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The Solar Flare, a Radstorm replacement - Printable Version

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The Solar Flare, a Radstorm replacement - Lavastage - 01-24-2014

So it is pretty much known that a lot of people hate radstorms (except me.) I have an idea for an event similar to radstorms but changed a bit.

The Solar Flare event would start out like this:
A CME wave has been detected on a collision course with the station, all personell must head indoors and shut down all vital electronics until it passes
ETA X Minutes.

If you are in space when the flare hits, you would start taking burn damage at an extreme rate (it is lowered a bit if you have industrial armor on) and you will also take a sizable chunk of rads (again, industrial armor softens this) making it very important to actually be on solid ground when it hits.
Secondly, the flare affects all machinery on the station, making it important to shut off all vital equipment.
If an SMES has its input activated (I think that is in the game right? input power toggle?) when the flare hits, it will start charging extremely fast and overload.
If lights are on when the flare hits, they burst.
If an APC's main breaker is on when the flare hits, the APC will charge extremely fast and give out mild to extremely deadly Arc Flashes.
When the storm hits, the cyborgs wont take damage, but due to the electrical interference their screens will go all wonky and glitch out until it passes.
Etc. Etc.

It is supposed to be an alternative to the boring radstorm. When a radstorm hits everyone just thinks "Well shit I gotta hide in maint" and not much more than that, even though its supposed to be a big deal. Rather, the crew actually has to panic and work together to make sure that they don't get killed instantly by all of the lightning and explosions (plus the fact that all of their precious technology would be damaged.)
in a sense though, this is just a fleshed out Radstorm.

Re: The Solar Flare, a Radstorm replacement - McDogles - 01-24-2014

Do Radstorms even happen without admin's making it anymore? The last natural storm I can remember was way back on mushroom station.

Re: The Solar Flare, a Radstorm replacement - Lavastage - 01-24-2014

McDogles Wrote:Do Radstorms even happen without admin's making it anymore? The last natural storm I can remember was way back on mushroom station.
yeah it is admin toggled. it used to be natural but then some nerd turned that off.

Re: The Solar Flare, a Radstorm replacement - Dauntasa - 01-24-2014

there's already something called a solar flare

Re: The Solar Flare, a Radstorm replacement - Lavastage - 01-24-2014

Dauntasa Wrote:there's already something called a solar flare
oh shit right, I forgot about that...

Re: The Solar Flare, a Radstorm replacement - ISaidNo - 01-24-2014

Do you mean blowouts (ie space turns red, screen shakes, air raid siren blares and everyone not in maint gets irradiated to fuck) or radiation storms (everyone unavoidably gets a bit irradiated)?
The former is admin only, the latter I was planning to change anyway.

Re: The Solar Flare, a Radstorm replacement - Lavastage - 01-24-2014

ISaidNo Wrote:Do you mean blowouts (ie space turns red, screen shakes, air raid siren blares and everyone not in maint gets irradiated to fuck) or radiation storms (everyone unavoidably gets a bit irradiated)?
The former is admin only, the latter I was planning to change anyway.
Yeah I meant the blowout (I thought it still was called a radstorm) I knew it was admin only but it is kind of bland I admit. it would be nice to have something else other than just huddling in a spot for 3 minutes. Though I'm not saying the radstorm needs to be replaced completely, just something new would be nice.

Re: The Solar Flare, a Radstorm replacement - ISaidNo - 01-24-2014

I'm basically going to try and make most events where some unavoidable shit happens become avoidable. I changed black holes recently and will work on others soon.

Re: The Solar Flare, a Radstorm replacement - Klayboxx - 01-24-2014

I miss blowouts frown

It was fun to be stuffed into a tiny dark corridor with people you don't trust. Then one of them pulls out a c-saber and everyone kinda stands around trying to click on each other because the screen is shaking. lolololerlerlslzollin'

Re: The Solar Flare, a Radstorm replacement - KikiMofo - 01-25-2014

Klayboxx Wrote:I miss blowouts frown

It was fun to be stuffed into a tiny dark corridor with people you don't trust. Then one of them pulls out a c-saber and everyone kinda stands around trying to click on each other because the screen is shaking. lolololerlerlslzollin'
Yeah I loved that. I mean it was shit when it happened every round but it was still cool every once in a while.

Re: The Solar Flare, a Radstorm replacement - Zadeon - 01-26-2014

How about something opposite of the gravitational portal event? Instead of teleporting people to other places, it would teleport stuff to the station. So a random portal(s) could open up and start sending anything to the station for a short time. This would let you spawn artifacts and other things.

Re: The Solar Flare, a Radstorm replacement - mozi - 01-26-2014

KikiMofo Wrote:
Klayboxx Wrote:I miss blowouts frown

It was fun to be stuffed into a tiny dark corridor with people you don't trust. Then one of them pulls out a c-saber and everyone kinda stands around trying to click on each other because the screen is shaking. lolololerlerlslzollin'
Yeah I loved that. I mean it was shit when it happened every round but it was still cool every once in a while.

I especially loved it on early shroom where there were only a few maintenance corridors so you have to make a strategic decision: do I risk the radiation damage or the inevitable chaos of a dozen crewmembers in one cramped space

Re: The Solar Flare, a Radstorm replacement - Dauntasa - 01-26-2014

nobody would have minded the blowouts if they didn't break all the damn lights

like "here, hide in the tunnels for a few minutes and then there will be artifacts everywhere" was fine but everyone hated them because after they were over nobody could fucking see anymore

Re: The Solar Flare, a Radstorm replacement - Lavastage - 01-26-2014

Wonkmin Wrote:I like to trigger the blowouts as they spawn artifacts, and artifacts are fun.

If we get rid of the radstorm, can we come up with another way to 'create' artifacts in a strange space way?
I mean, this event could cause it too, it would be funny running around escaping the maniac with a c sabre only to have an artifact pop out of nowhere, blocking your path.
Klayboxx Wrote:I miss blowouts frown

It was fun to be stuffed into a tiny dark corridor with people you don't trust. Then one of them pulls out a c-saber and everyone kinda stands around trying to click on each other because the screen is shaking. lolololerlerlslzollin'
to be honest I miss them too, they were fun.
Dauntasa Wrote:nobody would have minded the blowouts if they didn't break all the damn lights

like "here, hide in the tunnels for a few minutes and then there will be artifacts everywhere" was fine but everyone hated them because after they were over nobody could fucking see anymore
I don't really remember them blowing any lights...

Re: The Solar Flare, a Radstorm replacement - ISaidNo - 01-26-2014

Regular rotation radstorm has been replaced with something a bit more dynamic.