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Escape pod idea (Cash rules all around me)
An emag wouldn't work anyway since the pod isn't spawned until the point someone puts the cash in? Unless you're talking about a traitor running up and emagging it in the 5 second window between someone getting into the pod and blasting off
What I meant: Shove the emag into the slot. 100% Escape Pod with golden tint for free pops out nice and shiny. You get into the pod. You escape. You are happy.

You avoid the shitfest that pops up during the 3 minute escape shuttle chaos phase. You also get a free ride home without paying. Its does not fulfill the escape alone by hijacking the shuttle goal.

Additionally when you use an golden pod more likely than not an assistant will attempt to drag you out and kill you over the free pod.
ah okay I like that idea.
giving someone a risk-free escape for a 4 telecrystal item? An item that can ALREADY pretty much do anything?

If a traitor wants to use a pod to escape, there should be some risk to it. The shuttle should be the only 100% option.

Personally, I'd rather prefer to emag all the escape pod controls and kill all the jerks that I couldn't kill on the shuttle than guarantee myself a lame escape with no risk.
UrsulaMejor Wrote:giving someone a risk-free escape for a 4 telecrystal item? An item that can ALREADY pretty much do anything?

If a traitor wants to use a pod to escape, there should be some risk to it. The shuttle should be the only 100% option.

Personally, I'd rather prefer to emag all the escape pod controls and kill all the jerks that I couldn't kill on the shuttle than guarantee myself a lame escape with no risk.

I agree emag does alot of things, but I could imagine a traitor just emagging all the escape pods for the fun of it, and then we'd be back to square 1 of nobody boarding the damn things because of fear they'll blow up.

An idea that would satisfy both parties
What if emagging it just randomises what grade of escape pod comes out?
So if you emagged it, you could put in say the minimum amount, and you might get a gold pod.
On the other hand, some poor loser that has come alot to an emagged slot may put in the maximum amount and possibly get a bronze pod. big grin big grin
Make it possible to bypass the whole system and make a pod with 20% success by attaching an air-tank to a segway, and adding a glass panel

For insane MacGuyver escapes
Traitors should be able to have jumping in an escape pod count as "Escape alive"...if it doesn't blow up.
I am assuming that the buy-a-pod thing comes with only one pod, one use only.

Assuming people haven't wrecked it or used it up.
Katznelson Wrote:I am assuming that the buy-a-pod thing comes with only one pod, one use only.

Assuming people haven't wrecked it or used it up.

You assume correct.
MyBlueCorners Wrote:I think it would be funny if escape pods had a very small chance of crash landing somewhere. Imagine blacking out while your pod spirals out of control only to wake up stranded on the ice moon next to a wreckage.

this was a planned feature actually
SOS signals from the crashed pods are sent out.

A rescue/salvage team is sent to find them.
In lieu of this planned feature, I'm gonna make some small crash site maps. Including my Haunted mansion idea.
alternate idea: if you emag the console, it lowers the pod's survival chance to anywhere from 0-30% and has the pod blow up like how it does now

when it blows up either this or this plays
#Top100ofthebestideasIhaveeverseen #Youhavemysupport ##arecoolsandfun
I think the best time to place make escape pod changes will be changing map to COGS2. It have a lot of fucking escape pod places and I think that would be awesome use for it.

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