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Will the solarium GOOD ending ever be cleared?
I mean he only did mention the crown and the would shield, what happens if you wear both of those?
The crown and armor protects the body but destroys the soul; the shield protects the soul but destroys the body. Always wondered what they would do together.
L'appel du vide, literally "the call of the void", is a French phrase used to refer to intrusive thoughts or the urge to engage in a destructive behavior during everyday life.
Quote:<Aesculus> gates are for uhhh
<Aesculus> .showtells
<Aesculus> gates are things that places like cemetaries have
<Aesculus> to prevent you from doing grave robbing
<Aesculus>  and it needs keys so only the graveman can water flowers on graves

Seems to be a clear reference to the locked area behind centcomm cemetery

(06-06-2017, 04:06 PM)shotgunbill Wrote: L'appel du vide, literally "the call of the void", is a French phrase used to refer to intrusive thoughts or the urge to engage in a destructive behavior during everyday life.

Destroy the tomb stones! break back into the room and look for more things!

Or something along those lines metaironysarcasm quoting
(06-06-2017, 01:24 PM)Lord Birb Wrote: The crown and armor protects the body but destroys the soul; the shield protects the soul but destroys the body. Always wondered what they would do together.

I heard that, since your body doesn't die, you don't respawn next to it. So you just lose control of it.
L'appel du vide literally means "The call of the void" in a context where you are at the verge of a cliff and you get intrusive thoughs about jumping, not void as in The Void.
It's about auto-destructive behavior, not about destroying other things (Unless destroying specific other things would indirectly cause you harm, like for instance a sudden intrusive though about how easy it would be slam someone's head with a hammer, you'd basically destroy your life by doing so.)
L'appel du vide translates to playing SS13. We are the ascended poo.

I did the whole immortal lich thing once, but I can't clearly remember what happened. I think I remember just ghosting, but I could be confusing it with one of the times I liched normally.
Has being victimized by a science ghost ever done anything than boringly gib you?
(06-07-2017, 06:43 AM)Haprenti Wrote: L'appel du vide literally means "The call of the void" in a context where you are at the verge of a cliff and you get intrusive thoughs about jumping, not void as in The Void.
It's about auto-destructive behavior, not about destroying other things (Unless destroying specific other things would indirectly cause you harm, like for instance a sudden intrusive though about how easy it would be slam someone's head with a hammer, you'd basically destroy your life by doing so.)

Maybe walk into the HEPT wearing just the shield of souls and the armor?
Hm I wonder what walking into it with the sheild of souls itself would do.
Probably nothing

Quote:<cogwerks> idk why you're all asking for new solarium stuff when only like six players have even started the lunarium stuff yet 
<cogwerks> sometimes moons have more to say 
<cogwerks> if u listen to ur heart 
Whens this from?
(06-07-2017, 06:40 PM)HydroFloric Wrote: Whens this from?

like 30 seconds ago in #goonstation
Rip, This is why I should always have my irc open

what about
<Aesculus> the eartharium
<HydroFloric> The marium
<HydroFloric> THe plutonium
<HydroFloric> oh wait
<@ZeWaka> oh shit
<Aesculus> yes....
<Aesculus> insert the plutonium core into the automato
<Aesculus> why not
<@WrongEnd> The automaton is low on power, be a dear and recharge it
<@ZeWaka> so that's why its clicking
<@ZeWaka> and moving slow
<@ZeWaka> its just low on battery
Quote:<cogwerks> when stars align to vex sol's shine

Quote:<Sovexe> people posted in the thread that sol server wouldnt spawn two days ago, is that still the case or was that just a bug at the time
<cogwerks> indeed
<cogwerks> sounds vexing
what does it mean!!!

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