11-19-2013, 11:53 PM
We should just have rounds where all assistants start in the brig and have to break out. Gray tide motherfucker!
New Antag Idea: Prisoner
11-19-2013, 11:53 PM
We should just have rounds where all assistants start in the brig and have to break out. Gray tide motherfucker!
11-20-2013, 01:03 AM
VictorMAngoStein Wrote:We should just have rounds where all assistants start in the brig and have to break out. Gray tide motherfucker! 9 times out of 10, it would end like that time an admin respawned all the ghosts as nuke ops on the Syndie Shuttle. (Someone fired their revolver. Two ops survived the microbomb chain reaction.)
11-20-2013, 08:27 PM
That's hilarious but why would prisoners start with microbombs?
11-20-2013, 08:47 PM
Idea to make a prisoner antag more interesting.
Prisoner game mode: 1 prisoner in brig. 2/3 unknown accomplices, disguised in the crew and only given the objective to break the prisoner out using whatever tools they can find. To make things more interesting the acomplices might have little to no traitor items, because then they have to steal what they can in order to break the dude out, or barge into security and try to avoid stun batons and taser fire. Security will know the prisoner will have people trying to break them out, but that's the point, it's traitor hardmode with the traitors being forced to whip up an escape plan that won't harm the prisoner but will break them out. e.g Preferably break the prisoner out without getting them killed in the process. Killing the prisoner as security or a member of the crew is probably metagaming and less fun. Instead the crews objective should be capture or kill the accomplices and then call the shuttle.
11-21-2013, 11:40 PM
Sounds like a good idea but security should have an objective to straight up protect the prisoner (he knows the syndicate plan of attack or something.)
Certain "accomplices" might turn out to be operatives sent to kill the prisoner and would have to convince the other operatives that they want to free him.
11-22-2013, 07:35 AM
The two issues with Prisoner round are
1) A player gets to sit in the brig for however long it takes someone else to bust out. I.E. no gameplay until an outside force decides it's time for that player to actually be able to do something. 2) Guards have no real reason not to do whatever they want to with the prisoner. Sure, killing or welding inside a locker might be a bit much, but there's nothing stopping them from crating the prisoner and flying him out to Zeta, or whatever. Therefore, the two big hurdles to take care of are A: giving that player something to actually do while waiting for rescue. And B: giving a foolproof way for whoever will be rescuing the prisoner a way to find them. That's why I suggested the infiltrator android, it gives the player a character to control, and since he can just bop back over to his own body, he'll always know where he's located. Tying it into an ID tracker or radio means that all the guards have to do is remove the ID or radio, and he's effectively invisible to his saviors.
11-22-2013, 09:40 AM
To solve most problems: 1. Make sure the prisoner(s) is alive and unharmed in the brig at the end of the round.
(Oh, and it's like Rev, if you're in a locker, it doesn't count)
11-22-2013, 11:13 AM
How does that solve the first problem? I mean, the very concept of bucklecuffing was so heinous that they made it so you can always remove handcuffs, even when strapped to a chair. And yet you're suggesting bucklecuffing an entire job, from the start of the round, indefinitely, until someone else manages to give them something to do? You have to find a way to fix that before it's a viable idea.
11-28-2013, 08:42 AM
Prisoner is always an alien NPC. The various factions have to pull it around, and have different places they want it to be. The round is on a timer. If the prisoner dies or is disfigured before the timer the round ends and everyone loses.
Assistants, bartenders, chefs want the prisoner in the bar area. Science and medical types want it in the test chamber. Security and Command want it in solitary. Engineering, mechanics, QM want it on the engine. The prisoner ticks every once in a while and records its location to award points to the relevant faction. Murder is prohibited for all parties.
11-28-2013, 09:05 AM
discussed in IRC, but i think it could do with being on the forum and is possibly a simple and easy idea for a prisoner:
An escaped convict starts at the derelict part of the station near a broken down pod that was used during his escape from X prison colony number 5 or something. his objectives are as follows, do crime, don't get caught. he gets no equipment and spawns in with nothing but his orange jumpsuit and shoes, and maybe a backpack and has to avoid getting caught and returned to prison while also doing crime stuff like mugging people and killing and stuff. this guy IS an antagonist and so is allowed to murder whoever he wants, he just doesn't get any equipment.
11-28-2013, 09:08 AM
actually the diner would be a better starting point.
11-28-2013, 09:48 AM
OK I'm very sorry to interrupt but what is the point in an antagonist role that is as blatantly obvious as a wizard yet as unarmed and killable as a naked handcuffed syndicate? He'll just be brutally murdered constantly as people search for anyone in orange jumpsuits, crashed pods or simply warp to the diner and beat him to death with their fists.
Without gear he's just an uninteresting, unprepared and super obvious traitor. If he's to be interesting at all, he needs some sort of advantage. He can't just spawn fuckoff-far-away in space naked and be expected to be enjoyable! If he gets no equipment he has to get some sort of shifty, super-sweet advantage; his prison lyfe has given him a stronger melee hit, a nigh-unflinchable resistance to stuns and disarms, but the disadvantage that his implanted Prison Dude beacon removes his ability to use electronic weapons. Pros: - great with a knife or other melee weapon - shifty and quick and unflinching Cons: - obvious and very under-equipped at the start - unable to use lasers, tasers, eguns or phasers Turns from a game of beat-the-dude-in-orange-to-death to a shifty, stabby bastard hiding in maintenance with a knack for the one thing other antaganist roles do not have: unarmed combat! And if he's in prison at the end of the round, no matter what his objectives were, he loses. If we were to expand on this, you could pick a few variants of shit you want to have; could be shifty-stabby dude as above, or you could be a magician with hacking; all wires show what they do without needing to test them, your PDA can wirelessly open, close and bolt doors with a click from it in your hand, and you start with a Robotic Speech implant maybe? idk just ideas
11-28-2013, 11:24 AM
the point is to be a traitor hardmode, also the idea of spawning at the diner is that you go to the station to do crime with one of the pods there, how the hell would anyone get to the diner so quick as to beat you to death? also, no one gets a notification that there is a convict on the loose, he just shows up as hes escaped from the prison station or something, if security finds out about him they should try to take him alive.
having no gear also means that he has to work his way up from nothing, like stabbing an assistant just for his clothes and ID. not sure about the good melee stuff, it'd be cool probably, just don't give him reduced stuns.
11-28-2013, 01:39 PM
Shoddy Wrote:having no gear also means that he has to work his way up from nothing, like stabbing an assistant just for his clothes and ID. Of course, if you start in the diner wearing orange, changing clothes is just a matter of mugging Father Jack or Shitty Bill, or vending clothes from the cooking area. The crew can't execute the Chef, Chaplain AND the HOS.
11-28-2013, 04:29 PM
I really can't see a prisoner mode working as anything other than a custom and heavily babysat admin-run round.
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