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Concerns with Mining (Both the department and Z-level)
Miners might, uh, kinda hate me for this.
I can't not do this though. It just has to be.

Can you spot the hazard?
Shortest post ever, what is that?
Cogwerks Wrote:Miners might, uh, kinda hate me for this.
I can't not do this though. It just has to be.

Can you spot the hazard?

AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! Took me a second, but I love it.
The mining catwalk runs afoul of the external crate delivery routes now.

Although, with the belt right there, could we get a little routing thinger to send crates to/from the little mining department?
Yeah, that's only a little more work, I'll get around to it soon.
Cogwerks Wrote:That could work, might help with surviveability too - I can move it out on a long catwalk tether.
That sounds good, it also gives pods more room to squeeze between the station and the rock rather than having to go all the way out and around the rock. I hope the conveyor will be extended too, though. And on that note, the region of the conveyor between the inner and outer doors might need to be extended or something for air management purposes - for some reason, even though it's impossible for both the inner and outer doors to be open at the same time, opening the inner door causes such a rush of air into the belt room that it actually pushes objects backwards along the belt. Either that or something's bugged up with the belt.
Lol, yeah. I ran into that problem when I was setting up Belt Hell and QM's launchers originally, that's why some of the blast doors have those loader plates right there to push incoming cargo immediately inside before the rush of air can shove them back out.
ISN probably didn't know about that problem, I'll fix it sometime today.
So does this mean you aren't going to consider throwing some minable rocks in the debris Z-level cog?
On the subject of mining, would it be possible to give the ore scoop an option so that it will collect rock/ice as well as ore? Gragg buys rock sometimes, and I figure the barkeep ought to be able to do something or other with the ice.
Silvercloud29 Wrote:So does this mean you aren't going to consider throwing some minable rocks in the debris Z-level cog?

The old ore vein placement landmarks are gone, so my easily solution for doing that isn't there. I'll need to sit down and read through mining code better and write up some new scripts to generate debris-belt ores.
QP Evergrande Wrote:On the subject of mining, would it be possible to give the ore scoop an option so that it will collect rock/ice as well as ore? Gragg buys rock sometimes, and I figure the barkeep ought to be able to do something or other with the ice.

Ore scoops already suck up ice automatically. And if you want to grab rock too, well, they DO give you a second mining satchel in the mining lockers.

Although being able to tell the ore scoop what to pick up and what to ignore would actually be pretty sweet.

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