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Space Cruisers - Erik - 09-02-2015

After some talks with cogwerks we both got exited, so i decided to work this out into a gigantic long post.

Space Cruisers
We all know that space exploration is cool, and there should be more things to explore, and make it rewarding to go into space, my idea was to add a broken space cruiser on the diner zlevel that can be repaired, and once repaired it will allow for up to 7/8 people to jump into the cruiser, and cruise and warp around space, way further than any normal space pod has ever went.

Following is a image that contains a pod mockup drawn by cogwerks.

[Image: R18eD4I.png]

Specs & Information
  • Space Cruisers have a dimensional pocket wich allows up to 8 players to enter the cruiser, and freely walk around inside the cruiser.
  • think: area on restricted-z that holds the pod inside, players who enter get teleported inside.
  • Space Cruisers are upgradable, and can hold up to X guns/heavy weapons.
  • Space Cruisers require fuel to move, and have a working atmospherics system on the inside, run out of air/fuel and you are busted.
  • Getting damaged will shake the screens of the people inside, throw them around if they aren't buckled in, and set them on fire if the damage exceeds a certain cap.

So, how does this thing even work?
  • Both the pilot and the weapons engineer have a special biopod, sleeper, or whatever-you-want-to-call-it they need to enter before being able to control their systems.
  • The engine can either be powered via concentrated dark matter, a small TEG, a nuclear engine, or just a old sloppy-hackjob solar powered system.
  • Once the engine is online, the ship can be steered by the pilot, similar to how a normal pod works, but he is unable to fire guns.

Information for coders
  • Both the pilot and weapons engineer would need to have their client.eye set to the verhicle itself upon entering their respective devices.
  • Any damage that happens to the vehicle itself, would need to be relayed to the inside, shaking their screens, throwing them around, setting them on fire if the vehicle would be set on fire, and the other way around.
  • All teleportation devices should be disabled inside the pod, because uhh you dont want to teleport the pod into itself, would you?
  • Any damage inside the pod, should relay to the outside.. Exploding a TTV inside the pod should totally explode the outside as well, this could be done easily by creating invisible atoms that detect damage, or something like that.

Re: Space Cruisers - Grifflez - 09-02-2015

Super-sized Clown Car with bigger guns.

I hope we get terrible obstacles we can drive these into like a madman, if they become a thing.

Re: Space Cruisers - Cogwerks - 09-02-2015

Sundance wanted a Martian mothership quite awhile ago, that idea could be resurrected using this same functionality if it gets set up.


Re: Space Cruisers - Erik - 09-02-2015

Grifflez Wrote:Super-sized Clown Car with bigger guns.

I hope we get terrible obstacles we can drive these into like a madman, if they become a thing.

My suggestion would be having multiple planets you could warp to upon discovering their coordinates via the telescope, telescience, or mainframes on existing telescience locations, imaging warping to a location to find multiple pods facing you and all ready to kill you

Re: Space Cruisers - Sundance - 09-02-2015

Cogwerks Wrote:Sundance wanted a Martian mothership quite awhile ago, that idea could be resurrected using this same functionality if it gets set up.


Oh god my old sprites are gross. Please dont click this link. The idea is novel though, but was limited by what byond could do at the time.

Would love to see something suggested like this in-game, could be used as a side thing for z-level/telescience exploration but also like the martian mode that I envisioned.

Re: Space Cruisers - Erik - 09-02-2015

Another suggestion would be adding a docking port somewhere around the station where space ships, pods and other vehicles could safely dock and latch onto the station using a airbridge (there's an airbridge var that makes it extend out to meet shuttles)

Re: Space Cruisers - robertGN - 09-02-2015

This gets all of my yes. All of it. I'll have to go to the yes bank and take out a yes loan after this, thats how much yes you'll get.

Also, I wanna blow up a cruiser full of a people as a syndicate.

Re: Space Cruisers - Vitatroll - 09-02-2015

I like this. A lot. You could even tie in the current telsci locations directly by allowing the cruiser to beam them to the pad and back once you're close enough to the location.

Re: Space Cruisers - Frank_Stein - 09-02-2015

Erik Hanson Wrote:My suggestion would be having multiple planets you could warp to upon discovering their coordinates via the telescope, telescience, or mainframes on existing telescience locations, imaging warping to a location to find multiple pods facing you and all ready to kill you

Vitatroll Wrote:I like this. A
lot. You could even tie in the current telsci locations directly by allowing the cruiser to beam them to the pad and back once you're close enough to the location.

Both of these. How about a Star Control style thing where the cruiser flys around in space, with tiles representing the telescience locations seen from a distance. Fly next to them, and be in range to beam people to and from the locations.

Re: Space Cruisers - Cogwerks - 09-02-2015

Sketch of internal space that could be available with a 224x224px icon for the vehicle:

[Image: gc3RXPK.png]

Being a pocket dimension, it wouldn't be able to have normal windows looking out. Any much bigger than this and I feel like it'll conflict with the mining shuttle... although that could be reworked.

Re: Space Cruisers - Erik - 09-02-2015

I personally think that i would be cool to have this lay around the dining-z as a ship that requires repairs, and has some lore/story around it.

Re: Space Cruisers - Vitatroll - 09-02-2015

Bill and Jack's shittiest adventure? More timey-wimey stuff? Nanotrasen conspiracy? All of the above?

Lots of potential there. Especially if it's expanded on by location logs and whatnot.

Re: Space Cruisers - Erik - 09-02-2015

It could open a totally new way of discovering new locations, lore, and other things to explore! Imagine that you find this ship, and see russian markings all over it, you try and fix it, and then you discover a dusty tape that contains information about a russian derelict outpost in deep space.

aaaaah, this thing has so much potential.

Re: Space Cruisers - Zadeon - 09-02-2015

I like this idea.

Also the clowncar should send people to a pocket dimension that is its on little room. get in not go out

Re: Space Cruisers - Frank_Stein - 09-02-2015

Zadeon Wrote:I like this idea.

Also the clowncar should send people to a pocket dimension that is its on little room. get in not go out
With circus music on loop