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Ideas of Questionable Quality: Security Edition
(03-01-2018, 12:14 AM)Tombi Wrote:
(02-28-2018, 11:21 PM)Technature Wrote: How can a straitjacket prevent you from holding your breath?

That's...that's just dumb.

Yet mustering the willpower to asphyxiate yourself is not? smilie with a protruding tongue

It's actually physiologically impossible to kill yourself by holding your breath. That's why when you're drowning, you're eventually forced to open your mouth to take a breath and that's when water rushes into your lungs and drowns you.

But I mean, who cares about all that in space station.
(02-15-2018, 08:14 AM)The Grim Sleeper Wrote:
(02-15-2018, 07:06 AM)Frank_Stein Wrote: Maybe a time based machine that runs a background check that definitively answers whether or not they are an antag. 

You couldn't run it on everyone, but you could use it on people you had suspicions over, or people that you wanted to add to your web of trust. Having trusted vigilantes or being able to recruit informants to act as plants and create sting operations would be really fun
I like this. A 'Crime Computer'.
What if you could insert some evidence you found on a crime-scene to influence the timer?

There is the thing of a 1/server-pop chance of 'you haven't done anything bad (that we know of), but the Computer says you are an Antag, so u git brig'. But I would consider that an unlucky breaks for an Antag (and bad form for the Guards on duty), rather then a real issue. It's not like 'bad luck' is not a know and accepted factor on Goonstation.

Another idea: what if we allowed security guards to 'Call the NT special forces'?
If somebody goes on a mad rampage and kills half the station, the guard on duty (let's not get too optimistic on number people playing the role) can push a button, and a few of the dead people will respawn with armor and big guns?
I know this horribly violates the 'no respawns'-principle, but this 'a questionable quality, anything can be suggested'-thread.

Auto-Warden: Works like the brig-chute, but also: strips people of their gear, puts that gear into an specific-ID-card locker, sets their ID to not have Prsion Access, suits them up in an orange jumpsuit and keeps track of the sentence time per person (rather then the current 'whomever gets to the parole-chute first').

>NT Special forces.

terrible side suggestion, Budget special forces: Cheaper version of the NT special forces that have terrible weaponry and nonexistant armor staffed exclusively by people given the objective to be "new recruits". Like police academy but called in for  emergencies. Anyone spawned for this role is pretty much on their own when it comes to dealing with a rampager.
(03-02-2018, 03:12 PM)atomic1fire Wrote:
(02-15-2018, 08:14 AM)The Grim Sleeper Wrote:
(02-15-2018, 07:06 AM)Frank_Stein Wrote: stuff

>NT Special forces.

terrible side suggestion, Budget special forces: Cheaper version of the NT special forces that have terrible weaponry and nonexistant armor staffed exclusively by people given the objective to be "new recruits". Like police academy but called in for  emergencies. Anyone spawned for this role is pretty much on their own when it comes to dealing with a rampager.

unlimited respawn, naked, no equipment slots, one arm. 
fight them back with the NanoTrasen™ Brand Emergency Meat-Based Insurgency Suppression System
(03-02-2018, 03:12 PM)atomic1fire Wrote:
(02-15-2018, 08:14 AM)The Grim Sleeper Wrote:
(02-15-2018, 07:06 AM)Frank_Stein Wrote: Maybe a time based machine that runs a background check that definitively answers whether or not they are an antag. 

You couldn't run it on everyone, but you could use it on people you had suspicions over, or people that you wanted to add to your web of trust. Having trusted vigilantes or being able to recruit informants to act as plants and create sting operations would be really fun
I like this. A 'Crime Computer'.
What if you could insert some evidence you found on a crime-scene to influence the timer?

There is the thing of a 1/server-pop chance of 'you haven't done anything bad (that we know of), but the Computer says you are an Antag, so u git brig'. But I would consider that an unlucky breaks for an Antag (and bad form for the Guards on duty), rather then a real issue. It's not like 'bad luck' is not a know and accepted factor on Goonstation.

Another idea: what if we allowed security guards to 'Call the NT special forces'?
If somebody goes on a mad rampage and kills half the station, the guard on duty (let's not get too optimistic on number people playing the role) can push a button, and a few of the dead people will respawn with armor and big guns?
I know this horribly violates the 'no respawns'-principle, but this 'a questionable quality, anything can be suggested'-thread.

Auto-Warden: Works like the brig-chute, but also: strips people of their gear, puts that gear into an specific-ID-card locker, sets their ID to not have Prsion Access, suits them up in an orange jumpsuit and keeps track of the sentence time per person (rather then the current 'whomever gets to the parole-chute first').

>NT Special forces.

terrible side suggestion, Budget special forces: Cheaper version of the NT special forces that have terrible weaponry and nonexistant armor staffed exclusively by people given the objective to be "new recruits". Like police academy but called in for  emergencies. Anyone spawned for this role is pretty much on their own when it comes to dealing with a rampager.

Thought we already had that, they called it "Security"
Can we PLEASE change the camera monitor computers so that they don't refresh to the bottom of the list whenever you click on a camera? Makes it really difficult to actually use them and check multiple areas quickly.
(03-06-2018, 10:51 AM)Firepower Wrote: Can we PLEASE change the camera monitor computers so that they don't refresh to the bottom of the list whenever you click on a camera? Makes it really difficult to actually use them and check multiple areas quickly.

This. The constant refreshing makes viewing security cameras as a crewman frustrating and borderline pointless with how slow it is.

Ideally, I'd love for them to function similar to the AI's camera or at least reach a level of usefulness that would make it feasible for an officer to stay in security and provide logistical support using the cameras (tracking suspects, summoning securitrons, etc.).

Even just fixing the constant refreshing would make them much more useful and encourage players to use them.
(03-06-2018, 12:48 PM)SimianC Wrote:
(03-06-2018, 10:51 AM)Firepower Wrote: Can we PLEASE change the camera monitor computers so that they don't refresh to the bottom of the list whenever you click on a camera? Makes it really difficult to actually use them and check multiple areas quickly.

This. The constant refreshing makes viewing security cameras as a crewman frustrating and borderline pointless with how slow it is.

Ideally, I'd love for them to function similar to the AI's camera or at least reach a level of usefulness that would make it feasible for an officer to stay in security and provide logistical support using the cameras (tracking suspects, summoning securitrons, etc.).

Even just fixing the constant refreshing would make them much more useful and encourage players to use them.

Dear fucking god yes!
Using old AI would be great.

There was an old idea that suggested creating a few networks that covered major areas and having the list switch networks while the keys switched cameras in the current network. I liked that idea.
Thinking about this a little bit more, I realized one of the reasons players might be hesitant to give security a try is that they aren't robust, this was definetely the case for me.

Introducing a Security role that focuses on support from behind the scenes, similar to the one described in my previous post, might be a nice way to ease players into the role and allow more experienced sec players teach them.
(03-06-2018, 04:07 PM)SimianC Wrote: Thinking about this a little bit more, I realized one of the reasons players might be hesitant to give security a try is that they aren't robust, this was definetely the case for me.

Introducing a Security role that focuses on support from behind the scenes, similar to the one described in my previous post, might be a nice way to ease players into the role and allow more experienced sec players teach them.

In General adding Sec classes might make people a tad less hesitant to choose them, id put forward splitting it into regular, medical, specialist (Deals with bombs threats, witchcraft, etc.) and Support (For those who can't Robust and would rather act as dispatch n such)
(03-06-2018, 04:49 PM)Wisecrack34 Wrote:
(03-06-2018, 04:07 PM)SimianC Wrote: Thinking about this a little bit more, I realized one of the reasons players might be hesitant to give security a try is that they aren't robust, this was definetely the case for me.

Introducing a Security role that focuses on support from behind the scenes, similar to the one described in my previous post, might be a nice way to ease players into the role and allow more experienced sec players teach them.

In General adding Sec classes might make people a tad less hesitant to choose them, id put forward splitting it into regular, medical, specialist (Deals with bombs threats, witchcraft, etc.) and Support (For those who can't Robust and would rather act as dispatch n such)

I liked the idea from awhile ago of giving Sec Traitor/Nuke-Op style item spawning. I think having the option to pick extra gear would parse well with having Class Based Sec Squads
Sec 'needing to be robust' is about as big a misconception as enabling 'Sec negates antag roles' is.

My tip if you're interested in sec: roll it and play the whole round drunk, wearing no jumpsuit, and armed only with two stun batons, some flashbangs and the wee-woo hat. That or handicap yourself in some other way.

The best way to get over the fear of failure is to fail. It's something I've had to do with relearning something recently. I used to be so good and have myself in my head as good, so I expect that - and get output at the level of a 10 year old. Best way I could move forward was just fucking my shit up and failing in the most spectacular ways I could. Get fuk'd, OCD.
About the suggestion to force security officers into the round. Have an option, that, when enabled, override your occupations choices to make you security officer in case there's less than 2 or 3 security officers.
This wouldn't solve all cases, but at least it wouldn't force people that aren't willing to play sec.

That would be for people who don't mind playing security but that would rather do something else if the job already has applicants.
They can still make a job choice, but know that they can be enrolled as security if the need is there.

And if you really don't want to play security for a moment, then just disable it.

A few bonus spacebux could be given in case that option is enabled and you're enrolled in security. Some "volunteer bonus".
It might have already been proposed, I haven't read the whole thread.
(03-08-2018, 03:30 AM)Haprenti Wrote: About the suggestion to force security officers into the round. Have an option, that, when enabled, override your occupations choices to make you security officer in case there's less than 2 or 3 security officers.
This wouldn't solve all cases, but at least it wouldn't force people that aren't willing to play sec.

That would be for people who don't mind playing security but that would rather do something else if the job already has applicants.
They can still make a job choice, but know that they can be enrolled as security if the need is there.

And if you really don't want to play security for a moment, then just disable it.

A few bonus spacebux could be given in case that option is enabled and you're enrolled in security. Some "volunteer bonus".
It might have already been proposed, I haven't read the whole thread.

Quote:Antagonist Roles:
Traitor Gang Leader  Begrudging Security Blob Nuclear Operative Clown Vampire [...] 

Disregard order
Rewarding people for playing security shouldn't be a thing though? I'm all for giving people a reason to security but if you have to bribe people, those people are gonna be less likely to be decent security. Less than decent security tend to be less than friendly, especially when it comes to valid hunting, and that will only lead to people hating security harder which is something I'd really like to not have happen.

I know spacebux is cosmetic money but there are people that care about it who will, at best, log into security, hide for the round, then go on the shuttle and hope nothing kills them.

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