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TermOS/ThinkDOS Explanation (Request?)
Okay, stupid question but... how do you get the board out of the mainframe? I used every tool on it but all I succeed in doing is hitting it.
Never mind, I figured it out. Power needs to be off, heh.
Triple post yeah! Very sorry, but yeah. So I can reboot DWAINE on Zeta but there's basically nothing in there? You could login but that's it, the only directories /mnt contains are radio and two printers. I tried using OS recovery from the station too but the result is the same.

Are the other directories, like control for example, stored on the Master Tape or something? I can't figure out how to use it though.
haven't done it myself but I've noticed the nuke control program starts on the RD's computer back at the home station. so I guess if you took the tape out of your computer and brought it to Zeta you could blow up the nuke.
The way I understand it all programs in DWAINE are stored on the mainframe. And I did in fact try taking out the Master Tape from the computer core, but the effects of using it was the same as using the Master Tape the RD starts with (i.e. nothing).
I dunno about that, I think stuff is stored on the tapes in the databases. you can access the artlab programs from any system on the network but you're still pulling it from the database in the Artifact Lab room, I guess control is in the buddy room, rd-office is the rd's office and uhh there are a few others.
Did you not notice the other tape in the recovery box? That's where all the programs are.
Other tape? The Recovery box contains one OS Recovery tape, two memory boards and a piece of paper with instructions on it.
the tape goes into the databases (things that look like old 1970s reel to reel computers), the memory board goes into the mainframe (the big mean looking thing surrounded by a magshield). I think.
mozi Wrote:the tape goes into the databases (things that look like old 1970s reel to reel computers), the memory board goes into the mainframe (the big mean looking thing surrounded by a magshield). I think.

Yes, I already know that. The problem here is that using the OS recovery kit (which includes an OS backup tape and some memory boards that you don't really need, since there's already one in the mainframe) to recover the mainframe gives you the very basics of DWAINE but with no programs, which kind of defeats the purpose.

As I mentioned before I suspect the programs are stored on the Master tape, but am unsure how to load them into the mainframe. Just sticking it into the databank doesn't do anything, and if I cycle mainframe power for some reason that undos the OS backup. And there's only one working databank on Zeta so I can't have both the OS recovery and the Master tape in banks at the same time.
I've spent a lot of time trying to arm the nuke on zeta as a right of passage.
I've never been able to get the files working honestly, I'm planning on stealing the tape from the station databank at some point and trying that. I don't think there is any way to get all the files to show up again on zeta itself because most of the databanks are broken.

Though I suppose if you knew what you were doing you might be able to activate it using the radio commands but I still struggle with those.
Readster Wrote:I've spent a lot of time trying to arm the nuke on zeta as a right of passage.
I've never been able to get the files working honestly, I'm planning on stealing the tape from the station databank at some point and trying that. I don't think there is any way to get all the files to show up again on zeta itself because most of the databanks are broken.

Though I suppose if you knew what you were doing you might be able to activate it using the radio commands but I still struggle with those.

Well, I already tried that. As I said the problem is I don't know how to get the stuff in the Master tape into Zeta's DWAINE: normally you just pop it into a databank but that doesn't seem to work on Zeta.

I may try to delete and recover the main station's DWAINE to see if the no programs thing is normal when you recover it or whether it's a Zeta thing.
Okay, I experimented on the main station's DWAINE and the OS Recovery does indeed include only the bare essentials, you need the Master tape to get Control. It seems however that it only works when it's put in the "Control" databank, in any other databank it doesn't work?

If this is the case then it appears getting Zeta's DWAINE up is impossible, as it only contains one unspecialised databank.
Embolism Wrote:It seems however that it only works when it's put in the "Control" databank, in any other databank it doesn't work.
Well no the name of the bank doesn't matter.
I guess the real problem is that I keep forgetting that the zeta derelict is still on the map and can't work up the effort to make it more reliably repairable.

Also the whole "only one APC for both the mainframe and databanks" thing is probably grumping it up.
AngriestIBM Wrote:
Embolism Wrote:It seems however that it only works when it's put in the "Control" databank, in any other databank it doesn't work.
Well no the name of the bank doesn't matter.
I guess the real problem is that I keep forgetting that the zeta derelict is still on the map and can't work up the effort to make it more reliably repairable.

Also the whole "only one APC for both the mainframe and databanks" thing is probably grumping it up.

That's probably it. The Control Databank shares its APC with the Mainframe, that's probably what's causing the discrepancy.

There's actually a second APC in the Zeta Mainframe room but it seems to control everything like the RD's APC does.

Also, this isn't relevant to the topic but Zeta's Solars are very weird. When you get it right it generates a respectable amount of power but that quickly reduces to nothing no matter what direction you rotate the panels in and how fast.

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