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Discussing the AI & Borgs - And why they suck
AI's that kill over one-human laws without being ordered to are stupid. Borgs don't go around killing monkeys normally do they?
Also, I think a good AI only alerts the station to antags who are in the act of harming a person, and doesn't try to lock them down without being given orders. Hell, I think the AI probably shouldn't be doing anything other than speaking unless given an order to. Supercop AI's are the worst way for an antag round to get ruined.
one-human laws and freeform laws containing the words "this overrides all other laws" suck BUT I think people do them cause no one wants to waste the effort of breaking in and making a funny treasonous law then having the AI be a killjoy who ignores it or screams for a reset
mozi Wrote:one-human laws and freeform laws containing the words "this overrides all other laws" suck

It's the best way of guaranteeing your law won't be overridden short of a reset (Which you crushed/threw into space...right?)

Although, it really isn't fun for anyone, since all you can do about it is destroy the AI.
Don't mind him. If you're the traitor it's in your power to bend the AI to your will if you have the skill and ability for it. Some may grumble but in the end it's all legal (for traitors at least).
r i p borgs
rip superborgs
Readster Wrote:AI's that kill over one-human laws without being ordered to are stupid. Borgs don't go around killing monkeys normally do they?

AIs don't have a lot of freedom to go nuts, except when these things get installed. Naturally, it's hard to resist being unsubtle and starting to murder people rampantly. Personally I prefer to be subtle when the remaining human isn't endangered. Doesn't get you reset or killed as quickly.

Readster Wrote:Also, I think a good AI only alerts the station to antags who are in the act of harming a person, and doesn't try to lock them down without being given orders. Hell, I think the AI probably shouldn't be doing anything other than speaking unless given an order to. Supercop AI's are the worst way for an antag round to get ruined.

Not doing anything except when explicitly ordered to do so is boring as hell and every bit as anti-fun as an AI who catches a traitor ordering emags two minutes in locking them down and setting security on them.

That aside: Invest in wirecutters and snip cameras if you don't want to be caught engaging in traitorous activities by an AI. It's not that hard, and even if somebody is willing to go fix them it usually takes a fair amount of time. Admittedly it does alert people that something suspicious is going on, but not necessarily what.
hello here is an idea get rid of indefinite electrifying of doors

once an AI is unleashed it will inevitably just shock every door, it takes no effort and it's
  • boring
  • dumb
  • basically ends the round for everyone who doesn't have gloves

even if the AI dies the doors stay shocked so someone just has to space the spare resets to ensure everyone is permanently screwed

keep the temporary shocking of doors (it is actually useful when there's a shambling abomination/predator stalking around) and maybe make one of the door wires a 'safety' wire that if cut would allow indefinite shocking. but otherwise the 'set it and forget' it method of ruining everyone's day is boring and bad
mozi Wrote:hello here is an idea get rid of indefinite electrifying of doors

once an AI is unleashed it will inevitably just shock every door, it takes no effort and it's
  • boring
  • dumb
  • basically ends the round for everyone who doesn't have gloves

even if the AI dies the doors stay shocked so someone just has to space the spare resets to ensure everyone is permanently screwed

keep the temporary shocking of doors (it is actually useful when there's a shambling abomination/predator stalking around) and maybe make one of the door wires a 'safety' wire that if cut would allow indefinite shocking. but otherwise the 'set it and forget' it method of ruining everyone's day is boring and bad

Make a complete loss of power to a door de-electrify it. Engineers/electricians (Especially once Cogwerk's electrical switchboard thing is implemented) toggle a complete but temporary station blackout to fix the doors once the AI's dealt with.
So what you're saying is remove a rogue AI's only meaningful way of doing anything? Well unless you replace it with some other way of ruining people's days then that's a terrible idea. Just make it so that when the AI is killed all the door controls reset themselves.
I'm gonna have to agree with Dauntasa.
It would suck to have a rogue AI be even less of a threat. What makes an AI dangerous is its borgs.
Anything else is very situational. And when the word is out, everyone avoid such situations.
All it would do is change from shock every door to bolt every door.
And I don't think that is better or more fun for anyone involved.
Look if you remove perma-shocking then there's essentially nothing substantial a rogue AI can do any more, especially since the Singularity is gone.

1. Delete Commaster. (who cares the disk is always on the table to use again)
2. Depower a bunch of rooms maybe? (now you can't interact with them, great)
3. Constantly watch crewmates to shock them on-site which is really really really painstakinly dull and fiddley.
4. Open doors for it's master and not scream about him killing someone.

and that's about it
there's seriously so little a rogue AI can do now, and it's super easy to kill one. If you're going to remove the only simple/effective thing it has, why bother even making it rogue at all?
Ais bolting and shocking every door is boring, but that is the most effective way to kill everyone. If the Ai gets more power to break stuff, then it would be good to remove the bolting and electrifyingshit
Perhaps you could tie in door voltage to how much electricity the room has, and allow ai to reroute electricity into specific rooms.

So AI saps all the electricity from genetics, and turns sec doors into giant heaping death traps.

Or perhaps they stockpile all the electricity into their own generators instead.
atomic1fire Wrote:Perhaps you could tie in door voltage to how much electricity the room has, and allow ai to reroute electricity into specific rooms.

So AI saps all the electricity from genetics, and turns sec doors into giant heaping death traps.

Or perhaps they stockpile all the electricity into their own generators instead.

Door voltage is already tied to the available power. That's why door shocks can instacrit you if the engineers are doing a proburn, and will do much less damage if the station is running on backup power.

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