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So, I'm not sure how to really report this- terrible round.
Sundance, again, this is a basic rule of human interaction: someone tells you they're uncomfortable with something, it is the decent thing to do to take their word for it. You may think it's unique, but sometimes that concept can be relative and you aren't the arbiter of what crosses the line for other people. Now, you're perfectly entitled to say "this didn't cross the line for me, I'm fine with this" and that's valid, but you should not then castiage someone for their own opinion. This kind of thing, to me, falls in a grey area. It's fine to go online and check what people's opinion is on it, and you can then conclude that it seems most people were fine with it. One is still allowed to opt out and not like it though, it's not like anyone is gonna be punished for this. Sorry for being longwinded.

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