05-12-2017, 10:12 AM
Post some ideas for items to be found in crates, by exploration, or rare merchants
- Jet Boots: Let's you move though space as if you had a jetpack
- Flaming Martian Gauntlets: Gloves that do burn damage on punches
- Wizzo's X-Ray Specs: Let's you see through walls (By making them invisible) makes everyone look like skeletons
- Yeti's earmuffs: Provides complete protection against the coldest climates, even the vacuum of space
- Titan's Ring: Confers hulk strength when worn
- Pocket Locker: A locker you can pick up and place in your pocket by dragging it to yourself
- Technicolor Coat: A coat you can use in hand to set the RGB values
- Frog Uniform: Confers jumping mutation while wearing, let's you croak instead of scream