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buff blobs somehow
(05-28-2017, 09:37 AM)Frank_Stein Wrote:
(05-28-2017, 12:42 AM)MyBlueCorners Wrote: Also, any sort of stealth power for a blob might be i smilie with a protruding tongue nteresting.

Expanding through the disposal/mail pipe system?

Let's you burst out at new spots, but the system can be purged with a flush or two. Could spray out a bunch of blob pieces when flushed

I already see the rarely used mail chutes deliver blob chunks instead of actual items.
I like the idea of a "burst" of tiles upon nucleus placement. Benefits are: it's a decent nerf (as opposed to 30 instant-spawn tiles wherever you want) and also it sounds easy to code :v.
(05-28-2017, 10:02 AM)Wire Wrote: I like the idea of a "burst" of tiles upon nucleus placement. Benefits are: it's a decent nerf (as opposed to 30 instant-spawn tiles wherever you want) and also it sounds easy to code :v.

Probably start it with some of the armor and healing tiles around the nucleus already
Have nuclei getting killed wipe the blob's bio point reserve, as well as temporarily or permanently slow down it's bio-point generation and growth speed. You could even have random mutations being wiped out on destroying a nuclei, as a nucleus's function is to store DNA. Blobs with more than two nuclei are tricky even for an organized crew to beat, and damaging the blob's growth rate provides a breather that can help them turn the tide.
(05-28-2017, 10:19 AM)ferriswheel1 Wrote: Have nuclei getting killed wipe the blob's bio point reserve, as well as temporarily or permanently slow down it's bio-point generation and growth speed. You could even have random mutations being wiped out on destroying a nuclei, as a nucleus's function is to store DNA. Blobs with more than two nuclei are tricky even for an organized crew to beat, and damaging the blob's growth rate provides a breather that can help them turn the tide.

Oooo this is a great idea. That way big-blobs actually have a chance at being beaten as repeated nucleus destructions reduce their capabilities.
I was thinking, maybe taking out a nucleus also fries out all the blob tiles nearby so you don't have to stick around doing cleanup or getting taken out by the overmind after rushing the nucleus

Also, as far as I know building things using blob as materials doesn't do anything.

Would be interesting if you could craft suits that helped prevent absorbtion or even gave you limited mobility moving through the blob itself
Let blobs make "internal" tiles with doors and blobby couches that the crew can walk through and live in peace with the blob, until it decides to remove the doors and absorb them like an amoeba.
(05-28-2017, 12:53 PM)Frank_Stein Wrote: I was thinking, maybe taking out a nucleus also fries out all the blob tiles nearby so you don't have to stick around doing cleanup or getting taken out by the overmind after rushing the nucleus

Also, as far as I know building things using blob as materials doesn't do anything.

Would be interesting if you could craft suits that helped prevent absorbtion or even gave you limited mobility moving through the blob itself

According to the tooltips blob is one of the best armor materials in the game, better than leather which gives 8 melee armor when used to make gloves. Jumpsuits dont carry over any special properties other than transparency unfortunately.
I like the idea of the blob being able to spread through disposals and the mail system.

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