11-22-2012, 10:11 PM
Please beat yourself upside the head with a hammer for trying to be cool by using bro every other sentence when you're obviously angry/annoyed, bro!!!!
Waterboarding Security
11-22-2012, 10:11 PM
Please beat yourself upside the head with a hammer for trying to be cool by using bro every other sentence when you're obviously angry/annoyed, bro!!!!
11-23-2012, 05:38 AM
11-23-2012, 07:40 AM
Dachshundofdoom Wrote:I can safely say that every time I have ever broken into anywhere I have never, ever been killed just for breaking in. Just rushing into Sec just gets you stunned and brigged/tossed out and no one in Chemistry ever cares, it's usually been thermited into Medbay by the 15 minute mark anyway. Robotics usually assumes that you either want to be borged or you want a flash, and they don't really care either. Electronics guys will just immediately stunglove you and fart on you.While the first part of your statement is true (I've never been murdered for a break-in) the second part most definitely is not. I don't know what Roboticists you've been around, but every Roboticist I've ever played with immediately assumes that someone rushing into their lab is up to no good - most Roboticists even make people who politely ask to be borged wait outside until their body is ready. Robotics is just too high profile a target, if you let people roll in willy nilly you'll probably get murdered by a traitor who doesn't want you making any more borgs. Also, try rushing or hacking your way into Cargo Bay sometime. Chemists who thermite into Medbay don't care, but if you waltz in there when they haven't, you are likely going to end up with a face full of whatever they've been brewing. Which, half the time, is poly-acid. The disconnect here is that the rules are very fluid on gibbed and the administration is pretty inconsistent. I'm not trying to rag on the admins - the job they have in front of them is daunting to the extreme - but you don't need to look too hard to find major rifts in how the rules are applied. This is doubly true if you consider both these forums and the SA thread. Look at the Unban Appeals forum and you'll find plenty of instances of admins saying to adminhelp almost everything. Look at the SA thread and you'll find plenty of instances of admins saying that you probably won't feel a repercussion if you slaughter someone who deserved it. If it happens to be Popecrunch posting, this will be followed with "(Let's face it, almost everyone deserves it)". Again, I'm not trying to rag on the administration team. If I had an honest issue with anyone I'd just come out and fucking say it because my life is too short to be catty. But the entire reason these disputes come up is because the list of what is and isn't OK changes wildly depending on who's handling the adminhelp, and what mood they're in.
11-23-2012, 12:54 PM
I flush security down the disposals when I end up in there without handcuffs.
11-23-2012, 03:33 PM
Klayboxx Wrote:I flush security down the disposals when I end up in there without handcuffs.I'd prefer you push them down and fart on them. They're less likely to die for being shit, but it might make them less shit instead of making them get all pissed off.
11-23-2012, 05:10 PM
I'd advocate torture if it was funny rather than creepy.
Buckle cuffing people, making them drink grog then asking them to walk the plank (the diving board at the pool) over and over is funny. Stripping someone naked, bucklecuffing someone then forcing them to drink truth serum, a mixture of stink eye, lsd and polytronic acid, then flashing them constantly (yes this has happened to me by a creepy captain) to get me to say who the other traitor is, is not only creepy but completely ineffective, as I just suicided on the spot, only to be revived genetically by a late-joiner. My point is, there are plenty of funny ways to "torture" a player already in the game if you feel like it when you've proved their a traitor that's already in the game. Be creative, and most importantly have it be funny for all players involved including the traitor. There's no need to add an uncreative way that only encourages creepiness.
11-23-2012, 09:27 PM
Came here to post "Every pretend internet spaceman life is precious"
and saw this gem AdenAbrafOfTheO Wrote:Please beat yourself upside the head with a hammer for trying to be cool by using bro every other sentence when you're obviously angry/annoyed, bro!!!! You're such a loser that you don't have irl friends to play DnD with. You have to solicit strangers on the internet. lmao
11-23-2012, 09:43 PM
Really good idea incoming
Let's remove the Security Officer as a job.
11-23-2012, 10:08 PM
FrontlineAcrobat4 Wrote:Really good idea incoming I unironically agree with this but I it would some thought to 'balance' the game.
11-23-2012, 11:35 PM
kantrol Wrote:Came here to post "Every pretend internet spaceman life is precious" kantrol Wrote:I unironically agree with this but I it would some thought to 'balance' the game.For the first bit, nobody is pretending that dying in the game is a horrible horrible thing. We're saying it's shitty for you to permanently remove somebody from the game and therefore completely end any enjoyment they may have taken from it, just because you didn't like where they were in said game. It's shitty, there's no way around it, but your arguments have all consisted of "I don't care" so I'm glad you're banned from security. As for the random insults...that's just stupid. You just resorted to slinging insults with no basis because you got called out. That last statement....I don't even know where to begin with that, since I don't have the ability or determination to discern any meaning in that bastard child of a sentence.
11-23-2012, 11:51 PM
BlackPhoenix Wrote:kantrol Wrote:Came here to post "Every pretend internet spaceman life is precious" 1) Live by the sword, die by the sword. You want to break into some room to be annoying or whatever, face the consequences. 2) I'm not sure you know what the phrase 'no basis' means. I didn't come up with the fact that he solicited a whole bunch of strangers to play DnD with him out of the aether. 3) I'm surprised you didn't send me 15 PMs about my typo you fucking weirdo. on topic Deleting security has been proposed on SA a few times but not much discussion of the idea occurred. At face value, it seems like a really interesting idea but maybe only because it would greatly affect gameplay. There would be less of a "cops and robbers and then everyone else does their own thing" vibe. On the other hand, how would the crew fight operatives or wizards?
11-24-2012, 01:36 AM
Live by the sword die by the sword?
That's hardly a good comparison, if anything walking into security and being intentionally annoying is good reason to be stunned and then promptly farted on repeatedly. Not potentially killed because the security officer assumed what is essentially a potential death penalty was fair. as for randomly insulting people, Even if he plays DND with internet strangers, how does that have anything to do with what he thinks about security. Finally, If security didn't exist, The crew would just fight traitors directly and possibly be a lot more mob rule and paranoid, and more people would die as a result of being terrible, it would pretty much be your version of security except for the fact that there wouldn't be someone to try to control the situation. Securities main job is to try to handle problems on the station, that means dealing with people and being somewhat reasonable, not being super cop because there might be a traitor/changeling/wizard loose, If security were supposed to be the station army, they wouldn't be wearing the color of cannon fodder, they'd be decked out in full black and have full suits of armor and lots of guns. My point being is that Securities main purpose isn't to punish assistants with execution because they held the donut box hostage, it's to ensure that the actual troublemakers, and not just bored pranksters, are dealt with. Tl;DR version: effectively executing someone just because they were annoying only teaches retaliation and only encourages complete hatred of security.
11-24-2012, 01:55 AM
Why is everyone still arguing it's pretty clear that nobody here is going to change their opinion on the subject? This has devolved into lots of shitty flame-y posts.
11-24-2012, 02:58 AM
h3half Wrote:Why is everyone still arguing it's pretty clear that nobody here is going to change their opinion on the subject? This has devolved into lots of shitty flame-y posts.Hence why I stopped responding, but I think the goal is less to try and convince kantrol that killing people like that is wrong, but give reasons to the general public so that they won't think "Well I saw it on the forums so I thought it was okay".
11-24-2012, 09:05 AM
Water-boarding security was never going to happen.
Kantrol is jobbaned from security and for good reason blah blah blah Best remedy for this is locking the thread y/n? |
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