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Waterboarding Security
I rarely see people play Security anyways, why all the complaining?
BlackPhoenix Wrote:You just said that throwing them down disposals and then dying is no big deal. If they die because you threw them down disposals, you killed them. If you killed them for being in Sec or being annoying, you don't need to be security.
Tossing some dude down a disposal chute isn't murder. Thanks for playing though.
If somebody dies because you threw them in disposals, you killed them. If you kill somebody for being a mild annoyance or being in security, you don't need to be security.[/quote]

If my aunt had balls she would be my uncle.

In either case, what you said isn't true at all. I've never heard of or seen anyone get in trouble for flushing someone. I will admit that my observation is purely anecdotal evidence but, if an examination of the old unban appeals were possible, I would bet on being vindicated.

Winged_Chiller Wrote:You're awful. If someone gets into security through the door, it's your fault. If the lockers are open and you're in security it's your fault(Whether it's your locker or not, if there's an unlocked locker just lock it and send over the radio "Lock your lockers, shitcops!"), if there is contraband just lying around in the security room then stop what you're doing and die. Thank You.

Theft of security equipment can only come down to incompetence. Deal with it, ya twit.

Its da winged fukken chilla lmao

You must be confused. We're talking about kicking people out of areas that they aren't supposed to be in. You seem to think we're talking about people sneaking into areas they're not supposed to be in. In either case; no matter how careful you are, people can and will break into security.

Newsflash: when you break into an area you're not supposed to be in, you generally do so at your own risk, ya fukken twit.
Kantrol, you're pretty stupid. If you flush someone down disposals, and they die due to lag, BYOND or other shitty unlucky circumstances, it's your fault they're dead, because you put them into that situation. It's an asshole move regardless of whether it's against the rules or not, because you forced them to sit out the round, despite the fact it takes equal or less effort to just toss 'em out the front/back door and be done with it. Running the risk of killing dudes just because they ran into an area isn't nice.
Oddball Wrote:Kantrol, you're pretty stupid. If you flush someone down disposals, and they die due to lag, BYOND or other shitty unlucky circumstances, it's your fault they're dead, because you put them into that situation. It's an asshole move regardless of whether it's against the rules or not, because you forced them to sit out the round, despite the fact it takes equal or less effort to just toss 'em out the front/back door and be done with it. Running the risk of killing dudes just because they ran into an area isn't nice.

Are you even playing the same game as anyone else?
1) Also, I think you're all being a little disingenuous. I am willing to bet that you would all do something far worse than flush someone down disposals if they broke into your office.

2) I never said that I flushed people down disposals as security so calm down nerds. I just don't see the issue with flushing someone for breaking in. If they happen to what? They chose to be in whatever area they broke into. Nobody forced them to rush into security/electronics/robotics/etc.
Kantrol, let me put it in as simple terms as i can.

People shouldn't have to expect a high probability of death for breaking in a room. It's a huge dick move and even I, being as shitty as i am, understand this.

It, however, amusingly pisses people off to no end if you jack their shit though and imo, they deserved it.
Winged_Chiller Wrote:
24volunteers Wrote:Just to tell you flushing people down disposals is probably the easiest way to get people out of sec and those people never really die because they have time to get up
Incorrect. The easiest and most efficient way 9 times out of 10 is to ask them to leave politely. I always tell people to use words before your baton. Also being flushed down disposals is just inconsiderate, inconvenient and rude.

You my dear sir are rude, I say, rude.
When there's five assistants running around inside security breaking and throwing things and farting and screaming then it's no longer considered "rude" to stun and flush them all, right?
Why would you flush them down while stunned? Stun effect will remain and the perps will be gibbed if the disposal belt is on.
Trevor Wrote:When there's five assistants running around inside security breaking and throwing things and farting and screaming then it's no longer considered "rude" to stun and flush them all, right?
Well no, then you should just flash or stun them and chuck them out of security, maybe brig 'em for a bit. Also, adminhelp that, because at that point it sounds like they're pulling a shitty assistant revolution gimmick, and they really need to be shut down. The difference between stunning them and stunning them then throwing them down disposals is that disposals can kill them. There's a crusher in there.

Kantrol, I don't understand why it is so hard for you to get that it's not okay to send people to a possible death, just because they were in a room. Saying "Well they were in the room, they deserved to die if they died" is shitty. Take their shoes, fart on them, whatever, then kick them out. Don't end their game just because they were in a room. There have been security jobbans for people arresting and then killing people for being in a room that the officer didn't want them in from my memory. As security, the only people you should ever consider killing are wizards, syndicates, changelings, vampires, traitors, and spies. Not Newguy McBreakingandentering.
Katznelson Wrote:Why would you flush them down while stunned? Stun effect will remain and the perps will be gibbed if the disposal belt is on.
Just with a flash. Shouldn't last longer than the ride to disposals.
It does though.
Bottom line, don't shove people down disposals unless you want them dead, don't want non-antagonists dead if you're security, don't be Kantrol. Simple enough.
btek Wrote:Kantrol, let me put it in as simple terms as i can.

People shouldn't have to expect a high probability of death for breaking in a room. It's a huge dick move and even I, being as shitty as i am, understand this.

It, however, amusingly pisses people off to no end if you jack their shit though and imo, they deserved it.

What typically happens when you break into someones area when they're in there?

(hint: It's something with a high probability of death generally)

BlackPhoenix Wrote:
Trevor Wrote:When there's five assistants running around inside security breaking and throwing things and farting and screaming then it's no longer considered "rude" to stun and flush them all, right?
Well no, then you should just flash or stun them and chuck them out of security, maybe brig 'em for a bit. Also, adminhelp that, because at that point it sounds like they're pulling a shitty assistant revolution gimmick, and they really need to be shut down. The difference between stunning them and stunning them then throwing them down disposals is that disposals can kill them. There's a crusher in there.

Kantrol, I don't understand why it is so hard for you to get that it's not okay to send people to a possible death, just because they were in a room. Saying "Well they were in the room, they deserved to die if they died" is shitty. Take their shoes, fart on them, whatever, then kick them out. Don't end their game just because they were in a room. There have been security jobbans for people arresting and then killing people for being in a room that the officer didn't want them in from my memory. As security, the only people you should ever consider killing are wizards, syndicates, changelings, vampires, traitors, and spies. Not Newguy McBreakingandentering.

If they don't want a disposal ride, they shouldn't break into places they dont belong.

I would be amazed if anyone ever in the history of gibbed has gotten banned for flushing someone. That is the risk you take for breaking into somewhere you dont belong.

Anyone saying otherwise is being disingenuous. Break into chemistry/robotics/electronics and find out what happens for yourself.
I can safely say that every time I have ever broken into anywhere I have never, ever been killed just for breaking in. Just rushing into Sec just gets you stunned and brigged/tossed out and no one in Chemistry ever cares, it's usually been thermited into Medbay by the 15 minute mark anyway. Robotics usually assumes that you either want to be borged or you want a flash, and they don't really care either. Electronics guys will just immediately stunglove you and fart on you.

What exactly is the purpose of this thread again? Because it's become "Let's yell at kantrol for being terrible." Was it about it being okay to torture people? Because that's creepy and it's not really feasible to think you can keep it not creepy. Let's just forget all about this terrible thread.
Dachshundofdoom Wrote:I can safely say that every time I have ever broken into anywhere I have never, ever been killed just for breaking in. Just rushing into Sec just gets you stunned and brigged/tossed out and no one in Chemistry ever cares, it's usually been thermited into Medbay by the 15 minute mark anyway. Robotics usually assumes that you either want to be borged or you want a flash, and they don't really care either. Electronics guys will just immediately stunglove you and fart on you.

What exactly is the purpose of this thread again? Because it's become "Let's yell at kantrol for being terrible." Was it about it being okay to torture people? Because that's creepy and it's not really feasible to think you can keep it not creepy. Let's just forget all about this terrible thread.

That is some insanely sick anecdotal evidence. Anecdotal evidence is the best kind of evidence so you win this battle of wits bro!

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