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Antag Weighting Feedback
Small issue (maybe) on a lowpop round today I rolled double-traitor (5-6 objectives, listed twice at end of round) with traitor turned off. Fairly certain I didn't accidenatlly use a token either. Maybe it's just a lowpop thing and too many people had traitor turned off?
Oh yeah I got that too one round, I think I was the only antag ( at round start anyways )
It might recquire some kind of protection against, if it happened, people joining rounds with antags turned off when they don't intend to play, just to suicide/stay afk in crew quarters and have their counter influenced, with significant results over time.

It may not happen but it could.
While I'm not denying the possibility entirely, the antag weighting system shouldn't be the cause of "I got traitor even with traitor turned off". The weighting system operates after the initial pool of "valid" players are picked, so presumably that code (which is old and shit) is busted in some magical way.
How does the weighting code interact with late joins?
It doesn't interact with late join chances whatsoever currently. Maybe it will in the future but meh.
sorry, what i meant was not changing the latejoin antag chances, but whether or not joining after roundstart counts as a round?
Ah, yes being selected for a latejoin antag position counts for future weighting.
(06-30-2017, 12:16 PM)Wire Wrote: Ah, yes being selected for a latejoin antag position counts for future weighting.


So the many, many times I've been chosen for late join antag with all antag choices off when the shuttle is coming in 3 minutes is reducing my chances for when I actually want to turn antags on?

Can latejoin please be fixed with antag choices please, it's even worse now with this revelation.
that should balance out with all the times you latejoin regular right as the shuttle is docking and die in the hellfire in the bar.
I'd just create a secondary weighting system purely for late joins
It's been pretty highpop, 30-40 people all day, and I haven't gotten any kind of antag at least, hmm, 10 times in a row? Including yesterday, where it was slightly lower pop, probably nearly 15 rounds in a row. Unless it's been switched so it rolls for jobs before it rolls for antags, then what the heck is going on. I've had AI on favourite the whole time
If a lot of people "new" to the weighting system are in a round, rolling will appear as random as before (as everyone has the same base weighting if never chosen before), so it could simply be that you were unlucky enough to be around a bunch of new scrubs.

That being said I won't outright deny the possibility of a bug screwing stuff up. As much as I like to believe so, I am unfortunately not infallible. Nate can you log in to the irc some time so we can co-ordinate your games and I can see what's going on?
(06-30-2017, 12:16 PM)Wire Wrote: Ah, yes being selected for a latejoin antag position counts for future weighting.

can we like not do that with latejoins

(07-07-2017, 03:27 PM)OMJ Wrote: can we like not do that with latejoins

(07-07-2017, 03:27 PM)OMJ Wrote: can we like not do that with latejoins

(07-07-2017, 03:27 PM)OMJ Wrote: can we like not do that with latejoins

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