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General Critter Ideas
Space frogs: Big n' green with a slight case of tongue enabled kleptomania.
Penguins - Frolic in the pool. Have a habit of attaching to people and following them. Penguins will also follow other penguins who are in follow mode, so that you end up with a penguin parade following some confused staff assistant around.
Zoostation 13
Space Coots: They swim around space, with the ability to dive into a completely different dimension. Normally docile, they roam the Debris Field, feeding on stars (which are actually as small as they seem, for some reason.)

Nongeldo: Some kind of bug thing that makes annoying noises. Hostile.

Roomba: Because.
what happened to the racoon idea from ages ago
All of this stuff needs to be a thing. The critters desperately need more variety than what they have now.
Voidmonkey: A semi transparent monkey, infused with the effects of the void but too stupid to realize this is a bad thing. Somewhat harmless if not provoked.

Could probably be created in telescience with a few test subject monkeys.
Space Fish - These fish have evolved to swim around in the vacuum of space. No, we don't know how they do it either. Use a fishing rod and a line in order to catch a tasty meal for the chef.
i was just thinking: can the walrus be a player critter? i can't remember if i've ever seen a player as a walrus.
Following a thread I made a while ago, I suggest that if you get turned into a transposed particle field from wearing the [REDACTED] for too long, you should be able to control it (although unlike normal particle fields, you won't be able to instagib people, just float around being a spooky science ghost). Maybe let dead 'lings control their headspider too.
space kookaburra. functionally no different from normal birds, just makes an awful noise every so often. reminds me of my home, space australia.
Space Roomba: Goes in a straight line cleaning floors. Turns in a random direction when it hits a wall or human. Scares Jonesy. When emagged, runs people over like the MULE but for minor damage instead of straight-up murder. (It ran over your feet, ouch!)
(10-21-2017, 10:44 PM)ProfessorHugedix Wrote: space kookaburra. functionally no different from normal birds, just makes an awful noise every so often. reminds me of my home, space australia.

space magpies. little dickheads that swoop you if you get too close to their space nest
man fuck birds

we need more cats to combat the avian menace
(10-22-2017, 03:06 PM)babayetu83 Wrote: man fuck birds

we need more cats to combat the avian menace

jones should kill critters and run off to maint to eat them. jonss the catte should kill critters and bring them to people and then butcher them

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