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NanoTrasen Personnel Files
Here at NanoTrasen, we believe in the individuality and worth of our templates employees. Therefore, we are taking an initiative to update our employee records with the inclusion of a more comprehensive personnel file. Please fill out this form at your earliest convenience, and deposit it at your Head of Personnel's office. 

General profile

Supplementary information
Favorite food:
Favorite drink:

Please also provide a front-facing photo. It will be added to your records and serve as your standard identification. Biometrics such as fingerprinting, hive mind pheromones, blood samples, and retinal scans we have already will be taken at a later date.

Alright, read that back to me, AI. Hah, can you believe those suckers would just willingly fill this out? You know, I ought to...

This is the character sheet idea from this thread. If you ever feel inclined to play on LLJK1, you should totally fill this out! It's not a requirement, obviously, but it can make things more fun. And feel free to customize this to your liking. You're definitely not limited to the things listed, and you don't have to fill out all of it if you'd prefer not to.
General profile
Name: Tooty
Age: Unkown
Gender: Clown
Personality: He is a manic and hyperactive clown who tries to always be happy and only comedically rude! :o) While tooty might appear like a nice person, he might try and fail to slip you. More often than not he will be breaking and entering everywhere, just for fun. He does seem somewhat knowledgeable in many things and skills, but is often slow to complete them or fail entierly out of being a clown.
Appearance: Standard Clown outfit, blue and black hair, balding.
Background: Grew up in a circus and went to clown college, unkown if he graduated or dropped out, he cant remember.
History: Was never officialy hired by NT, just showed up one day.

Supplementary information
Likes: Harmless and Harmfull pranks and bamboozles, breaking in, fixing things, helping people, slipping people.
Dislikes: Monkeys. Captains who hide the spare.
Favorite food: Bananana. Deepfried captain who hid the spare
Favorite drink: Water right after a good bananana.
General profile
Name: Irene Mincine
Age: 29
Gender: F
Personality: Usually found in Botany tending to the plants and taking care of bees. Likes to be left alone and really dislikes NT authority, especially nosy security people. In an emergency, she doesn’t so much take charge as try to solve the problem herself. She also knows lots of drink recipes.
Appearance: Fair skin, brown eyes, and long purple hair. Generally she wears the usual outfit for whatever role she is assigned this shift. If obese, she’ll look for stretchy swimwear.
Background: Grew up on a farming colony. She learned to identify medicinal plants and raise space bees, eventually getting a degree in botanical sciences and biochemistry from one of the big universities.
Skill Analysis: High aptitude scores for Botanist and Scientist positions, acceptable scores for Geneticist and Barman. Poor aptitude for medical and engineering positions. Recommend against assignment to Security roles due to past insubordination. Recommendation - Good scientist crewmember template.
History: Hired by NanoTrasen as Botanist Third-Class and posted to a research station, she was blamed for an outbreak of kudzu that was obviously planted by her superior. The kudzu led to the loss of the station with only her, the HoP, and the clown escaping before TURDS nuked the station. NT punished her by reassigning her to Space Station 13. (The HOP was promoted to Captain of Space Station 7 and the Clown was sent for remedial clowning training.)

Supplementary information
Likes: Bees! Exploring the debris field.
Dislikes: Traitors, having to do other people’s jobs for them.
Favorite food: Hamburgers and deep-fried traitors.
Favorite drink: Mead.
General Profile
  • Name: Rebecca Elizabeth Woods
  • Age: 27
  • Gender: Female
  • Personality: Typically friendly, but has territorial tendencies. Has demonstrated outbursts of aggression if provoked. Shows little appreciation for laziness, but is tolerant of genuine incompetence. Generally loyal to NanoTransen, as long as she's being paid. Consider splicing with REDACTED to promote fanaticism.
  • Appearance: Caucasian; mid-back length brown hair; green eyes.
  • Background: Repeated college drop out, has picked up a range of skills from trying to find suitable career. Generally a solid base template crewmember to fill varied vacant positions, though leadership style can encourage dissent from subordinates.
  • History: Original template Crewmember acquired from recruitment drive, initially rejected due to lack of demonstrable skills but picked up in 3rd round of Project Exemplary (general lowering of standards following massive loss of crew in REDACTED)
Supplementary Information
  • Likes: Physics-defying boxes/bottles of 100s of patches/pills; monkeys; space lube spraybottles
  • Dislikes: Disorganization and/or mess; hotwiring the solars; cigarettes; people randomly wearing insulated gloves
  • Favorite food: BLT sandwiches; sausage pizza
  • Favorite drink: Gin and tonic, ice, lime wedge
General profile
Name: Felicity Elizabeth Key
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Usual Jobs: HoP, Mechanic, Botanist, Apiarist 
Personality: Usually cheery and friendly, easily devolops emotional bonds with animals
Appearance: Slightly short, with golden hair and blue eyes.
Background: Was studying bee keeping when she applied to NT as part of a dare and got approved. Excited with the prospect of bees in space she accepted. However she proved to be a poor botanist but showed talent in bureaucracy and mechanics, so she was offered to replace a recently lynched HoP. Once she arrived she discovered her grandmother Katherine had sent the dare and approved her application because she had accidentally not released a plague on her city and didn't want her to be infected.
History: Has participated in many trials, and only half of them resulted in someone dying. Tried setting up a play once, 3 monkeys died, a bee was skinned and the courtroom burned down, she hasn't attempted anything of the sort since.

Supplementary information
Likes: Bees, formality, masquerades 
Dislikes: People walking with internals inside the station, weed
Favorite food: Donk Pockets
Favorite drink: French 75

General profile
Name: Katherine Nesset Key
Age: 60
Gender: Female
Personality: Cold, ambitious and calculating
Appearance: Gray hair, Blue eyes. Despite her age she seems quite strong.
Background: Having a PhD in medicine, she knew that space would be the best place for distinguishing herself. She applied to NT and was immediately approved, as all other candidates had suddenly fallen extremely sick.
History: Has a great record, almost always succeeding in treating patients. 

Supplementary information
Likes: People out of the medbay, 
Dislikes: Monkeys, Clowns, Disorganized medbay, dirty medbay, blown up medbay, cryo cells wasting air, people self serving at the medbay, Clowns in the medbay, peple who hang out in the medbay.
Favorite food: Spaghetti
Favorite drink: Wine

I will write the ones for Baldric and Archie some other time.
General profile
Name: Sov Daniel Exant
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Personality: Overly inquisitive
Appearance: Tall, Short dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes
Background: Former DWAINE and ThinkDos Systems Administrator. Transferred to Space Station 13 following incident involving live ammo Phaser Buddies.
History: Trained on site in medicine to meet medical staffing needs. Strangely experienced with plasma research for background. Not to be left unsupervised for long periods of time in research.

Supplementary information
Likes: Computers and PR-6 Buddies
Dislikes: Security, the Research Director, and locked doors
Favorite food: Plasma cooked grilled cheese
Favorite drink: Iced tea
General profile
Name: Ms. _ Licorice
Age: 18? 24? 30? 80? Uhhhh
Gender: Female
Personality: Narcissist. Very annoying.  Lazy when it comes to doing things for others. When motivated will stop at nothing to accomplish her goals. Very, very annoying.
Appearance: Long green ponytai. Red, bloodshot eyes. Commonly seen wearing a princess outfit
Background: Went to Mars Community College and graduated with a degree in... Let's see here... "College". That has to be a mistake. Suspected terrorist on two planets, eight space stations, and four moon colonies.
History: Was picked up at the Demios Starlight truck stop by the current Head of Security after she tried to steal a Discount Dan's burrito from the vending machine. Hired on as a Staff Assistant on the Saturn III station, was promoted to Captain by the current Captain before he mysteriously fell ill and died. Transferred over to SS13 shortly after the explosion on Saturn III that destabilized the station's orbit. Was the sole survivor of the shuttle that was carrying her and twelve others to SS13 after the thrusters, life support, and reactor failed at the same time.

Supplementary information
Likes: Bees. Getting absolutely wasted while on duty.
Dislikes: Guardbuddy hugs.
Favorite food: Donuts, doesn't matter what kind.
Favorite drink: Alcohol
General profile
Name: Jack Jackson
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Personality: Tries to be nice, but very irritable and prone to violence if pushed. Very stubborn, oftentimes refusing help and insisting he can work on his own.
Appearance: Tall and skinny. Black hair kept in buzzcut. Brown eyes. Very pale.
Background: Masters Degree from University of Pluto. Majored in mechanical engineering.
History: Signed up for a part-time job with Nanotransen to pay off his horrible student loan debt while in college. Got a full-time job after graduating because he was still in horrible student loan debt. Transferred to Station 13 after an inspector slipped on a puddle of oil and slid out an airlock in Jack's workplace. Inspector's body was found to be heavily bruised and with traces of insulative fibers.
Supplementary information
Likes: The engine, money, lasers.
Dislikes: Inspectors, gaurdbuddies,  getting shocked, debt.
Favorite food: Electrical cables Spaghetti. 
Favorite drink: Vodka mixed with welding fuel.
General profile
Name: Roco Tahony Berry
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Personality: A bit rude and immature. Can be overbearing or annoying at times. Confident.
Appearance: Green hair and eyes, syntharms.
Background: Hails from Earth, probably. She's not sure what she really did before coming here.
History: Originally employed by NanoTrasen to be some sort of... Test Subject? No, that can't be right.

Supplementary information
Likes: Monkeys, open mic nights
Dislikes: Solar flares
Favorite food: Wontons
Favorite drink: Triple citrus, pina colada
I'm beginning to think I'm a bigger nerd than previously expected. Maybe I don't play as much RP1 as I used to, but here's my dudes all the same.

[Image: QyebENY.png]
General profile
Name: Julian Stephen Joseph St. Julian Stough-Jackson
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Personality: Generally friendly. Easily annoyed and frustrated. Protective of his department and coworkers. Frequent drinker.
Appearance: Somewhere around 6'0" when not slouching, lithe frame, greasy black hair with a pair of short, low ponytails and a full beard. Clumsy manner.
Background: Born Julian S. J. St. J. Stough in the general area of Dorset. Parents were frequent travellers who left Dorset with him a few years after his birth, cutting all family ties and never settling afterwards. Eventually moved to space, finding a passion for engineering, but still never settling. Has a younger sister who settled down on Europa.
History: Initially hired as a barman, but pressed into service as an engineer during staff shortages. Has served on multiple ships, stations and installations. Resigned but returned after two years and was re-hired, eventually reaching CE qualification. Married Weston Jackson while serving on the NSS Destiny, creating the Stough-Jackson surname.
Supplementary information
Likes: A good drink, friends, a good drink with friends, tinkering, the engine, Weston
Dislikes: Overbearing bosses, shifty doctors
Favorite food: BLT
Favorite drink: Space-Cuba Libre, slice of lime

[Image: gnbG0F3.png]
General profile
Name: Artyom Pyotrovich Zakharov
Age: 64
Gender: Male
Personality: Bossy and self-important, but calm and professional. Tends to distrust non-doctors.
Appearance: Average height, with a long face and short, greying hair. Glasses. Steady and precise. Skinny, but fit.
Background: Born in Leningrad, USSR. Often in trouble as a child but managed to concentrate on his studies enough to later serve as an army medic. Started a family in his home country before emigrating over political differences, taking his wife, brother and three children. Divorced after his children left home.
History: Relatively recent NanoTrasen employee. Hired as medical director and reserve medical doctor/roboticist on condition he be allowed to "do real work". Hard worker, in between smoking breaks in the morgue.

Supplementary information
Likes: His work, his family, wallowing in self-righteous self-pity, reading
Dislikes: Anti-smoking regulations, mess in his medbay, poor conduct by doctors, implications that just because he's Russian he drinks vodka
Favorite food: Beef Wellington
Favorite drink: Whiskey

[Image: 0Tnzu6K.png]
(request for better picture met with incoherent response about "the will of God" and "lying monkeys")
General profile
Name: Ivan "Vanya" Pyotrovich Zakharov
Age: 59
Gender: Male
Personality: Rude, greedy, and frighteningly set on whatever conviction he chooses to have on the day. Reasonably pleasant towards those he takes a liking to.
Appearance: Lank and slightly greying black hair in a ponytail. Scruffy short goatee. Grey complexion and oddly fixed, intense expression. Muscular.
Background: Younger brother of Artyom. Very well-behaved as a child, but fell both behind in school and in with a succession of bad crowds. Sporadically sponged off of Artyom and anybody who would let him. Unwilling to provide details of precisely what he's been doing for the last forty years.
History: Hired as reserve staff for various roles of low importance or skill requirement. For this reason often used as chaplain (claims to be Russian Orthodox), barman, chef, captain, safety inspector, etc..

Supplementary information
Likes: Attention, power, his family, occasional violence
Dislikes: "Killjoys"
Favorite food: Chocolate cake
Favorite drink: The nearest one

[Image: QiGBUvm.png]
General profile
Name: Vera Artyomovna Hewes
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Personality: Cheery, chatty and doggedly determined. Likes to assume the best in people. Easily nervous stressed when overworked. Sometimes willing to justify the means by the end when it comes to upholding the law or protecting her friends and family.
Appearance: 5'7" and rather stocky. Very messy, long, black hair with highlights of regularly varying colour.
Background: One of the two twins that make up Artyom's oldest children. Was raised in a series of relatively sketchy areas, and eventually decided to devote herself to maintaining order and good conduct. Spent most of her life out of Russia and in areas of majority US descent, leaving her Russian rather rusty but her English idiomatic.
History: Hired as a security officer after extensive investigation revealed no remaining Russian ties. Also kept as reserve for detective and neutral command roles (e.g. head of personnel).

Supplementary information
Likes: A good chat, her coworkers,
Dislikes: Crime, criminals
Favorite food: Seems to subsist almost entirely on vending machine soup
Favorite drink: Teetotaller. Drinks too much coffee
General profile
Name: Nathan Zabloaf
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Personality: Slightly suspicious; friendly; a bit lazy; not too concerned with safety.
Appearance: Greasy pompadour and a Tom Selleck moustache.
Background: Got his position through his good nature and charm, as well as his hardworking, if not well-working, nature. NanoTrasen cannot seem to get rid of him.
History: Somehow keeps getting shuffled between different job assignments within the same crews and ships. Not clear whether this is due to being bad at all jobs or kinda good at all jobs.

Supplementary information
Likes: Fire. Water. Seeing people slip.
Dislikes: Being on fire. Drowning. Slipping.
Favorite food: Meatball Sub
Favorite drink: Gin & Tonic

How the hell do you get a front-facing picture with clothes???
General profile
Name: Hulk Hogan
Age: 64
Gender: Male
Personality: Flamboyant
Appearance: Long blonde hair and signature hogan mustache
Background: Wrestling-federation world champion who is a actor and entertainer. He was cryogenic-ally frozen after suffering a illness that could of ended his life. He was frozen until Nanotrasen found his cryopod and cured his illness. Hulk Hogan then was hired by Nanotrasen. He has a keen interest in space travel and science, particularly teleporter science (Telescience). He loves the future and everything about it, but misses his past life.

Likes: Wrestling, drugs, lifting weights and being fit. He also likes scientific breakthroughs.
Dislikes: Quitting
Favorite food: Cheese
Favorite drink: Water

Edit: Will post a front facing picture soon.
Well, I've played LLJK1, might again?

General profile
Name: Manne Love
Age: 3 weeks to retirement
Gender: Male
Personality: Non sequitur, nihilistic, suicidal, and slightly ornery. Could be seen as a man of few words, but this is likely due to his inadequate speaking tempo.
Appearance: Dangerously dapper. His sharpened big sky blue brows and hipster beard accentuate his pristine bublegum pink pomp. The skin on his body is obscenely white due to a mishap involving a chemical dispenser and a bat. The skin on his face is even more odd, as it shifts colors between shifts.
Background: Information prior to SSPE  lost to solar cascade event.
Work history: Recovered and reformed subject from SSPE. Broad skill-set due to repeated simulations, but most useful in botany's low stress environment.

Supplementary information
Likes: Alcohol, clever food choices, ingenious death machines.
Dislikes: Staying alive for too long, that dried bit of sauce that accumulates on sauce bottles, cats.
Favorite food: Poo tacos.
Favorite drink: Bourbon hot chocolate.

SSPE Video Footage:

- During standard 4:20 break:

- After downloading Manne Love DLC:

- Choosing between two ways out:

[Note: Not indicative of work ethic post SSPE readjustments]
General profile
name: lorenzo scary death
age: 26
gender: male
personality: usually a pretty chill dude until someone pisses him off at which point he is very spiteful. also deaf 
appearance: brown hair blue eyed causcian
backstory: original named lorenzo troy blessig, lorenzo at one point deafened himself to spite someone who he no longer remembers and changed his name. also he went to college at some point. 

supplementary info:
likes: silence, relaxing, fire, bees
dislikes: voices, wearing his headset, people trying to cure his blindness, cock roaches
favorite food: cockroach meat
favorite drink: Grife O
General profile
Name: Flip Judge aka Flap Judge
Age: 27
Gender: Male 
Personality: Paranoid, but generally helpful, eager to learn and try new things.
Appearance: Like this goofy fucker.

[Image: V5TUtfP.png]

Background/History: Originally a wage slave convenience store clerk on earth until an unfortunate 'incident' involving a customer and a vat of nacho cheese caused him to be terminated from this position. Was sent to the station as 'miscellaneous labour' as part of a government unemployment scheme, however due a paperwork mix up on both ends, he has remained a crew member for 5 times longer than his original 18-month commitment. 
Supplementary information
Likes: Fire, collecting objects en masse, making shrines for the fire gods, theft, unauthorised station improvements
Dislikes: Clowns, geneticists, Nanotrasen
Favorite food: Stolen peanut butter sandwiches 
Favorite drink: Space-Cola mixed with wine

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