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More non-lethal takedowns, weapons, and restraints
Something that has bothered me in recent rounds is trying to subdue someone without killing them, as a job that doesn't have easy access to cuffs.

Right now, my most reliable method is getting them into a killing chokehold, and using that to keep them knocked out. Problem is they will eventually die from this.

It would be nice if the other choke had the same stunning effect the kill choke had, only without actually slowly killing them. Maybe count it as an pinning hold, where they can't escape or use items, but can still talk. Sorta like cuffs that won't work as soon as you let go. This would also be great for wrestling matches, as someone could actually get a definitive win by pin.

Alternatively, let us make impromptu cuffs with wire. Just have them be extra shitty in that they take longer to put on and come off much easier.

Misto also happened to sprite an improvised blackjack weapon, which did stamina damage but little brute. With something like this, repeatedly bashing someone could keep them knocked out until Sec comes to secure them
This is something that is seriously needed. Would also cut down on non antags killing shit players when all they want to do is keep them at bay most of the time.
I would absolutely love more nonviolent ways of dealing with people. Preferably more "soft stuns" too, i.e. stuff that stuns you but doesn't also completely? blind you would be nice. Pinning would be a REALLY cool thing for both mechanics and RP, like a sec officer tackling a guy down and pinning him so he can be dealt with by other officers.

The biggest problem, I think, with combat in this game and antag vs crew balance is that almost all of the weapons you can makeshift are massively destructive, i.e. pipebombs, canbombs, flamethrowers, etc. I've been pushing this "give the crew some options with less collateral damage, for fuck's sake!" angle for a looong time. Hell, even the nonlethal tranq gun gets you fucked up by Beepsky, which is immensely frustrating as MD sometimes. That, and killing the wrong guy on a hunch is. . frowned upon, generally. Just annoying him on a hunch would be an improvement!
Please no improvised stun batons or makeshift cuffs, there's a huge problem where these things are always carried by everyone at all times on servers like hippie station.
However, a ground pin down is definitely something I'd like to see! If you disarmintent with your disarm neck grab it should force them on the ground
(09-26-2017, 01:27 AM)Crystalwarrior Wrote: Please no improvised stun batons or makeshift cuffs, there's a huge problem where these things are always carried by everyone at all times on servers like hippie station.
However, a ground pin down is definitely something I'd like to see! If you disarmintent with your disarm neck grab it should force them on the ground

In fairness, Hippie has a drastically different player culture (read: awful, goddamn awful), and afaik those weapons are in most codebases and generally quite reliable (whereas ours probably shouldn't be, because it's shitty scrap weaponry).
I'd imagine if we ever implement makeshift cuffs they should be broken out of if you click on anything sharp, be it a knife on the ground, wire cutters in your backpack or a razor blade in your pocket.
Bob Schmoe steps on a piece of glass.
Bob Schmoe's makeshift handcuffs broke on the glass.
i suggested something like this a while ago, i feel like the easiest fix would be to replace the "disarm" intent on an aggressive grab with a pinhold like you mentioned, because it isn't used ever due to the main "disarm" intent anyway
Why even replace it if you can make it part of grab functionality
I'd like a version of stunning someone where they would just drop the weapon and be severely slowed down, rather than outright stunned. Where this would be, I have no idea though...

HOWEVER, having a station full of that is just asking for the clown/assistants/pretty much anyone with a vendetta to just grief.
(09-27-2017, 07:23 AM)UmbraDrake Wrote: I'd like a version of stunning someone where they would just drop the weapon and be severely slowed down, rather than outright stunned. Where this would be, I have no idea though...

So, the abomination's scream effect, but shorter duration? Because 'item-dropping-with-slow' is an effect in game already
(09-27-2017, 09:18 AM)Tarmunora Wrote:
(09-27-2017, 07:23 AM)UmbraDrake Wrote: I'd like a version of stunning someone where they would just drop the weapon and be severely slowed down, rather than outright stunned. Where this would be, I have no idea though...

So, the abomination's scream effect, but shorter duration? Because 'item-dropping-with-slow' is an effect in game already

Sort of like that yeah. That would work.
Yeah, keeps them from running, knocks weapons out of their hand, and can potentially get them ready to be pinned, but they can still fight back and potentially disarm the person bonking them.

I like that
I think a bola that could slow you down and potentially trip you would be cool. I don't know where the ball ends would come from though.

On that note, Pocket sand could be fun too.

Store in your pocket and aim for the head to briefly blind someone.
(09-27-2017, 12:01 PM)atomic1fire Wrote: I think a bola that could slow you down and potentially trip you would be cool. I don't know where the ball ends would come from though.

On that note, Pocket sand could be fun too.

Store in your pocket and aim for the head to briefly blind someone.

Two screwdrivers? Wrenches? Crowbars might be a bit too heavy. They don't really need to be BALLS, just counterweights.

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