and they need to phase through walls to survive. Granted, that's also where the transfer form comes in. If you can't run away, you infect someone else. If someone's not an active werewolf, they're not an antagonist.

I suppose the big points would be werewolves needing for transfer to be easy to pull off, and some sort of stun resistance to make transit more possible.

On the subject of self antaging, I can see a problem in people approaching a werewolf with hopes of becoming one, but it balances out by how the werewolf is intended to freely mass murder everyone and anyone. Heck, I think it could actually be a point of legitimate interaction. I can see people attempting to subdue the werewolf to be transformed, while the werewolf refuses to give up their powers, with a third element of people trying to stop others from transforming, while this third element is also trying to kill the werewolf, all with the werewolf-wannabe trying to fight off everyone. Alternatively, it'll just be a mob of people fighting each other over the wolf, while avoiding killing the wolf, while the wolf also tries to kill them, which is some good chaos overall.

I don't know if that made any sense, but it'd probably need to be explicitly stated that "hey, trying to become a werewolf is actually okay, just as is stopping people from becoming a werewolf." If this still doesn't work, you could probably make a secondary antagonist, who's goal is to become a werewolf at any cost, and add 2-3 of them for every werewolf in a round. Granted, the "at any cost" clause might just end up like original Spy where they indiscriminately murder everyone and it's no fun. Alternatively, you could have some sorta puritan role, whose job is to prevent x-number of werewolf transfers and ultimately exterminate the beast, as a counter balance.

In short, this seems like a perfect setup for utter chaos, and I love it.
I think maybe the Werewolves could have their own Acolytes as a chaos generating mechanic.

Acolytes: These dorks join crews hoping to uncover werewolves so that they can gain their power, as such you should arrest them and perhaps fart on them, they have no power by themselves but given the chance they will willingly take the power from the wolves and use it to murder everyone. They can't really be un-brainwashed, but security is instructed to handle them in proportion to the threat they pose. e.g kill the murdery/werewolved ones, fart on the ones who spam radio with praise wolfman rhetoric. Of course they can also be great anti vampire defences, because they're team wolf.

Note: Your chaplain was specifically picked to harbor distaste to werewolves and their worshipers. Also there's no guarantee that the wolf god is particularly nice to it's followers, so some followers may be turned into dog food. As there's nothing really magical about werewolves, Acolytes are just a group of idiots who decided to try to appease wolf people in order to become their next recipients.

Problem with calling them anything culty is it inspires people to play pretend cult. But then again I suppose that's the problem with creating a role specifically for giving someone the objective to "Become a werewolf", it either punishes people who aren't given that objective, or it encourages security to straight up kill anyone who openly volunteers to be the next wolfman.

Perhaps werewolve's mechanic could be curable as well, giving the crew a way to smack down the wolves nonlethally by taking their fur and pathologizing a cure out of it that doesn't involve killing every known wolf.

Also possible disability

Blood Lust: If someone releases a lot of blood, like a flood of it, werewolves may instinctively change from their human forms, outing any beast man who finds themselves a bloodbath.
I feel like, if it is brought back, the defense shouldn't be Chaplain related. Chaplain is bogged down with enough as it is. I propose the "main defense" to be detectives, because the sort of "urban werewolf" stuff fits well with the trenchcoat wearing hunter, that and a single silver bullet for the revolver.
make clown anti-werewolf cause it needs MORE job-specific stuff
Wow this seems way less worse!! Almost makes me not salty about the time a werewolf spent all round hiding in Cog2's trashcart-disposal-chute howling and quickly sniping people and then hiding forever in a place nobody ever looks at all

A++ as usual
Hulk Hogan Wrote:1.You could be in Hydroponics.. and the AI could spot you when you transform, and you get bolted inside, and the AI alerts the crew.
2.If you get turned into one in public, the crew would hunt you down and kill you in a mob.
3.If you are stuck as a werewolf then good luck at being sneaky and not getting killed.

1. This could be same said about most antagonists. Also werewolves cannot be bolted in.
2. It resist all damage, heal itself with maul, it can bridge the gap from ranged attacks with pounce, pin one player down while it attacks another.. Trust me when I say that the powers I suggested would make a werewolf friggin nightmarish to deal with short of blowing it up.
3. Not true. The "first night" or the first conversion will be tough IF you have a mob at you, but once you reconvert back to a human, you can change at will with a cooldown. But yes for the most part you won't be sneaky.

All these points are kind of moot due to the fact that you can also turn someone else into a werewolf if you're not robust enough to deal with the situation, or didn't want to be a werewolf in the first place. The lycanthropy disease that appears on the medscanner for werewolf appears after the first night. This is a bargaining chip, you can safely show the crew that you are no longer an antagonist. But.. paranoia.. if you aren't.. who is?

locusts Wrote:maybe the vampire should get an objective to enthrall or kill the werewolf?
I'd be down for some antag on antag action. That is always entertaining. 

Frank_Stein Wrote:And I figure a werewolf would only be non-human in their wolf form

Mageziya Wrote:Words
This guy gets it. If people are having any doubts, please read this post.
Werewolf mode is meant to be Dramatic and drenched in Paranoia. This is similar to a violent game of tag. You see a werewolf, you should be both confused and afraid, because you're not sure if this werewolf is trying to pass on his disease and flee, or be violent as possible and then do so. 
Even if they are no longer werewolf, does that absolve them of murder, of continuing the cycle? If you have been bitten, are you a werewolf? Are you a ticking timebomb?
The werewolf is attacking the vamp, who do you root for?
A werewolf wants to come peacefully. Do you believe him? What if he's just biding his time? 
There's people actively pursuing the werewolf trying to become one. Are they bad? The wolf scratches you, says you're now one. No signs, is he lying?
The reconverted werewolf plea for it's life against another werewolf because they gave them power. Is it a douche move to kill him? No? If not, who's the real enemy?

All these questions are what make a mode good.

As for the suggestions of silver, I'm hesitant of it being based off the material system due to it being a bit of a blackhole in terms of coders having knowledge on it. 
I like the idea of the detective having silver bullets. Getting nicked by one could reduce the time being spent in the wolf form, or possibly better; prevents them from turning back into a werewolf so long as it's lodged inside them.
The way Mageziya describes it and Sundance seconds it, I actually am utterly fascinated by this now. Intrigue is something I've wanted to see in my spepsmants for a good while.
Question on werewolf transfer: Is it instanteous, where the targeted victim instantly becomes a full fledged werewolf, or is it closer to the changeling headspider where the victim becomes infected, and is dormant for a minute or two, while also being detectable by a medscanner?

Honestly, I'm not sure which one I'd want. Both have their ups and downs that I feel like would best be figured out through play-testing.

The instant-activation greatly improves the survival chances of the new werewolf, (or, possibly decreases depending on the situation) but also greatly simplifies the game to the point where only active werewolves are the antagonists.
The delayed-activation has the element of paranoia and confusion, but will likely be vastly easier to shut down when turbo-nerds finally learn how to play this mode.
It's the latter. Only it works a little differently.

The Transfer Lycanthopy/disease ability works similar to the vampires disease touch. It would be no different than the normal aggressive punch/slash that the werewolf does, transferring it as so.

The target would be none the wiser that they have it. It does not show up in a medical scan; it's literally the same as if you've round started as a werewolf, only would be a bit shorter in time (5-10 mins)

After they've transformed, only then would the disease be shown on the medical scan.

Edit: I should note that the antagonist status, even when transferred ONLY occurs when they transform for the first time. Otherwise in any scenario they're none the wiser.
Alternatively instead of passing the curse on, a bite that injects werewolf serum into a victim to create a distraction.
(11-25-2017, 02:25 AM)Sundance Wrote: As for the suggestions of silver, I'm hesitant of it being based off the material system due to it being a bit of a blackhole in terms of coders having knowledge on it. I like the idea of the detective having silver bullets. Getting nicked by one could reduce the time being spent in the wolf form, or possibly better; prevents them from turning back into a werewolf so long as it's lodged inside them.
What if Botany was given wolfsbane as an alternative.

Botany is something almost anyone can do, they can already grow garlic, and that makes them a lot more useful then a single detective with limited bullets. Plus Wolfsbane in real life is toxic to humans anyway, so you're not going to weaponize it unless you know for certain that someone is a werewolf because otherwise you've just gassed the crew with a deadly neurotoxin.

edit: As a balence, perhaps we could see a token "Flower" that could be added with various mutations depending on what coders want to do with it, wolfsbane being one harder to get mutation.

For instance the buttercup plant.

I mean I'm all for werewolf being a violent game of tag, but I also like the idea of the crew having one or two good ways to defend themselves after they've discovered werewolves in the crew.
(11-24-2017, 09:14 PM)cyberTripping Wrote: I feel like, if it is brought back, the defense shouldn't be Chaplain related. Chaplain is bogged down with enough as it is. I propose the "main defense" to be detectives, because the sort of "urban werewolf" stuff fits well with the trenchcoat wearing hunter, that and a single silver bullet for the revolver.

I don't believe that chaplains are bogged down with anything. They generally don't do much, but preach their religion that no one cares about. I agree that detectives should be the werewolf hunters. It just is fitting that they would.
(11-25-2017, 09:57 PM)Hulk Hogan Wrote:
(11-24-2017, 09:14 PM)cyberTripping Wrote: I feel like, if it is brought back, the defense shouldn't be Chaplain related. Chaplain is bogged down with enough as it is. I propose the "main defense" to be detectives, because the sort of "urban werewolf" stuff fits well with the trenchcoat wearing hunter, that and a single silver bullet for the revolver.

I don't believe that chaplains are bogged down with anything. They generally don't do much, but preach their religion that no one cares about. I agree that detectives should be the werewolf hunters. It just is fitting that they would.

I worded it poorly. On a round to round basis they generally don't have much to do, even if it's an antagonist relevant to them. The thing is though, they have shit relevant to wizards, vampires, and poltergeists (I think). So you can see where i'm coming from about spreading the anti-antag specialization around a bit.
having the detective counter the werewolf makes no sense. leave the supernatural threats to the chaplain
Detectives should most certainly be the Protagonist or Werewolf Hunter or whatever, as CyberTripping says. Give the Detective a Silver Bullet that causes high damage (maybe like 40?) and reduces the Werewolf's regenerative powers until it's chopped out.

According to several different random wikia's for random shows/games, wikipedia, and a random person, werewolves have several weaknesses that I think can be put into the game to combat the near-immortality of werewolf form.

I'll be suggesting some weaknesses:

Fire: Wolves are scared of fire, and all that fur a werewolf has would burn up really fast: Fire should probably be a bit scarier to werewolves, at the very least make it so werewolves cannot grab Fire Extinguishers properly with their giant claws getting in the way. Forcing a transformation or a lot of rolling to hope that regeneration recovers. Perhaps make regeneration heal burns slower?

Silver: While this might just be a thing used for fictional purposes, who cares. I suggest making Silver Bullets (or silver tools) do higher damage and lower it's regeneration rates for a time.

Holy Grounds: While there is no need to make the Chaplain themselves particularly strong against werewolves, perhaps just make the Werewolf have reduced regeneration in the Chapel and higher Cool-down rates. This way it's more sensible to hide for your life in the chapel if it comes howling.

Wolfsbane/Aconitum: While I am no botanist or anything, I think this plant should grow in Botany and have a poison that is extra lethal to wolves or something. I don't know, I didn't research this much.

High-pitched Noises, such as a dog whistle: Werewolves are dogs. Use a dog whistle. Maybe it'll stun it for a second or mute it's volume for a bit?

And that is all I have besides Vampires, but I don't really feel we should add to much regarding Vampires and Werewolves considering this might just end up being it's own gamemode/mixed.

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