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Genetic Combination Map
Five sounds good. but some powers are more valuable than others. things like hulk probably should count as more than one power. also making a way to boost that limit of five would be neat as well. purposefully taking genetic defects would be a good way. or possibly power synergies
All I really want out of genetics for people to create superhero gimmicks.

If this inspires one of the geneticists to become professor x and order a group of people to gain superpowers and super identities this would be awesome.


On the other hand this might cause somebody like HOS to order genetics to create supersec.
Dr_Bee Wrote:purposefully taking genetic defects would be a good way. or possibly power synergies
I like this.
So this is still a thing, and I have important news that requires verification. I saw this on the Solarium thread, it says this:

There's a new key, somehow. In the form of a mutation, somehow.

At round start everyone rolls their mutations. Everyone is the same on ye' old station except for one person. They're a member of the crew they could even be you.
That person is random. It could be Guy Lefuqe in QM, it could be Captain Whomeverthefuck.

The mutation itself is different. You'll know it when you find it. It's red. Complex DNA. When we saw it it was four groups of base pairs. All locked. 6 character code, 5 things to use, G C T A U.

When you unlock it in the cloner you open up being able to do complex DNA research. You can upgrade material usage and cooldowns to laughably small amounts. Materials storage goes up to 180 and mutations storage goes up to 7.

This mutation could possibly have far more greater importance. What happens when you research all known mutations via normal research and combinations? Can it be combined with Saturated Junk DNA (Reclaims into a good amount of materials) Do you need this mutation to do a thing? Would the Ill-looking fellow benefit from this mutation at all?

The kicker is once its rolled its rolled. When its gone its gone. If Guy Lefuqe slips on a banana peel and whistles himself at Warp 5 out an airlock you're S.O.L.

(Credit to AmosMoses for that)

I'm going to go hunt this bitch down, anyone with me?
Verification status: Verified. This is in fact a thing.

Will update when I figure out what the shit this thing is.
Just a heads up yes that's a thing but it wasn't the thing we were looking for. It's just an insanely rare mutation a player can spawn with.

Genetics Stability numbers.
FloozyBarge Wrote:Genetics Stability numbers.
Are these current numbers or suggested ones? And what's the threshold for bad shit happening?
Current, and from the looks of it, anything below 100 causes bad things. Worse at higher numbers. Anywhere from a bit of toxin/brain damage to losing blood/brute damage, and then turning into a meat cube.
shadowdimentio Wrote:Verification status: Verified. This is in fact a thing.

Will update when I figure out what the shit this thing is.

Yea this was that mutation I was talking about a few pages back. All in Red right?
FloozyBarge Wrote:Current, and from the looks of it, anything below 100 causes bad things. Worse at higher numbers. Anywhere from a bit of toxin/brain damage to losing blood/brute damage, and then turning into a meat cube.

It's more like anything below 50 or 40 causes bad thing. At as low as 15 you can meatcube (had a monkey go out that way testing with Booster X). Your best bet is to stick to around 70 or so, that seems like the safe area.

Also, there's a new accent mutation, Frontal Gyrus Alteration CS.

It makes you talk in comic sans. This doesn't translate over the radio yet though.

Also, Midas Touch only lets you change ANYTHING into gold if you're boosted.

And Dimension Shift doesn't seem to do anything differently when boosted.
I found Bad Hygiene as a possible mutation.
Hulk Hogan Wrote:I found Bad Hygiene as a possible mutation.

Seems to function the same as apocrine enhancement.
Booster genes have been deleted.
Hulk Hogan Wrote:I found Bad Hygiene as a possible mutation.
This was a clone of Apocrine made for some other feature, i've disabled it from occurring in the gene pool.

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