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Ideas of questionable quality
Give everyone tracker implants by default that activate when they die. Make search-and-rescue missions less of a needle-in-a-waste-of-time situation.
You should be able to stitch limbs and gibs together to create a sort of Frankenstein's monster. Probably won't need an entire human physiology to work, maybe be able to substitute certain main vital organs (like a heart or brain) with like garbage some sort, and you could maybe resurrect them with a few limbs missing. Use electrical shocks or maybe some sort of chem to bring them to life!

Could be used to create a monster, or at the very least to create a fun alternative new body to put a brain in. I also imagine them having their arm snap off like in the cartoons from over exertion, and just slam it back into place. Their monster body may as well have other neat characteristics that differentiate them from your average human.
Staple any handheld object to the neck of a headless body to create an extremely fragile alive-again... thing.
randomly selects monkey / mouse / buddy AI when you put it together. aim for the head to knock the thing off and reset your fancy corpse friend.

still decomposes.
Staple a melon to the neck of a headless body to create a thing that just shambles around saying KILL ME
(07-19-2017, 01:13 PM)LuigiThirty Wrote: Staple a melon to the neck of a headless body to create a thing that just shambles around saying KILL ME

Watermelon Monstrosity says "KILL ME"
Spacey Spaceman's Buttbot says "KILL BUTT"


I see no downside here, but I'd reverse it so you staple a head and limbs onto a melon, personally.

Also maybe synthmeat/monkey meat would be a suitable item for Frankenstein Monster Torsos.  Staple limbs onto meat one at a time, and you end up with a corpse with name Unknown that is missing a head, heart and butt.  *shrug*  It sounds really fun.

Edit: actually sutures would probably be more immersive.
New heavily fortified military crate loot/surplus crate item: A handgun damn near as powerful as the old hunting rifle and with more ammo, but with so much recoil that firing it without musculature enhancement or hulk will result in hitting yourself in the face with it, stunning you and dealing brute damage.
(07-19-2017, 03:48 PM)Lord Birb Wrote: New heavily fortified military crate loot/surplus crate item: A handgun damn near as powerful as the old hunting rifle and with more ammo, but with so much recoil that firing it without musculature enhancement or hulk will result in hitting yourself in the face with it, stunning you and dealing brute damage.

Now combine this with a negative trait only character.
add an option to select every single trait, regardless of the final sum / limit of 6.
only works with all the traits.


Also why don`t we have a syndicate item similar to /tg/'s Syndicate Balloon?
costs all 12 TC and does nothing but become the ultimate swag item
That's kinda what moustaches are
if you pass out a very short amount of time before throwing something, it still gets thrown, but half the distance you tried to throw it
Take the Janitor XP thing and apply it to Security. Have associated rewards with levelling up security and (potentially) let people see your Sec level in game. Doesn't need to be a reward each level but if it gets people to play sec, and also do it well so that they don't get job banned, then that's neat.
- Cosmetic changes to sec outfits. Different shades of red for different ranks. Pink?? Also hats.
- Get the ability to use the town guard "HALT" as a scream.
- Equipment use based on rank?
- Existing equipment might get extra abilities at higher ranks. Twirling stun baton moves, or throwing it like Daredevil and stunning someone at a distance.
The Jorvik-3000 Artificial Heart. Takes up the Coat slot. Used in emergency situations such as cardiac abscondment in the field, or during heart transplant surgery.

It attaches itself, penetrating any shirt the victim has on. Unfortunately, its power cell only lasts 60 seconds.
Reincorporate argine into the game with an actual recipe.
(07-23-2017, 03:46 AM)locusts Wrote: Take the Janitor XP thing and apply it to Security. Have associated rewards with levelling up security and (potentially) let people see your Sec level in game. Doesn't need to be a reward each level but if it gets people to play sec, and also do it well so that they don't get job banned, then that's neat.
- Cosmetic changes to sec outfits. Different shades of red for different ranks. Pink?? Also hats.
- Get the ability to use the town guard "HALT" as a scream.
- Equipment use based on rank?
- Existing equipment might get extra abilities at higher ranks. Twirling stun baton moves, or throwing it like Daredevil and stunning someone at a distance.

yes yes probably not and maybe

id love hot pink sec outfits I would play nothing but sec. the HALT is underused and amazing. do you mean like, lower levels cant use stun batons or higher levels can use extra stuff, like from the armory?

throwing reusable stun batons would be OP
(07-23-2017, 01:40 PM)NateTheSquid Wrote:
(07-23-2017, 03:46 AM)locusts Wrote: Take the Janitor XP thing and apply it to Security. Have associated rewards with levelling up security and (potentially) let people see your Sec level in game. Doesn't need to be a reward each level but if it gets people to play sec, and also do it well so that they don't get job banned, then that's neat.
- Cosmetic changes to sec outfits. Different shades of red for different ranks. Pink?? Also hats.
- Get the ability to use the town guard "HALT" as a scream.
- Equipment use based on rank?
- Existing equipment might get extra abilities at higher ranks. Twirling stun baton moves, or throwing it like Daredevil and stunning someone at a distance.

yes yes probably not and maybe

id love hot pink sec outfits I would play nothing but sec. the HALT is underused and amazing. do you mean like, lower levels cant use stun batons or higher levels can use extra stuff, like from the armory?

throwing reusable stun batons would be OP

Higher levels get access to extra stuff would be the way I would lean. Also the extra moves could be just dumb stuff like the stun baton twirling I mentioned.

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