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Space Cruisers
For lore just give the broke spaceship a black box that contains one of those tape things like research used to use for dwaine.

Then you could just hook it up to a computer, run cat "Blackbox.log" and then read the last words of the crew and whatever.
I just heard that someone is working on getting a prototype for this. :-)
I refuse to accept this unless I can install pop guns in lieu of actual guns.
I spoke with cog about this and it sounds great, really think this will go far as it's a cogwerks project ™.
I hope I can sabotage the engines to explode
And I hope you'll be able to somehow board the ship mid-flight. Not sure how.
Lcass123 Wrote:I spoke with cog about this and it sounds great, really think this will go far as it's a cogwerks project ™.

I don't think I'll be doing a whole lot of the actual code implementation part, though I am excited to make some art assets for it.
Didn't this just get added?
Keelin has been working on this, yes.
Okay maybe this idea is already in the works, but since obviously you can't have a window, why not have an interactive display? Basically a re-skinned cafeteria TV that instead of opening up a camera list when clicked on shows just the view of the pod, as if there''s a hull camera. That way the folks on the inside can watch what's going when there ISN'T fires and explosions going on inside.
Is there any way to have the inside modeled elsewhere, like is being suggested. but then have it overlayed as a HUD element over the ship for anybody inside?
So Jay Wolff, Cogwerks and I got to test them out today

[Image: O8SwBv1.png]

Takes three people to pilot it. One person drive, another shoots and the last person works the shields. The sleeper pods you see are the cockpits you enter them to pilot your part of the ship

[Image: gNJco5w.png]

[Image: b5WZpdf.png]

This is what happens if it takes too much damage

[Image: LX3De0s.png]

[Image: 7QsO9ib.png]

and Here is HipBEE and I as Goat Farts

[Image: KXmhS0y.png]

[Image: DsRArln.png]

[Image: RAJzTd6.png]

Thank you Cogwerks and Keelin for letting us test them out. It was so much fun.
Amazing! I already took on a tour a while ago, can't wait to finally see them more.
Aftermath of the battle of NanoCapitalSystem Depot Charlie!

A brutal struggle between Syndicate and NanoTrasen; the prize? A disabled syndicate cruiser, rendered down to a big paperweight by precision Nanotrasen fighter pilots.

In the end however, no one could repair the cruiser. It's blackened husk is left floating outside the captain's quarters.

[Image: u0o5qtD.png]
This about one on the guns, one on the shields, and one on the steering makes me think of the game "Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime". You've got 4 guns, the shields, and the propulsion, and 2 players controlling all of it by having to move around the ship. Lots of hectic fun comes. This raises my actual question though, can you control the cruiser with -less- than 3 people and just have to scramble about to control all of the things, and will cruisers with even -more- things to control (such as one control panel managing side guns, one for rear, and one for front) come around eventually?

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