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Spaceman Skill Scoring
[Image: ZDXJhvR.jpg]

All this nerd shit: F

Being ripped and sweet bubsy and fat: S
bubs Wrote:bubs

Sassiness: A+
I'm a solid C all around. I don't play much anymore, so I have an F in attendance
Engine Hellburning: F. I can't even start the engine. I can't even start the god damn engine.

Bomb-Fu: D-. I can quickly mass produce pipe bombs, but anybody can do that. I don't know how to mix and heat gasses without exploding myself.

Chemistry: B-. I know a good amount of secret recipes and I can quickly cook up almost any chem, and I'm really good at mass producing chems.

Telescience: C. I use a guide to set up the teleporter, I can't maff.

Botany: C. I know a few tricks but beyond that I usually just dump chemicals into trays and hope things grow.

Mechanics Components: D. I can't set up a teleporter network but I can make a railgun that accidentally gibs three people.

Robustness: B. I'm better than a B, but I make dumb mistakes quite frequently, things I know not to do but do anyways. I do well on a team, though.

Artifact Research: S+. I don't even need the god damn lab to activate most artifacts, unless it's a radiation artifact. I can determine what an artifact does without even analyzing it. I know where to find them and how to abuse them with max efficiency. I fukken love artifacts.

Medicine: S. I've lost many, many patients as a doctor. However, that's because I quite frequently handle triple the amount of patients most other doctors handle, and also usually because I go straight into the shit to find my patients. Hull breach? I gotcha some Perflu. Plasma fire? Don't worry, I'm full of Silver Sulfa. Are you dead? Don't worry, I'll actually clone you. Cloner borked? I'll ensure you're borged.

Tampering With Life Itself (Genetics): B. I can get injectors pretty fast but I'm not super fast when doing things solo. Also, my luck with genetics is poor, I always get the bad genes.

The Synthetic Life: A. I know how to make, manipulate, and be a borg very well. The only thing I'm particularly poor at involving borgs is murdering them.

Cashing In: B I can make a couple hundred thousand, even a million really fast. However, I can't break the numbers and acquire infinite money like many others.

Loaf Processing: S I can make ALL the loaves no problem, even the Einstein loaf, and I can do it super fast with the right access. Only downside is that I don't know how to do it without lagging the server to hell.
Engine Hellburning: f. i've literally never even set up the gas engine lmao

Bomb-Fu: d-. i can make pipebombs but somehow actual bombs confuse the hell out of me. i should give it a try again sometime i guess

Chemistry: c. i dont know any secret recipes but otherwise i'm alright

Telescience: d- i really need to practice more with basically everything. fuck

Botany: b i'm pretty good at it but ive never fucked with splicing

Mechanics Components: f i havent played with it at all. havent been a mechanic since they got added :v

Robustness: c not good at it, not bad at it.

Artifact Research: f never played with this either

Medicine: b i like medic and play it a lot but i need to get to know some of the new-ish system so thats why its not an a.

Tampering With Life Itself (Genetics): b. i'm alright at it, not any of the more complex stuff but i think i handle myself well enough.

The Synthetic Life: c i dont play synthetics much

Cashing In: c i can play the QM market sometimes, and do slots, but i havent messed with stocks.

Loaf Processing: f i've never messed with loafing

i havent played a lot recently but damn these are low lmao
Being hilariously terrible at everything: A+

Everything else: Solid D-
This is needlessly egotistical, and i will take no part in it crossarms

Dunning–Kruger effect
Nubcake Wrote:This is needlessly egotistical, and i will take no part in it crossarms

Dunning–Kruger effect
This is needlessly ''i'm cool and against the crowd Heh. Heh. '', and i will not let you shit on it. pipe dog
Asshole effect
No friend, i just don't see any point in boasting about my ability to manipulate pixels in a 2d spaceman game confused
Nubcake Wrote:No friend, i just don't see any point in boasting about my ability to manipulate pixels in a 2d spaceman game confused
This sums up how I feel pretty nicely. Look at that guy puke
Vunterslaush Wrote:
Nubcake Wrote:No friend, i just don't see any point in boasting about my ability to manipulate pixels in a 2d spaceman game confused
This sums up how I feel pretty nicely. Look at that guy puke
Maybe you guys should go talk to a doctor about why you can't have fun with dumb things.

This topic is just a dumb little topic for people to be dumb and have fun with it. There is nothing to "Get", there is no "Point".
I dunno, a bit of self-evaluation made me realize how bad I am at this game. About half a year ago I sorta stopped exploring what the game has to offer and sorta "capped out." It's made me realize that I've stopped progressing in just about everything, while at the same time just about everything has so much more to offer.
I considered giving an actual reply, but most of it would seem like bragging.
Mageziya Wrote:I dunno, a bit of self-evaluation made me realize how bad I am at this game. About half a year ago I sorta stopped exploring what the game has to offer and sorta "capped out." It's made me realize that I've stopped progressing in just about everything, while at the same time just about everything has so much more to offer.
I dunno. I think it's really neat that the game has all these systems to learn and get good at, but it's also a game that can be enjoyed in other ways. I prefer the social aspect over trying to learn and remember a bunch of combinations, so I tend to play things like Security over Chemistry.

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