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The New Nuke (It'll be around forever, eh eh eh)
Add a special end of round animation if the Syndicates manage to send a live nuke to centcomm.
How do you disarm the nuke? Currently, noone knows how short of "screwdriver, run for the crusher".
You can beat it to death, but the nuke is really durable so unless you have like the entire crew working on it it's not gonna work.
Grizzwold Wrote:You can beat it to death, but the nuke is really durable so unless you have like the entire crew working on it it's not gonna work.
Can you damage it with pipebombs?
Can you bomb the bomb? In real life that is how you defuse many bombs.
I would love to see people making canister bombs just to destroy the nuke.
It's possible to destroy the nuke just from whalloping it but you need at least 2 or 3 people dedicated to smashing it and ideally a few Syndicates to die next to it for the microbombs.
AI can kick the nuke from the cameras.
Telegnats Wrote:AI can kick the nuke from the cameras.
It can....Kick? Like physically kick the nuke from cameras?
KikiMofo Wrote:
Telegnats Wrote:AI can kick the nuke from the cameras.
It can....Kick? Like physically kick the nuke from cameras?
It can pretend to.

Never does any actual damage.

It's hilarious though.
I thought there were a series of actions you could do to the nuke to remove the anchoring bit, and pull it off into space to be a hero?

Also I think there's a wire panel you can open, and if you pulse/cut the right wire it'll stop the countdown?

Maybe I'm thinking of !notgoone
If you screwdriver the nuke you can move it around, but it drops the countdown to 60 seconds. So basically you have a minute to fight lag and drag it to the crusher.
As I've said in OOC after recent Nuke rounds, I like New Nuke. I've been playing off and on for years, and New Nuke is the most exciting game mode I've ever seen. Rounds are fast and tension-filled and, personally, I find that to be enjoyable. That said, I do think the round is currently just a bit too challenging for the station; I think it's fine to have a mode that the station loses more than they win, but there should still be some reason to feel like the station should try.

Here's a few random ideas I have that I feel might improve, either by themselves or combined together in some manner New Nuke:

I think the timers could be just a bit longer. Especially given that this is SS13 and lag is a feature in most Nuke rounds, the 5/1 timer setup just doesn't give anyone quite enough time to respond. Now, I like the tension of the short timers, so I'd hate to see the timers be too long, but I think even a small difference (7-8 minute normal timer, 90 second-2 minute short timer) would give the station the edge they need to get the occasional win.

I think it would be good if you gave the operatives two Nukes but probably with the caveat that only one can be armed at a time. This way you can make the individual bombs slightly easier to destroy without worrying about the operatives having all their eggs in one basket. It would also make the need for the admins to spawn extra nukes much less likely. I'm not sure how much of an actual problem that is but I've seen several people complain about it so there's that. It would also make the strategy a little more interesting for both sides. For the operatives, you have to decide if it's worse sparing a few people so that a second Nuke can be installed and ready in case the first one gets destroyed, and for the station you have to constantly be questioning the possibility of a second Nuke being on board the station.

For my final suggestion, I think an alternate balance to longer timers would be requiring some operatives to stay alive. This could either be a specific operative must live, or a certain number of them (at least 2, at least 3) or something else, but it would force the operatives to do more than fight to their last breath to keep that Nuke from getting tampered with.

Anyway, not sure if any of these suggestions are actually good/useful, but that's my two cents!
slightly longer timers would not just give the crew a better chance to fight back, it would also spur nuke ops to try to infiltrate stealthily and prep the target location for defense more thoroughly in advance.

having a spare nuke is a nice idea, but it would also need a new target location arranged for it, since the target location of the first nuke is likely going to be ruined or carefully watched after the first attempt, if any operatives even manage to survive the first try.
That change where the round doesn't end after nuke ops section is over really needs to go. I don't know why anyone thought it was a good idea honestly. After the nuke is destroyed the round's momentum pretty much grinds to a halt, the station is probably fucked to hell, any antags that do spawn in wont have any decent prep time to do anything fun, and to top it off, even if you do call the shuttle so the round ends at a reasonable time, it auto-recalls and you have to wait 10 more minutes for the round that is already over to actually end.

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