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In round toxicity/Childishness
Well, according to Bob, it's your fault that these people are shit.

(06-26-2017, 05:26 PM)Bob Wrote: I'm not sure if you have to figure that out, or if I am responsible for anything [like that]. What does a forum do anyway? The thing I was trying to get to eventually about the game is that you do provide the playing-field for the terrible people to act upon you. You help them by being their victim. If you played in one way or another, you may find a way to make it so the terrible thing doesn't occur, and thereby not allowing the terrible people to become terrible. And you have to blame yourself because maybe the other players may not see the way you play as completely enjoyable either, and seeing things from a third perspective for a second can be helpful in some ways in some things, sometimes. Maybe. Whatever you think. It's fine. Thanks.

[Let's say I'm confused as well, but I think .] [And maybe I do think I may be responsible, because I am giving this answer.] [And maybe I'm not on a train.]

But then again, maybe babayetu and others like him should take a second to realize every single time something like this is brought up on the forums, he comments along the lines of "I DO THIS" and ignores the part where everyone thinks it's crappy behaviour.

It's nice to say "just ahelp it" but honestly, we'd end up ahelping everytime someone hits you or starts being crappy. Sometimes people are actually antags and things need to play out. I also don't want to be sending an ahelp every time I'm online where I emd up as the boy who cried wolf.

Retribution isn't always possible and sometimes you never see/hear from the person again. It would just be nice if people could understand the rules and not be antagonistic if they're not an antag. The whole "my character is a jerk" gets old quickly.
(06-30-2017, 01:14 AM)NateTheSquid Wrote:
(06-30-2017, 01:06 AM)babayetu83 Wrote: are you sure "toxicity" isn't a code phrase for when you mean "doing thing i dont like/approve of"

you are literally the worst offender for this issue i can think of. you randomly attack people until they kill you or you suicide

they say man is the most dangerous game and i live for the hunt

edit: i don't randomly attack people with fire extinguishers or clog the radio with spam. so what exactly did you mean?
One helpful bit of clarification might be to work out the maximum acceptable level of bastardry that a non-antag can do to an annoying also-non-antag.

For instance, when does (or what turns) a wholesome beating into ahelpable attempted murder? When (if ever) is murder an acceptable response to a non-antag's buttheaddedness, and is there a fine line between murderable japery and ahelpable hitlery? Also, what sort of actions warrant in-game retribution instead of close ahelp support, in reference to being a sicknasty4lyfe thugtween?
(06-30-2017, 06:55 AM)Superlagg Wrote: One helpful bit of clarification might be to work out the maximum acceptable level of bastardry that a non-antag can do to an annoying also-non-antag.

For instance, when does (or what turns) a wholesome beating into ahelpable attempted murder? When (if ever) is murder an acceptable response to a non-antag's buttheaddedness, and is there a fine line between murderable japery and ahelpable hitlery? Also, what sort of actions warrant in-game retribution instead of close ahelp support, in reference to being a sicknasty4lyfe thugtween?

to me when i mug people i dont care if people kill me in fact i welcome it but there's a fine line between mugging, and murder, which i don't do

it's pretty easy to tell the intent of someone when they attack you. primarily by what they use and what happens after. if theyve got a fire extinguisher, wrench, etc, and you keep hearing them beating you, they probably want you dead. if it stops it means they just wanted to beat you unconscious or just incapacitate you to chuck you out into space. less likely are you to be murdered by someone barehanded 

i think murder is an appropriate response if what i listed above happens (weapon, keeps attacking after youve been koed) but the attacker is stopped by someone else.
Playful fighting to soften a target into thinking i'm just toying with them is exactly the kind of thing I do before unloading a derringer into them.
(06-30-2017, 01:50 AM)Musketman12 Wrote: Random acts of being a dick is the norm in SS13, if you don't approve, ignore them or give them a good beating and if you are not sure if they are breaking a rule just ahelp it and if necessary it will be dealt with.

I'm guilty of this myself, but my main issue is with people that do it all the dang time, and never do anything helpful/amusing/that at all makes them a boon to the round.
Be careful with your I'm an asshole gimmick, lest the admins apply the George Melons clause to you.
(06-30-2017, 01:50 AM)Musketman12 Wrote: Random acts of being a dick is the norm in SS13, if you don't approve, ignore them or give them a good beating and if you are not sure if they are breaking a rule just ahelp it and if necessary it will be dealt with.
(06-30-2017, 12:22 PM)Berrik Wrote: Be careful with your I'm an asshole gimmick, lest the admins apply the George Melons clause to you.

You are thinking of the Lord Doome Clause there is no George Melons clause. George Melons was just a famous player from back in the day.
(06-30-2017, 04:01 AM)atamusvaleo Wrote: Well, according to Bob, it's your fault that these people are shit.

I also said, "'Git gud, scrub.'"
Half these posts are people going 'sure, I do this all the time myself, but when these other people do it, that's a bad thing'.

(The other half are people going 'sure, I do this all the time myself, and that's a good thing full stop')
Beatings will increase until morale improves.
If someone's being an ass, beat them til they stop. Doing something that draws blood convinces people really fast that you're not willing to tolerate them (like for example, grabbing a nearby shard of glass and...using it.).

Granted, this makes you a target for security, but if the person in question's been shit all round they're likely to look the other way.
I'm not really sure what my message has to do with this topic, or why my message would be quoted in this thread.

Should we direct/[private] message eachother? I can do that.
Hello yes please don't get into that in this topic THANKS

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