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Rebalance Robotic Modules + tools
Can I have a quick recap on what tools are in what modules? Now that there's a few things that diverged from the OP. To break it down we got:
Brobot (merged secbot + brobot)

And what sprites are missing/need done?
The new secbot has been referred to as 'Brobocop' so often that it's become pretty much its actual name by now.
(05-30-2017, 07:49 AM)awfulworldkid Wrote: The new secbot has been referred to as 'Brobocop' so often that it's become pretty much its actual name by now.

That is its actual name, it's listed as such in the code.
(05-30-2017, 06:46 AM)Sundance Wrote: Can I have a quick recap on what tools are in what modules? Now that there's a few things that diverged from the OP. To break it down we got:
Brobot (merged secbot + brobot)

And what sprites are missing/need done?

Alright then, effortpost incoming!

All Modules
  • A flaslight
  • A unilyzer (Health, atmospheric and reagent scanner all in one)
  • An omnitool (Screwdriver, multitool, wirecutters, wrench and crowbar, all in one)
  • A Cyborg PDA

  • Starts with Efficiency Upgrade
  • Cell power transfer cables
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Pen
  • Portable seed fabricator
  • Plant analyzer
  • Igniter
  • Industrial chainsaw (Like the regular botany one, but does not break)
  • Heavy satchel (Capable of storing anything in /obj/item with a capacity of 50 items)
  • Massive bucket (Essentially the janitors bucket but with a larger capacity)
  • Spray bottle of space cleaner
  • Mop
  • Camera monitor
  • Nutrient hose (Allows for the dispensing of plant formulas, excluding mutagen, water and compost)
  • Knife
  • Rolling pin
  • Icing tube
  • Portable oven

Engineering and Construction
  • Starts with Meson Upgrade
  • Cell power transfer cables
  • An atmosporter (Allows for portable atmospheric machinery, pumps, canister, etc. to be picked up and carried around. Carries 3 items.)
  • A large fire extinguisher (Contains 150 units)
  • A welding tool
  • A T-ray scanner
  • 1500 lengths of cable coil (With the ability to lay cable while moving? Not sure if that's new or not.)
  • A device analyzer
  • A soldering iron
  • A cyborg RCD
  • 500 steel floor tiles
  • 500 steel rods
  • 500 steel sheets
  • 500 glass sheets

  • Starts with Health Goggle Upgrade
  • A defibrillator
  • A surgical laser (Switches between scalpel, saw and enucleation spoon)
  • A hemostat
  • A suture
  • The as-of-yet unfinshed clone scanner, limb replacer etc. (Currently calling it the GeneTek Biobuddy, looking for better names)
  • A blood pack
  • Post incendiary dermal repair stamp
  • Tissue reapplication stamp
  • Deluxe 60u Hypospray x2
  • Syringe x2
  • Epinephrine reserve tank
  • Styptic powder reserve tank
  • Silver sulfadiazene reserve tank
  • Charcoal reserve tank
  • A dropper

  • Mini-ChemMaster (Allows creating pills, patches etc. on the fly)
  • Utility Grenade Fabricator (Creates cleaner, fire fighting and metal foam grenades with a small chance of malfunctioning and producing anticleaner grenades)
  • Syringe x2
  • Dropper 
  • Mechanical Dropper
  • Chemworks Reagent Dispensing Hose 4000 (A subtype of the Nutrient Hose, produces chemistry precursor chems, oil, diethylamine etc.)
  • Drinking glass
  • Large beakers x3
  • Fire extinguisher

  • Starts with a Propulsion Upgrade
  • A heavy satchel of the same kind as the Civbot
  • A borg power hammer
  • An ore scoop with integrated satchel
  • A cargo teleporter
  • A cargo porter (Like the atmoporter but for crates and lockers, can hold 12)
  • A geological scanner
  • Large mining satchel (holds 75 ore) x2
  • Fire extinguisher
  • GPS unit
  • A handheld barcoder (For acting as a QM)
  • An internal ore reclaimer (Does exactly what you expect)

  • Starts with a radio tuned into the sec frequency
  • Starts with Recovery Upgrade
  • Starts with an Internalised Siren (WIP)
  • Mood light (Can change colours! Fancy!)
  • Sound synthesizer (Now with saxophone noises. This is a terrible idea)
  • Food synthesizer
  • Bottle of space beer
  • Drinking glass
  • A probability mechanism (Coin, Magic 8 Ball and Dice all in one)
  • Zippo lighter
  • Magic pen (Switches between crayon and pen modes, can change colours and fonts at will!)
  • Securotron Deluxe (Can set people to arrest as well as all the other modes)
  • Security Grenade Fabricator (Can dispense Flashbangs, Cryo Grenades, Cheese sandwich Grenades, Crowd dispersal grenades, has a low chance to malfunction and create banana peel grenades, even lower chance to malfunction and create lethal grenade types)
  • Large roll of ducktape handcuffs (For cuffing those crimers)
  • FUN Baton (Essentially the cardboard tube, rolls a 1/10 chance of disarming on the harm intent and deals a fair chunk of stamina damage too. When on help intent, does basically nothing. Needs a better name.)
  • Forensic scanner
  • Audio log (Larger capacity, can't eject tape)
  • Ticketing PDA (Contains Ticket Master, the Ping tool and the packet sniffer)

AI Drones
  • Flashlight
  • Cyborg PDA
  • Unilyzer
  • Omnitool

  • Tape handcuffs lack a unique sprite
  • The reagent hoses have sprites but they look old and ugly
  • The tape roll sprite looks bad
  • The FUN Baton is using the cardboard tube sprite currently. Might be okay to keep this, might be cool for it to have it's own sprite.
  • The Clonescanner thing lacks a sprite of it's own
  • The Seed Fabricator lacks a unique sprite and has since time immemorial
  • More coming if and when i find/remember them

Also: Roundstart borgs now have 15k cells \o/
For the medical one, does the hemostat work for clamping bleeding as you go? e.g. if you have the enucleation spoon in one hand and the hemostat in the other your clamp bleeding while doing the surgery rather than having to do it after.

I ask because I don't know if cyborg tool slots count as hands for the purposes of this.

Medical also probably needs a staple gun or equivalent functionality as part of the limb replacer.
(05-30-2017, 09:31 AM)Mordent Wrote: For the medical one, does the hemostat work for clamping bleeding as you go? e.g. if you have the enucleation spoon in one hand and the hemostat in the other your clamp bleeding while doing the surgery rather than having to do it after.

I ask because I don't know if cyborg tool slots count as hands for the purposes of this.

Medical also probably needs a staple gun or equivalent functionality as part of the limb replacer.

Hemostats and spoons did not work properly when i started, but they do now. And yes, i intend to have that as functionality inside the replacer.
the power!!
the power!!!!
(05-30-2017, 09:34 AM)amaranthineApocalypse Wrote: Hemostats and spoons did not work properly when i started, but they do now. And yes, i intend to have that as functionality inside the replacer.

Hemostats and scalpels/saws with heart/brain/butt surgery?

I know hemostats and limb surgery is still broken, but the above three are standard surgery things that hemostats in hand work with currently, so just double-checking the borg implementation follows suit.
(05-30-2017, 01:25 PM)Mordent Wrote:
(05-30-2017, 09:34 AM)amaranthineApocalypse Wrote: Hemostats and spoons did not work properly when i started, but they do now. And yes, i intend to have that as functionality inside the replacer.

Hemostats and scalpels/saws with heart/brain/butt surgery?

I know hemostats and limb surgery is still broken, but the above three are standard surgery things that hemostats in hand work with currently, so just double-checking the borg implementation follows suit.

It does indeed.

It appears that limb surgery doesn't work with hemostats because there is just straight up no check for hemostats in limb surgery code. Let me see if i can't do something about that.

EDIT: What the fuck?! Why is all the code for limb surgery in

EDIT2: I have neither the time nor the inclination to attempt to make this sane. Hemostats now work in limb surgery.
(05-30-2017, 02:11 PM)amaranthineApocalypse Wrote: EDIT: What the fuck?! Why is all the code for limb surgery in

EDIT2: I have neither the time nor the inclination to attempt to make this sane. Hemostats now work in limb surgery.

I knew bits of surgery code were found elsewhere! I just forgot where!
Gonna work on some of the sprites tonight.

Not much as changed since the OP which is good!

Some notable balancing / suggestions:

- The internalized siren and sound synthesiser can be rolled into one (i.e: The siren is a setting on the sound synthesiser) Remember that this patch is to deal with borg item bloat along with new fancy robo equipment.
- The FUN baton was originally called a Wifflebat. So if ye require a sprite for that, I may just design it off a foam wifflebat, due to its lack of damage.
What is the current rate of stamina loss on this thing? I'd actually may recommend removing the stamina damage altogether, and upping the disarm chance to 2/10. This is meant to be a nigh useless "I'M HELPING" kind of weapon, giving it stamina damage may bring this module into realms of human harm that i'd rather not cross.
- Are the ducktape handcuffs easier to break out of than cuffs? They are meant to be a stop over for actual cuffs. This is minor however.

- I love the barcoder idea. It might be a better idea to call this module "Resource", as it falls into both Mining and QM?
- A cargo porter, hold up.. 12 crates!? Do you know how much havoc that could create if you're smart? It was only meant for one crate. Crates can hold infinite amount of items. The purpose of the cargo porter was for storage but also search and rescue, recovering spaced victims. 12 crates is overkill in the worse possible way.
- Following on from that, the crate storage sprite makes much more sense when it's just one crate.

- The large satchel needs to be limited to items flagged as small otherwise we'll get a case of the wario on our hands with borgs stealing everything. Its purpose was to combine the cleaning aspect + the produce satchel aspect. You could say that the cargo port is like this, but it's limited to the fact that it needs to deploy the crate beforehand, while with the satchel you could do it instantly.

- Can be rolled into just engineering instead of the longwinded name.
- What are the mesons like on this thing? Do they even function anymore?

- This may have been buried under the 20 something pages of this thread but I  recommended upping the depletion rate of using the brute/burn infinite patches the borg starts out with. That OR reduce the rate at which they can be applied, some form of cooldown would probably be good. Or both? Reasoning behind this is to encourage the medical borg to use its tools more strategically, rather than SPAM PATCHES, LIVE HUMAN.
- How does the clone scanner / limb replacer function exactly? I need to know how to sprite it.

I hope i'm not being too negative, these are a very minor gripes in comparison to the bigger picture (the bigger picture being a masterpiece), but it's something that would be better to noticed now, rather than later when it patched and we have an angry horde of players pointing the fingers in our direction.
I believe the siren is just going to be a UI button akin to the one for segways and the siren helmet, that way a borg can weewoo whenever they want to.

A one crate transporter is nigh useless. I'd argue that you need to be able to carry at least two in order for it to be worthwhile using.

I'd argue you should be able to fit normal size items inside the large satchel.
Code storm?
[Image: o52KTKf.jpg]
Oh that's fine then. The freedom to weewoo is one that's welcomed.

Why is it nigh useless? Being able to hold a crate that can hold infinite amount of items/willing humans or one unwilling human doesn't sound nigh useless to me. To me it sounds like its intended purpose. Holding 12 crates is a disproportionate amount, and unbalanced. Nothing holds that amount of items. As in, why would you need a barcode device if you can hold 12 crates and literally just go there yourself?

Normal size again just seems to defeat the purpose. Most items that litter the ground are small items, and that's including produce in botany. This way a borg could go into security, steal ALL the items and their would be NO way of retrieving them as they're currently INSIDE the borg.

This balancing discussion is important, so i'm glad it's being aired.

(05-31-2017, 07:49 AM)atamusvaleo Wrote: Code storm?
[Image: o52KTKf.jpg]

Does destroying the borg cause the crates/canisters to fall out?

Also, one crate is more than enough. Keep in mind it's essentially two since the borg can always drag another crate.

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