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Overheard On The Station (And Elsewhere)
Majoosh the Magic (as Majoosh) says, "I didn't know my staff floated."
Dimey Nickels asks, "Well it's mostly made of wood, right?"
Dimey Nickels says, "I think that's wood."
Dimey Nickels says, "I don't really wanna check."
Majoosh the Magic (as Majoosh) says, "Mahogony."
Dimey Nickels says, "Ooh, fancy."
Majoosh the Magic (as Majoosh) says, "Yes, from a particuarly evil tree."
Dimey Nickels says, "No wonder it's so spooky."
Majoosh the Magic (as Majoosh) says, "I know right."
Majoosh the Magic (as Majoosh) says, "That tree ate like three people."
Dimey Nickels says, "Dag."

DEAD: Ghost (space owl) moans, "fuck you old man"

Majoosh the Lucky says, "Nice fancy suit ya git there."
Nathan Zabloaf says, "Thanks. Custom-made."
Nathan Zabloaf says, "Horns were 5 credits at an intergalactic party store."
Adrian Oppenheimer releases gas with the power of the gods! The very station trembles!!
Majoosh the Lucky says, "Nice, those would be at least 10 in any wizard fed party store."
Nathan Zabloaf says, "Must be those sanctions or somethin'."
Nathan Zabloaf asks, "Hey, did you see where that shuttle docked?"
Majoosh the Lucky says, "Yeah, wizbiz economics. The red tape is terrible."

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