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Money/Economy/QM Thread
Dear lord, yes. Give QMs control of putting cargobay profits into someone's(a miner or botanist, or maybe theirs) account. This would encourage people to actually send the QMs shit to sell because they can get a slice of that dough.

Or the QMs can just embezzle all the money and abscond into space. Either or. v
I've actually been looking into setting that up already. Just kinda complicated.
There should be a chopshop trader who buys pod parts(and maybe pods if that's possible).
Wouldn't that be Thrifty Bob? Just blow the pod up and sell the scrap to him.
Cogwerks Wrote:I've actually been looking into setting that up already. Just kinda complicated.

Cogwerks, are you some sort of psychic or something?
One thing I would like is if traders were more interconnected. Like, if one trader sold something that another one wanted, so you could make money by flying between all the different traders and hawking wares back and forth. Something to actually make QM's feel like they're really trading, instead of either salvaging the debris field, or stealing shit from the station. I'd like to see a triumphant QM, 45 minutes into the round, finally afford an Assault Laser Platform, then sell it to the scrap trader for 1.25x what he paid for it, and laugh maniacally.
a duplicate QM computer could be cool, the new trader system means that they see a lot more sustained use so this would ensure every QM has something they can be doing besides waiting around

okay and here's how I think hipbee's awesome medibot idea should be implemented:
Medical Insurance Vending Machines
they print stickers like the regular barcode machines. You pay $X for $X of insurance, it prints out a sticker of that value, then you slap it on yourself (or a patient if you're a really lazy doctor)

medical scanners in addition to the regular stuff will display how much insurance a person's got

the medibot subtracts an amount from your insurance every time it heals you, maybe $50 per shot. if you can't afford medicine then it just gives you inaprovaline to stabilize you but nothing else.

also if you want to be really cruel give doctors the ability to set the price for medibot services, maybe from their computer in the break room
I've had a chance to play around with the new cargobay a bit, and so far I am loving it, especially the multiple ways the QMs have to make money now that require either a modicum of teamwork, or some actual work.

One question though: is it intentional that I can't add half the money made selling Syreline or whatever to Gragg/other traders? I add my bank account info to the barcode tag, but nothing is added to my account.
Happened to me too, but besides the point, QM is probably my favourite job right now, love buying items and trading them back for large profits.

Also syreline is the best thing ever.
Even better is Gragg's description for cytine.

"ME SELLING ROCKWORM POOP. NOT SURE WHY YOU WOULD WANT, BUT THERE YOU GO." Gets me giggling every time. Less the fact it's poop, more that he's so indifferent about it.
Rockworm poop is actually random gems. A couple rounds ago, I scored a crate full of uqill from that wormy bastard.
cardswipes should announce how much money was transferred instead of just the new account balance
Bit of a no-brainer really, if it's already there or something similar, then hit me with a salmon next time you see me in game.
Add an extra card swiper at the QM that's automatically synced up to the stations budget, i.e: cannot be swiped initially to be reset, etc.

Shit is now steamlined:
-->Go to QM, ask to buy something
-->QM points at card swiper
-->You swipe, adds money to station budget
-->QM goes to buy the items with your money.
-->Station budget isn't effected, money is used, everybody wins.

Also, if there was some sort of device that eats paper cash and transfers it to station budget.. hmm..
There's the QM supply consoles for the first part of your idea. Swipe your ID and select "Purchase Supply Points". This also gives the QMs a notice on their PDAs that Joe McPubs dropped 500 into the shipping budget.
david2222121 Wrote:There's the QM supply consoles for the first part of your idea. Swipe your ID and select "Purchase Supply Points". This also gives the QMs a notice on their PDAs that Joe McPubs dropped 500 into the shipping budget.
oh no, I am going to get a face full of salmon.

Well then, here's an idea, allow the QM computer to have a slot to push in money, similar to the slot for IDs/Discs, which you can purchase supply points.

Maybe "supply points" is a bit misleading. Perhaps instead of "purchase supply points" it should be just "purchase"
That's a bit nit-picky, but oh well.

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