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Add a Paladin class
Make it a secret unlock through the tabletop gaming set or something that literally no one will find or do
A paladin except he serves the one true god, the Honkmother
only worthwhile archetypes are oath of vengeance, ancients and betrayal
guys you're all forgetting the strict RP rules placed upon paladins that severely limit their abuse potential
But who will teach the class? We would need a classroom and a professor on the station dedicated to paladin class.
Is this just a gimmick/joke thread or an actual suggestion?

If an actual suggestion I'd suggest just giving the Chaplain paladin themed stuff, though that might attract the kinda folks that shout about "DEUS VULT" and "REMOVE KEBAB".
Now that you mentioned it I'm actually surprised at the lack of DEUS VULT in our fart sim. It's not like there's anything stopping the Pootonic Order or Knights HoSpitiers

Also, palanquins.
Isn't chaplain supposed to be a standin for religion and nonreligion.

I guarantee that someone is going to play atheist paladin as the holy knight of Saint William Nye.

If someone's using "Deus Volt" as a reason to meme, you could just ban them like any other memer.

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