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Chemmunity: a collaborative chem project where no suggestion is too dumb
Now I'm having to do college re-orientation, but I swear I will actually code something on Friday.

It is a rainbow strobing liquid. Smelling it gives you hallucinations for a few seconds.

A secret chem which contains, but is not limited to: Every drug possible in the game, something explosive and another secret chem.

Upon being in your bloodstream, the following things happen, in order:
Your stamina regen breaks through the normal high, giving you 1000 total stamina and 200 stamina regen.
Your damage with melee weapons is increased twofold, and you gain knockback with them.
Your speed hits robust levels, surpassing meth and going far beyond anything reasonable.
You gain healing comparable to enriched MSG,synaptizine and omnizine combined.
After 50 cycles, your limbs begin twisting in wild ways, and you recieve 10 brute every now and again.
It begins decaying into black powder, having a total of 5 black powder per 0.1 units in your bloodstream.
You begin gaining brain damage over time.
You gain a total of 15 random mutations.
Your limbs switch to space bear arms and your legs shift to cyborg treads.
You lose control at this point, your movement is completely random.
In the end, you get set on fire repeatedly and paralyzed. The black powder in your bloodstream detonates, gibbing you.

This works when applied in all ways, even when splashed on someone.

The ultimate drug chem, turning you into the most robust thing ever to grace goonstation and then giving you a glorious finale.

Have fun.

Preferably botany mutation.


Functionally similar to salt, pouring can be made into white lines which looks the same.
Doesn't reveal wraiths, but the wraith will get a funny message when crossing it.
Clicking on the white line with anything that can be made into blunt (money, paper, fines, etc) will cause you to huff it up your nose, INGESTing it and giving a neat flavor text.

Functions like a stronger but more fleeting meth, however its depletion rate is halved if there is ethanol in the system. Addictive. Overdose threshold same as meth.

Party hard.
This is a cool idea for a thread.
(06-21-2017, 01:38 AM)Sundance Wrote: Cocaine.

a shovel (for digging)

Party hard.

finally a use for carboard tubes. I knew brobot had one for a reason
(06-21-2017, 01:38 AM)Sundance Wrote: Cocaine.

note: if someone works on this Haine has a WIP version present in the released codebase
(06-18-2017, 06:27 PM)Vitatroll Wrote: Haha. I actually expected things to be wilder. Smart on you to cut it to one per person.

Name: Regurginol
Description: An odious, pale-brown slurry of what appears to be mom's spaghetti.
Effect: Gives the affected a timed trait (like reversium) that causes the mass emesis effect to fire randomly over a period of time.

For reference.

Oh, and lol at No. 3.

Better idea for this chem:

Name: Syrup of Ipecac (or just "Ipecac" for short)
Description: A sickly sweet smelling colourless liquid. Reminds you faintly of a Discount Dans product...
Effect: Exactly what has just been suggested, but should also be added to the parent items of all the Discount Dans products at a low chance
coke needs to be in game. why isn't it?
Name: Agent Orange Cheese
Description: A bright orange dusty substance (like that gross powdered cheese they put on stuff). On conception is was the only instance of the Space FDA stepping in to prevent Discount Dan from using it, due to how dangerous it is.
Effect: When applied to something, covers it in a cheesy powder. Anything that is covered with Agent Orange Cheese is completely edible, similar to deepfrying. Larger items require more bites and clicking with an open hand on something too big to carry will chew on it. Chew down walls, use it as an emergency ration. Obviously there would need to be a blacklist of things that can't be covered, and water should wash it off.

Supplemental image:
[Image: bfb151b5656f9f83.jpg]
(06-22-2017, 05:49 PM)Arborinus Wrote: Name: Agent Orange Cheese

I think that there's a secret chem that does something similar. Pizza reagent iirc?
Don't we already have imitation cheese? I think it's an ingredient in some comedy reagents.
(06-23-2017, 12:27 AM)LuigiThirty Wrote: Don't we already have imitation cheese? I think it's an ingredient in some comedy reagents.

No, y'see, Dan-cheese is imitation imitation cheese. The regular imitation cheese is legal, probably, under some statute. But this stuff is super illegal not-not-cheese (which does not make it a double negative). :shh:
Ethylene Glycol ( Antifreeze ) 
Coloroless, sweet-tasting liquid. 
De-Ices frozen things when applied to the tile. Does not penetrate skin. 

In the bloodstream: causes the same drunkenness as an equivalent quantity of ethanol. Helps resist being frozen, scales. (Maybe add tiny cold resistance for fun but not really) Very small chance of +1 BRAIN. 

Depletes very quickly if you have Ethanol in the bloodstream.

Overdose (20): Vomiting, ~30% chance of +1 BRAIN
Overdose (30): As above, + mild stuns , ~50% +2 TOX

This should absolutely be present in hobo wines and other terrible drinks. 
Also should probably be useful as a precursor to other chems, I know theres been interest in expanding organic chem stuff, and this stuff is great for making plastics and other polymers. We have carpet as a chem, why don't we have spandex? 
Ethylene Glycol + Some Acid + (optional COOL FEATURES) + Heat = Polyester, apply to tiles and to people to cover them in GROOVY 90's track suits and other Day-Glo Pinstripe attrocities? 
Hit'em with an ignition source to melt it to their skin and make it impossible to remove ! 
Gather several COOL DUDES in one area to dance the economic turmoil away! 

New suggestion time!

Plutonium: This highly radioactive reactor byproduct slowly reacts with itself (like pyrosium + oxygen), slowly reducing in volume and giving off lots of radiation. It may be of use as a poison, or something else related to its function as a nuclear fuel.

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