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Security - The Thread
(06-06-2017, 03:50 PM)Frank_Stein Wrote: Well, to be fair, any equipment on the station is going to run risk of falling into people's hands. I tried to make the weapons less useful for rampaging traitors then they currently are.

I do think modifying existing equipment is the way to go, rather than adding a ton of new items. The less to carry the better

Actually after re-reading these while not falling asleep I think the taser and baton ones are fine. I the recharger one im not sure about because it kinda undermines the idea of things having limited charge to begin with, when you empty a gun you have to go out of your way to get to a recharger and wait while it fills up, it takes the heat off whatever you're fighting and limits the damage one player can do.
If the seasoned sec players don't mind, can I hear some good changes that could be made to the layout of sec/the brig area to make it easier or more convenient for officers? I'd like to see if I can make any improvements to the design.
(06-07-2017, 05:37 PM)quiltyquilty Wrote: If the seasoned sec players don't mind, can I hear some good changes that could be made to the layout of sec/the brig area to make it easier or more convenient for officers? I'd like to see if I can make any improvements to the design.

I'm currently doing a pixel map of the brig to showcase what can be changed. May need it for cog2 but for now I'm concentrating on cog1. Watch this space.
I made a little mockup of a brig idea. Not sure if it could even be fit into the existing maps, but design ideas could be pulled from it?

[Image: Qa0c7bV.png]

Basically, a whole lot of doors and chambers to make the area more secure. I tried to give it a bit of a flow, where if you were bringing in someone, you can take them down to the processing/interrogation room. From there you can take them to the next room to lead them to the gen pop area, or down that hallway to an individual cell.

The cells have two doors, one in the hallway for loading people in, and an second for people to head into the gen pop area. Gen pop would also have an attached work area, with some kind of activity like botany trays so they have something they can do and have a room for planning escapes in.

Operations room is where all the Sec computers, cameras, brig timers, and all that stuff is

The Guard post is where a lone sec can observe traffic coming in and out and do some public facing stuff

EDIT: Updated picture to fix a flaw I noticed
(06-08-2017, 12:47 AM)Frank_Stein Wrote: -snip-

I like it! looks like it'd work well
Looking at it a bit more, get rid of cell 1 and make that a door that leads directly into Gen pop. There shouldn't be any reason a prisoner should be taken into the operations room.

And a double set of doors between the operations room and Gen pop, so if you do need to go in you can close the first for before opening the second to prevent escapes
Although I'm not entirely too sure how that could incorperate into cog1, there's some interesting ideas there.
(06-08-2017, 12:47 AM)Frank_Stein Wrote: I made a little mockup of a brig idea. Not sure if it could even be fit into the existing maps, but design ideas could be pulled from it?
[Image: 0PhzS4Y.png]
I tried making a pixel map of that, but i think some rooms are way too big.

edit: higher resolution image
[Image: 5C2vXJe.png]
I like where this is going but can we make a separate thread for a security redesign? This is getting derailed once more.

This weekend I'm going to go through the relevant threads and collate all of the ideas people had. Time to move onto phase 2.
Tis' your thread but I feel a security redesign is a fundamental part of improving security and would be relatively easy to do in comparison to improving security through code wiz.

For those interested in resigning cog1, here's a pixel map of it (use this one for design)
[Image: 7dNRokN.png]
Here's it larger:
[Image: wBROKSy.png]
Black = Walls
Navy = Closets/Crates
Grey = Grills
Light Grey = Tables
Red = Doors
Blue = Windows
Green = Computers
Light Green = Pods
Purple = Vending machines
Yellow = Disposals
Orange = Mail (should be an orange mail, not yellow chute in brig)

The dimensions of the brig is 30x39 squares. Note the area around it; to the south is the courtroom, to the west and north is space and to the east is tight maint corridor. So you could theoritically fit franks suggestion into the brig, as it could stretch out a little both west and north.
sop babys The idea of a redesign is indeedy; however, I feel the discussion of said changes, plotting, and planning are best done in a dedicated thread.

I am very interested in seeing where the redesign goes, though. It is desperately needed on Cog1

Speaking of changes and improvements to security, what sort of behavior would people like to see less/more from officers? What would the model officer be like?

edit: I think I found the answer to my own questions by reading one of the old threads 

(11-27-2012, 09:39 AM)FrontlineAcrobat4 Wrote: I am looking for a good Security Officer who is big and strong with muscles. He can protect from all of the nerds, but he also has the tenderness to cradle me in his arms whenever I get a scrape, and can sing.

I just want more people playing the role. Experienced Security Players can then help iron out their playstyles and teach them the ropes as they learn their own way of playing the role.
Can one be successful as security if one is terribly unrobust and has the hand-cursor-click coordination of a meatcube ?
I've thought about trying the role but I know if it came to throws, just about anyone can toss me out an airlock before i've even seen their name.
Nah, I play it a lot and I'm hardly robust.

If you get into a situation where you need to fight, feel free to run off and get somewhere safe instead of engaging. That gives you an opportunity to regroup, alert others, and wait until the situation is more in your favor.

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