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Basic Antags on LLJK1 are *very* needed
All the issues with the RP server can be solved if it stops being stuck in Extended Mode. When I had to stop playing last May the RP and the LLJK2 Servers both had a decent number of players daily and then I come back and wanted to try the RP server, it was on extended so I don't even bother. Extended mode sucks. Before you say it was because Summer started and that was the reason why they both had decent amount of players on both servers. I concede that played a factor in that but the biggest factor was that it was not extended mode. Even on the weekends outside of summer we still get a lot of players and the RP server still remains a ghost town.

Get rid of extended mode and add more antags to it and people will return to RP.

RP? More like R.I.P.

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RE: Basic Antags on LLJK1 are *very* needed - by Ed Venture - 03-09-2017, 04:43 PM

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