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The Solar Flare, a Radstorm replacement
So it is pretty much known that a lot of people hate radstorms (except me.) I have an idea for an event similar to radstorms but changed a bit.

The Solar Flare event would start out like this:
A CME wave has been detected on a collision course with the station, all personell must head indoors and shut down all vital electronics until it passes
ETA X Minutes.

If you are in space when the flare hits, you would start taking burn damage at an extreme rate (it is lowered a bit if you have industrial armor on) and you will also take a sizable chunk of rads (again, industrial armor softens this) making it very important to actually be on solid ground when it hits.
Secondly, the flare affects all machinery on the station, making it important to shut off all vital equipment.
If an SMES has its input activated (I think that is in the game right? input power toggle?) when the flare hits, it will start charging extremely fast and overload.
If lights are on when the flare hits, they burst.
If an APC's main breaker is on when the flare hits, the APC will charge extremely fast and give out mild to extremely deadly Arc Flashes.
When the storm hits, the cyborgs wont take damage, but due to the electrical interference their screens will go all wonky and glitch out until it passes.
Etc. Etc.

It is supposed to be an alternative to the boring radstorm. When a radstorm hits everyone just thinks "Well shit I gotta hide in maint" and not much more than that, even though its supposed to be a big deal. Rather, the crew actually has to panic and work together to make sure that they don't get killed instantly by all of the lightning and explosions (plus the fact that all of their precious technology would be damaged.)
in a sense though, this is just a fleshed out Radstorm.

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