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quick question
BlackPhoenix Wrote:But yeah, seriously, I can't be the only one who thinks people constantly screaming "RUDE NERD I'M SUPER ROBUST" is getting kinda old. Like, I've done it a lot too but now that I noticed it I've been cutting down a lot because it's just getting lame.
I'm fairly sure most people doing that are doing it...(ugh it pains me to say this...) ironically.
Readster Wrote:
BlackPhoenix Wrote:But yeah, seriously, I can't be the only one who thinks people constantly screaming "RUDE NERD I'M SUPER ROBUST" is getting kinda old. Like, I've done it a lot too but now that I noticed it I've been cutting down a lot because it's just getting lame.
I'm fairly sure most people doing that are doing it...(ugh it pains me to say this...) ironically.
I assumed everyone was. Doesn't make it less lame.
I can assure you some people say it seriously, and those people are lame as heck!
When I call someone a nerd I mean You Are A Fucking Nerd. Also I like calling someone a nerd more than just calling them a fucker or something boring.
KikiMofo Wrote:When I call someone a nerd I mean You Are A Fucking Nerd. Also I like calling someone a nerd more than just calling them a fucker or something boring.
Same. Funnily enough it's my staple insult for people who are/consider themselves to be "robust"
Nothing like beating up someone then adding salt to the wound by calling them a nerd.
kill all people who are self proclaimed "robust as hell Smug"
When I call someone rude it's because they were being rude so confused

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